My man, my man friend, my lover, my buddy, my ‘whatever you so choose to call him’, is out on the town tonight. He is on a blind date, of sorts. He’s meeting a woman who happens to be staying in the city for a couple of nights. It’s not really a blind date because he has actually met her before, very briefly, when he was travelling. They exchanged email addresses and have been conversing over the internet ever since.
She’s witty, intellectual and attractive in every sense. They have developed a good rapport.
Subtle insinuations have also been exchanged. Less subtle conversations have taken place.
She has explained how she is a woman who considers sexual liberty to be a priority in her life. She has explained that she enjoys sex. It doesn’t have to mean anything, as far as emotional attachment but so much the better if it does. He, in turn, has explained his views on sex and sexuality, defining key points regarding sexual attachment and indeed sexual non-attachment.
They both agree that sex can be the most vital and life-enhancing thing when it is part of a strong, abiding and intimate relationship. But they also agree that sex does not have to be limited to such situations. Let’s face facts; it is actually very rare indeed to meet a person that ticks all the boxes or hits all the buttons as far as sexual, spiritual, emotional, physical, instinctual, intellectual attraction is concerned. Why should one limit one’s sexual experience in the often vain hope of finding such a connected person and being able to sustain such a relationship?
They both agree that if two attractive human beings are enjoying one another’s company, then what could be more natural than completing the evening with a fuck? Nothing more than the loveliness of human contact and a sharing and receiving of sexual wonderment! The sex can be incredibly stimulating. The throwing away of conformity in itself is sexually arousing.
You don’t actually need the emotional attachment to enjoy sex. Funnily enough, that is why the pornography industry thrives. I think that point has been proven.
Furthermore, they also both agree that sex can also take place just to satisfy a need in another person. Sex is a vital part of peoples’ lives and if someone has the foresight to actually acknowledge this, then irrespective of attraction, another sexual being should possibly do their duty and just go ahead and fuck the person who requests some action.
They haven’t actually discussed whether they will have sex tonight. They probably don’t need to. It is probably best to just go with the flow and see what happens rather than have the awkwardness of an expectation that they no longer feel a desire to oblige.
She is in a relationship. She has been in this relationship for about ten years. It is a strong and content relationship whereby she is totally committed to her partner. Yet she is a woman of sexual need and whilst she is travelling throughout Europe, she enjoys the company of men to take her out for a meal, or walk her round the streets of an unknown city and finally emptying their spunk into the carefully provided condoms that she carries with her in case her need requires one.
As for her partner, well, he doesn’t know about this. He is unaware of her dalliances with other men. He knows that she is a sexual being and he thinks that what he provides is sufficient to satisfy her on her travels.
But this woman is no hamster and sex is not something that you can store in a little pouch either side of your mouth, and just take out when the need arises. Oh, were it that simple!
My man is not in a relationship; not in the conventional sense. He is certainly not in an exclusive relationship by both choice and default. One could argue that he fucks a friend but it is actually a little more than that. In my opinion, it is considerably more than that. Fucking a friend sounds somewhat recreational, and whilst recreational sex plays a part in our relationship, it is not the most important part of our sexual togetherness.
This whole thing is utterly confusing, not in a dramatic way, not in a threatening way. It is just confused by so many aspects.
I feel like drawing a kind of mind map, split into halves, with all the positives and meanings and relationships and connotations on one side, and all the negatives and meanings and relationships and connotations on the other.
I want to make this abundantly clear. My writing about this is not to try and decipher any meaning or conclusion. My writing is not part of a prolonged angst that I have. It is merely a fascination in the swaying moods and the fluctuations of thoughts that I have on the subject.
The other day, my friend told me how about a year ago he had slept with another woman. When I say slept, I mean that they had slept in the same bed. He’d decided that he didn’t really want to fuck her, and she hadn’t wanted that either. However, when they woke in the morning, she just leant over towards him and kissed him. Whilst doing this, she allowed her hand to wander over his cock and rub some morning horniness into him. He reciprocated, not necessarily out of a desire or attraction to this woman but just because he instinctively felt that this was the right thing to do. He pushed his fingers inside her, reached towards her G-Spot that she had almost forgotten existed, and then she came.
Nothing else happened. He rubbed his cock against her pussy but he didn’t slide in. He kissed her gently whilst she was lying in post-climatic bliss, got up, showered and went on his way.
So, where is all of this leading to?
I honestly don’t know. I am not sure it is leading anywhere other than making observations about different people’s sexuality and portraying the different ways that people have ‘relationships’.
What feels right for one person may not feel right for another. What feels right for one person at a given time and situation, may feel totally wrong in a similar yet slightly different situation.
Sex, life, love, relationships – they would all be so much easier if there weren’t rules and regulations. In some ways, it would be easier if the conformity was non-conformity.
Sex, the act, should be as simple as any other instinctual need in life. It should be about two people coming together to enjoy the physical act of expressing their sexuality. That is all it is.
But is it really that simple? If sex is just a physical act that happens to feel rather delightful, then why are there so many hang ups associated with it? Why is it not as simple as kissing when you greet someone? Why is it not that simple?
I’m not actually sure that I have the answer because if you make sex that simplified, that matter of fact, does it not lose some of its power in its normality of function? Does it not lose a little magic or is the type of sex I am talking about purely that of a physical pleasure and the magic is totally in the physical reaction? And if it is, is that enough or is that just like masturbation really?
You see, however glibly (if that is an appropriate word to use) you look at sex, however liberated and shackle free you are about sex, you still cannot take away the fact that the sex that is the very essence of being is not simply a physical act. It cannot be because the physical aspect of sex is only one part of it. The emotional attachment, the reaching and grasping of the mind and spirit, the almost paralysing intensity of love-making – that is the pinnacle of sexuality, of life.
Do we really want to lose that? Could we lose it by being too casual about our own sexuality?
My friend and his female companion would argue that casual, recreational sex is totally different to what I am talking about, and they would be right. My friend and the travelling woman would say that giving someone a fuck because they really want it is perfectly sensible and a normal reaction to a needy person. You wouldn’t walk passed a stranger in pain so why would you allow a friend or acquaintance be sexually needy if you could do something about it?
The point is that people do confuse the different aspects of sex and that is where the problems arise. Sometimes the confusion or the muddying of waters takes place even if it was not intended.
What, for example, would happen if one of the parties involved in casual or recreational sex decided that this intimacy had a meaning that was not intended by the other party; that they took the passion and excitement of the moment to mean something else – believing that there was an emotional attachment too?
What if casual sex was accompanied by a growing fondness and togetherness that neither had intended to happen, yet clearly was present and there was nothing that could be done by denying the strength of feeling on both parts?
What may have started as a simple fuck had become something of significance.
What if there was a wonderful friendship that was ruined by the sexual intimacy?
What if? What if? Conundrums and confusions, scruples and secrecies!
Sex is NOT simple in any form.
The answer to the above questions is clearly that the “what if’s” are irrelevant, in some ways, because you should never concentrate on the ‘what if’s’ if the concentration on the future diminishes the here and now. ‘What if’ is rubbish and threatening and should really have no part in determining the instinct of the sexual moment.
But sometimes, however hard one tries to suppress it, the ‘what if’ is there.
Sex is an act. This act of sex can be part of a loving relationship or it can be part of a casual event. The two are very, very different.
My friend’s female companion can differentiate quite carefully between the two forms. So can my friend. So can I.
Most of the time.
Just because my lover decides to fuck another woman, does that take anything at all away from the intimacy that we share, the togetherness that we need, the consideration that we have for one another?
Just because this woman likes to have sex whilst she is travelling and working, does that take anything away from the intimacy of her partnership?
The obvious answer is no. It negates nothing. In some ways, it actually increases the intimacy especially when you can share one another’s sexuality. That is something that I am eternally grateful for.
I love his sexuality. I love that he is a sexual being who is expressive and upfront about his sexuality. I want him to enjoy his sexuality. But there is also a part of me that has suffered from so much conformity that it muddies my waters, my thoughts, however much I try and detach from these shackles. Sometimes, I cannot divorce these two separate sexual acts. Sometimes, I put all the sexuality together as one conglomerated block making huge assumptions that the sexuality that we share will be replicated with whoever he has sex with.
And then I look at such a sentence and think to myself, well what the hell is wrong with this being replicated, even if it did happen? Surely, if I have feelings for this man, I would actually hope that he did have that intimacy with another because it is the type of intimacy that should be experienced as often, as frequently as possible. And then the devil on the right shoulder turns around and says “But I want that to happen with just me!”
And quite frankly that is deeply selfish and self-indulgent, which rather goes against the liberty and freedom of sexuality itself.
I have to finish now but this is only the opening, the starting point to this discussion that I hope others will contribute.
Essentially, I hope my man has a wonderful time with this woman tonight. I hope he finds some sexual stimulation, some really satisfying sex and I hope that he will return from this evening able and willing to talk to me about all of this.
And as for others - well, the interpretation might be that neither of us can care that passionately for one another if we feel this ‘disregard’ for intimate sex. Can we really be passionate about one another if one has sex with another and the ‘partner’ is comfortable with that happening?
That is what some would say because conformity has made them think that way.
But they’d be missing the point………
More later.
Quote of the Week
"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"Aesop
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Partners in Crime: Part Three
“That was delicious!” said David as he polished off the remnants of food on his plate.
“Thank you” replied Jenny, smiling confidently at Jim, who responded to the cue and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.
The conversation between these four people had flowed as smoothly through the meal as it had done when the three of them walked up the mountain earlier in the day. Silence had ensued at the right times to appreciate the flavours that Jenny had put together.
Jim suggested that they all move through to the lounge to relax and savour the tastes lingering in their mouths, and gathering the bottle of wine on the table, they did as he had suggested.
Once more, a comfortable mixture of conversation and quietness arose. Subjects were discussed, varying from the state of the economy to the new organic food shop in the village.
Jenny told the others of her day in work, and Fiona showed everyone the photos that she had taken of her clamber up the mountain.
“So” said Jenny, “It must have been lovely for the two of you to have some quality time together.”
“Loosely translated as “Did you enjoy a glorious night of fucking and passion?”” David chuckled.
“Well, I wasn’t going to be that unsubtle!” she responded.
David laughed and said that indeed it had been wonderful to be able to have quality time and plenty of passion as well, thank you very much.
“Well, it is important to keep passion fresh in any relationship isn’t it?” said Jenny.
“I’m not sure that you can keep passion fresh in a contrived way” responded Fiona. “If passion needs to be worked on then it’s not very real. It should be instinctual. You should feel the passion instinctively that drives the physical and the emotional responses. I don’t know. Perhaps I am not explaining this very well”, she continued.
“No, I understand what you are saying” said Jenny. “There’s no point in trying to concoct passion. It’s either there or it isn’t but it is lovely to still have passion and still find different ways of expressing it.”
David agreed. He said that he felt very fortunate to be able to feel passion but passion itself came in various different shapes and sizes. Encouraged to explain further, and supported by the relaxation of consuming sufficient alcohol, he continued.
“I’m passionate about Fiona as a human being; for all that she is. I’m passionate about demonstrating my feelings through our sexual togetherness. I’m passionate about sex generally, and when I am with Fiona, that passion is realised in a different way.”
“How do you mean?” Jenny asked.
“Well, to put it bluntly” David said, “I have a passion for good sex. I like looking at sexy women. I like fucking sexy women. I enjoy my own sexuality and its response to sexy stimulation of all sorts. At this moment in time, my passion for sex is realised through my togetherness with Fiona and what we enjoy together. I suppose, what I am saying is there is a passion for sex that is separate to my passion for Fiona. What is wonderful is to realise and live both passions simultaneously.”
Jenny pondered this statement.
“Surely, the way to demonstrate your sexuality is inextricably linked with your passion for a person. Are you suggesting therefore, that you could still be passionate about sex with another person even though you are in a relationship with Fiona?”
“Of course” David responded. “I am passionate about sex. Just because I think of having sex with other people doesn’t diminish my feelings for Fiona. What I am saying is that it is particularly wonderful for me to be able to have the sort of passionate sex with Fiona that completely stimulates me. Passionate sex plus passion for a person is what I am particularly passionate about!”
Jenny looked slightly bewildered and turned her gaze to Jim, who was gently nodding in agreement.
“How do you feel about such a statement, Fiona?” she asked.
“I’m fine with the honesty of it” she said. “If one of the things that attracts me to David is his sexuality, then how can I deny it in other situations? If I adore his horniness, then I acknowledge that he is undoubtedly horny and excited when he is away from me. He is a sexual being irrespective of me. I’m just glad that he enjoys his sexuality with me in the way that we do, and that we can share a love of being sexual in a variety of ways. I think that the passion for sex is different from the passion for another person and when the two come together, then that is a wonderful, that is the most wonderful experience.”
“So what if he decided that he wanted to have sex with me, right now. How would you feel about that?”
“I’d be delighted” she answered, “I’d be doubly delighted if you felt that you could allow Jim and me to watch!”
Jim glared at her with a worried look on his face, as though she had taken this a step too far. A glimpse of this morning’s reality was returning, but she comforted him with an acknowledgement that she was going to explain further.
“I am just trying to explain that like David, I have a passion for sex. We are all sexual beings and the enjoyment of sex can come in different forms. The greatest sexuality for me is making love but that does not preclude other ways of being sexual. Enjoying other people’s sexuality is equally exciting and something that I am quite passionate about, and I think other people are too, if they are honest with themselves.”
Jenny contemplated once more. Silence filled the room but not in an awkward way.
“Well, Jim and I enjoy looking at porn together. Is that what you mean?” she said.
“Partly,” responded Fiona. “You enjoy watching other people having sex and that is part of your passion – a sexual passion. When you look at another person touching themselves and you get aroused, that is not taking away from your feelings for Jim. It is just accepting and appreciating sexuality. When you do it together, then that sexuality is somewhat intensified.”
“Mmmm; feeling a bit horny now, even discussing it!” responded Jenny with a giggle.
“We’re sexy people!” said David, and with that he pulled Fiona towards him with some force and kissed her with a very clear desire. He then slid her legs apart and traced his fingers up and down her thighs, dancing in anticipation.
“Do you two want to have sex now?” Jenny asked.
“Well, my cock’s pretty hard!” said David.
“Do it then!” said Jenny.
Jim looked at her in astonishment. She turned to him and smiled, moving her hand over his cock that was obviously as erect as David’s.
Fiona was delighted. Her clitoris was as erect as anything she could see and feel in front of her and she now wanted her man very badly. Was Jenny serious? Did she actually want to see the two of them fucking, just as Jim had done so this morning?
She looked down at David’s hand, resting restlessly on her thigh, and she pushed it further up towards her moist cunt.
David slid his fingers inside her panties, pressing the palm of his hand over her pubes whilst he kissed her passionately.
Fiona suddenly stood up in front of him. He looked at her, reached inside her skirt and pulled down her panties.
Once they were removed, he held them to his face and sniffed in her womanly smells, turning briefly to see how Jenny and Jim were dealing with this overt movement.
Jenny had already got Jim’s cock in her hand and was vigorously rubbing it whilst keeping an eye on the sexual progress of her friends.
David placed the discarded panties on the settee and unzipped his trousers. He pulled them away from him, leaving himself seated in his knickers. Fiona hitched up her skirt, pulled off her jumper and fed his cock into her luscious and lubricated pussy. She rode away with his hands clasped to her tits, looking behind her to see what was going on with Jim and Jenny.
Jenny smiled at her with one hand still on Jim’s cock and the other grasping her own cunt as though suppressing its rising need.
Fiona nodded her approval and then watched in delight as Jenny removed her panties and sat on Jim’s cock, replicating her own position.
These four people then happily continued with their own individual and collective passions.
Soon, all four were totally naked, all completely at one with one another in their combined sexuality, yet quite separate in so far that there was no breech of coupledom, in the strictest sense.
David lay Fiona down on the floor and slid himself inside her. Jenny followed suit, taking Jim down with her, riding him in a parallel position to the other couple.
It was sensational. It was explicit. It was divine to be watched and to watch. The room was filled with a myriad of passions and it all felt completely and utterly natural to be able to share one another’s love of life and love of sex.
This was a real experience. This was vivid and real and Fiona could barely believe it was happening.
“Thank you” replied Jenny, smiling confidently at Jim, who responded to the cue and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.
The conversation between these four people had flowed as smoothly through the meal as it had done when the three of them walked up the mountain earlier in the day. Silence had ensued at the right times to appreciate the flavours that Jenny had put together.
Jim suggested that they all move through to the lounge to relax and savour the tastes lingering in their mouths, and gathering the bottle of wine on the table, they did as he had suggested.
Once more, a comfortable mixture of conversation and quietness arose. Subjects were discussed, varying from the state of the economy to the new organic food shop in the village.
Jenny told the others of her day in work, and Fiona showed everyone the photos that she had taken of her clamber up the mountain.
“So” said Jenny, “It must have been lovely for the two of you to have some quality time together.”
“Loosely translated as “Did you enjoy a glorious night of fucking and passion?”” David chuckled.
“Well, I wasn’t going to be that unsubtle!” she responded.
David laughed and said that indeed it had been wonderful to be able to have quality time and plenty of passion as well, thank you very much.
“Well, it is important to keep passion fresh in any relationship isn’t it?” said Jenny.
“I’m not sure that you can keep passion fresh in a contrived way” responded Fiona. “If passion needs to be worked on then it’s not very real. It should be instinctual. You should feel the passion instinctively that drives the physical and the emotional responses. I don’t know. Perhaps I am not explaining this very well”, she continued.
“No, I understand what you are saying” said Jenny. “There’s no point in trying to concoct passion. It’s either there or it isn’t but it is lovely to still have passion and still find different ways of expressing it.”
David agreed. He said that he felt very fortunate to be able to feel passion but passion itself came in various different shapes and sizes. Encouraged to explain further, and supported by the relaxation of consuming sufficient alcohol, he continued.
“I’m passionate about Fiona as a human being; for all that she is. I’m passionate about demonstrating my feelings through our sexual togetherness. I’m passionate about sex generally, and when I am with Fiona, that passion is realised in a different way.”
“How do you mean?” Jenny asked.
“Well, to put it bluntly” David said, “I have a passion for good sex. I like looking at sexy women. I like fucking sexy women. I enjoy my own sexuality and its response to sexy stimulation of all sorts. At this moment in time, my passion for sex is realised through my togetherness with Fiona and what we enjoy together. I suppose, what I am saying is there is a passion for sex that is separate to my passion for Fiona. What is wonderful is to realise and live both passions simultaneously.”
Jenny pondered this statement.
“Surely, the way to demonstrate your sexuality is inextricably linked with your passion for a person. Are you suggesting therefore, that you could still be passionate about sex with another person even though you are in a relationship with Fiona?”
“Of course” David responded. “I am passionate about sex. Just because I think of having sex with other people doesn’t diminish my feelings for Fiona. What I am saying is that it is particularly wonderful for me to be able to have the sort of passionate sex with Fiona that completely stimulates me. Passionate sex plus passion for a person is what I am particularly passionate about!”
Jenny looked slightly bewildered and turned her gaze to Jim, who was gently nodding in agreement.
“How do you feel about such a statement, Fiona?” she asked.
“I’m fine with the honesty of it” she said. “If one of the things that attracts me to David is his sexuality, then how can I deny it in other situations? If I adore his horniness, then I acknowledge that he is undoubtedly horny and excited when he is away from me. He is a sexual being irrespective of me. I’m just glad that he enjoys his sexuality with me in the way that we do, and that we can share a love of being sexual in a variety of ways. I think that the passion for sex is different from the passion for another person and when the two come together, then that is a wonderful, that is the most wonderful experience.”
“So what if he decided that he wanted to have sex with me, right now. How would you feel about that?”
“I’d be delighted” she answered, “I’d be doubly delighted if you felt that you could allow Jim and me to watch!”
Jim glared at her with a worried look on his face, as though she had taken this a step too far. A glimpse of this morning’s reality was returning, but she comforted him with an acknowledgement that she was going to explain further.
“I am just trying to explain that like David, I have a passion for sex. We are all sexual beings and the enjoyment of sex can come in different forms. The greatest sexuality for me is making love but that does not preclude other ways of being sexual. Enjoying other people’s sexuality is equally exciting and something that I am quite passionate about, and I think other people are too, if they are honest with themselves.”
Jenny contemplated once more. Silence filled the room but not in an awkward way.
“Well, Jim and I enjoy looking at porn together. Is that what you mean?” she said.
“Partly,” responded Fiona. “You enjoy watching other people having sex and that is part of your passion – a sexual passion. When you look at another person touching themselves and you get aroused, that is not taking away from your feelings for Jim. It is just accepting and appreciating sexuality. When you do it together, then that sexuality is somewhat intensified.”
“Mmmm; feeling a bit horny now, even discussing it!” responded Jenny with a giggle.
“We’re sexy people!” said David, and with that he pulled Fiona towards him with some force and kissed her with a very clear desire. He then slid her legs apart and traced his fingers up and down her thighs, dancing in anticipation.
“Do you two want to have sex now?” Jenny asked.
“Well, my cock’s pretty hard!” said David.
“Do it then!” said Jenny.
Jim looked at her in astonishment. She turned to him and smiled, moving her hand over his cock that was obviously as erect as David’s.
Fiona was delighted. Her clitoris was as erect as anything she could see and feel in front of her and she now wanted her man very badly. Was Jenny serious? Did she actually want to see the two of them fucking, just as Jim had done so this morning?
She looked down at David’s hand, resting restlessly on her thigh, and she pushed it further up towards her moist cunt.
David slid his fingers inside her panties, pressing the palm of his hand over her pubes whilst he kissed her passionately.
Fiona suddenly stood up in front of him. He looked at her, reached inside her skirt and pulled down her panties.
Once they were removed, he held them to his face and sniffed in her womanly smells, turning briefly to see how Jenny and Jim were dealing with this overt movement.
Jenny had already got Jim’s cock in her hand and was vigorously rubbing it whilst keeping an eye on the sexual progress of her friends.
David placed the discarded panties on the settee and unzipped his trousers. He pulled them away from him, leaving himself seated in his knickers. Fiona hitched up her skirt, pulled off her jumper and fed his cock into her luscious and lubricated pussy. She rode away with his hands clasped to her tits, looking behind her to see what was going on with Jim and Jenny.
Jenny smiled at her with one hand still on Jim’s cock and the other grasping her own cunt as though suppressing its rising need.
Fiona nodded her approval and then watched in delight as Jenny removed her panties and sat on Jim’s cock, replicating her own position.
These four people then happily continued with their own individual and collective passions.
Soon, all four were totally naked, all completely at one with one another in their combined sexuality, yet quite separate in so far that there was no breech of coupledom, in the strictest sense.
David lay Fiona down on the floor and slid himself inside her. Jenny followed suit, taking Jim down with her, riding him in a parallel position to the other couple.
It was sensational. It was explicit. It was divine to be watched and to watch. The room was filled with a myriad of passions and it all felt completely and utterly natural to be able to share one another’s love of life and love of sex.
This was a real experience. This was vivid and real and Fiona could barely believe it was happening.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Partners in Crime: Part Two
The Morning after the Morning Before
“Coffee’s cold” I said. “I’ll go and make another batch”
And with that I left them to it, full in the knowledge that he was going to climb back on top of her and have yet more sex. Or maybe not! Surely, even David had an end point when exhaustion finally won the war over insatiable desire.
I love looking at porn. I adore seeing women being fucked by a big cock. I get really turned on by seeing other people fucking enthusiastically and energetically. I love fucking enthusiastically and energetically.
I’ve had the most incredibly exciting sex with one, two, three women at a time, all playfully fighting for their turn with my dick. I’ve been kissed by one, caressed by another and jumped on by the third with each taking their turn to delight me with the intricacies of each of their pussies.
I’ve been in a bedroom when other people have hidden themselves under the covers and fucked one another senseless with me feigning sleep whilst rubbing my cock to cum.
But, bizarrely, I have never been in a situation like this. I have never watched another couple enjoy one another as intimately as I did just then. I’ve never been encouraged to stand and stare at a pussy that I am not going to get inside and wank myself off in the way that I did just then.
It was fucking unbelievable. My cock is gathering rigidity at this all too near memory.
I think that I’ll just nip into the bathroom and have a shower. It seems a shame to waste such a big one.
“Coffee’s cold” Jim said. “I’ll go and make another batch”.
And with that he left us to it. I lay down besides Fiona, pulling the duvet over us to warm us up, as if we needed it after that excitement.
“You adorable thing”, I whispered to her as I gathered her in my arms.
And she is adorable. How many women would want that, to even imagine it let alone allow it to happen?
I had looked forward to this time together ever since we had arranged our trip up here. Too frequently she disappears into the night when the most natural thing would be to walk up the stairs and climb into bed, to sleep, together and just be.
Of course, I had thought that there were other things that were feasible but I never anticipated it. She’d told me of her desire to be watched but when it came to it, I thought she would lose her nerve and just dismiss it as an unachievable fantasy. I never actually imagined that she would do it.
Many would be appalled by this but if anything, I feel the intimacy between us has grown because of it.
Will I, in a few days, mind the fact that Jim has seen her cunt? I don’t think so. I’m just delighted that I could show him precisely why I like fucking this woman so much. What a weird feeling! What a weird thing to be able to say!
Am I worried that I have seen Jim wanking? Not really. I know he is a sexual being. Seeing him holding his cock in hand is no different to what I see on the internet. He’s just a man doing his thing. I’d be less happy if he got it out when we were looking at a porn site together. No that would be a little strange, but no – seeing him being sexual was not a problem at all, and hopefully won’t be in the future.
The future? Is this going to happen again?
“Coffee’s cold” Jim said. “I’ll go and make another batch”.
And with that he left us to it. Not that we were going to do anything else. I think both of us were finally exhausted by the intensity of the excitement of this unusual situation.
“You special, special person” he said to me.
Am I special? Am I really? Does he secretly think I am just a dirty, nymphomaniac with my whorish behaviour just then? Has he allowed this to happen just because I have banged on and on about the desire to be watched? Maybe he is acutely embarrassed by the entire event, and just wants me to get out of the house at the earliest opportunity?
Alternatively, maybe he really does think I am a special person to have wanted this and to have gone through with it.
How did I feel? How do I feel?
I hardly looked at Jim throughout the entire sexual act. My mind was where it always is when David and I are fucking. It’s with him. It’s in him. Our togetherness, even in situations where sex is arguably recreational, is the thing that is significant for me.
Even when we had sex with Angie, it was a weird mix of the three of us and just him and me.
When he was fucking me, on that occasion, I was almost oblivious to Angie, even though she was caressing my tits in an entirely delightful way. When I was fucking her, I was conscious of pleasuring both her and him, looking up to see his utter ecstasy and delight at these two pussies rubbing together.
Similarly today, I knew Jim was having a wank, and I enjoyed watching him hold his cock as he looked in disbelief at my shower of cum erupting out of me, but it is David’s enjoyment and enthusiasm that I wanted.
What happens next though? That is my immediate worry.
Jim shouted down the landing to tell them that the bathroom was free. Perhaps they would care to take a shower together, and he imagined him rubbing the shower gel into her tits, just as he had done with his great squirt of spunk. She’d probably hold her fingers close or within her cunt whilst he did it, enjoying the closeness as the water sprayed from above.
Mmmm, pleasant thoughts, erotic thoughts; just what one should have first thing in the morning.
He ground the coffee and placed the percolator onto the hob and sat down at the table, chin in hands in positive contemplation. He didn’t need to touch himself. He simply felt that warmth find its way around his body. It felt good.
Fiona came down first, and he stood up from the table, walked towards her and gave her a congenial hug. He thought he noticed a relief spread across her face as her shoulders relaxed and she sat down in the seat where he had been.
“David’s on his way down” she said. “Any ideas for what you would like to do today?”
Jim sat alongside her and discussed the options available. He was rightly proud of his surroundings and wanted to show them around the incredible countryside that his northern hideout had to offer. A walk into the village, followed by a trek up the mountain seemed to be in order, and Fiona agreed that this was a viable option.
David slid into the room and gathered the steaming coffee from the stove. Silently he poured three cups and sat down opposite his friend and lover, smiling and taking in the warmth and flavour of the caffeine before him.
The television silently spread the news of the day as the tickertape screeched across the screen. David commented on the hopelessness of the disaster relief efforts in Italy and went on to discuss the extent of the coverage which had been significant over the last few days. Musing over the media was something he excelled in and he was completely comfortable in getting on with life after the morning events.
“Jenny is coming over this afternoon after work” announced Jim. “She’s looking forward to seeing you both again and has even offered to cook dinner for us!”
“Well we’d better get up that mountain now” retorted David. “Boots on madam” he said as he stretched out his hand for Fiona to scoop up, and once more, they were climbing the stairs to dress more appropriately for the day’s activity.
To call the walk exhilarating and the views breathtaking was far too much of a cliché but that is what they were. Just like good sex the ramble was both energy sapping and energy giving. The peak of the mountain was a hard scramble over quite an unsteady scree slope but it was worth it. At the top, there were more mountains in the distance and pools of pure blue tarns to be seen for miles and miles. The air was crisp and clean. So clean. The memory of Manchester was a million miles away and for a moment, nothing other than these three people silently and independently looking over their surroundings was significant.
Fiona could not contain her glee at managing the walk. She had fully anticipated having to stop half way and allow the men to wander off alone but her new boots had stood her in good fair. Although her legs ached, they were not exhausted and she looked forward to the walk back to the house.
There was chatter and laughter throughout the walk but there were also those essential moments of quietness, where each of the walkers contemplated who knows what, though one suspects that thoughts of that morning certainly cropped up in their minds.
On returning to the house, David wandered into the study to send his article to the newspaper, which left Jim and Fiona alone once more.
“Been quite a day hasn’t it?” he said.
“Indeed it has” she smiled back at him.
“And how do you now feel about what happened this morning? Has the walk cleared your mind? Are you embarrassed or worried about me seeing you like that?” he asked.
Fiona took a while to answer, not because there was any concern or angst in her mind but she wanted to try and get the words out effectively and properly.
“I’m not embarrassed at all” she said “And I would only be embarrassed if either you or David now felt uncomfortable”.
“Not in the slightest” he responded. “I can’t speak for David but I am confident that he feels the same. All I can think about regarding this morning is positive. It was extremely horny to watch you fucking. I was hugely turned on and I cannot think of any reason at all why I would be remotely embarrassed or ashamed at what happened”.
“Good” she said, “I’m glad. After all, a cunt is a cunt on one level. Just because you have seen mine doesn’t mean that you have to treat me any differently than when you hadn’t seen it. You knew it was there. David, I assume, has told you plenty about my sexuality. Covering it up under a pair of jeans does not take away its sexual importance”.
“It’s strange though how something so vital can be seen on such different levels. To me, my pussy is so important, as it should be. And on one level, my sexuality is so important that it should be reserved purely for those with whom I am intimate. Yet, on another level, we shouldn’t continue hiding our sexuality all of the time. I am not suggesting that we go around revealing all to everyone but it really shouldn’t be a problem should it, that you have seen my pussy and seen my sexuality?”
“No, it shouldn’t be a problem at all, and just because I have seen your cunt, doesn’t mean that I want to dive into it; not that it is not attractive to me!”
“I know what you mean. Just because I have seen your cock does not make me want to demand to see more. If we sat here now in the altogether, it wouldn’t be a problem; well not for me anyway. In fact, if you wanted to sit and wank right now with a porn magazine in hand, it wouldn’t be an issue. I think it rather special that two people who are totally platonic could actually do that?”
The conversation continued.
“So if I just pulled my knickers down now just to reveal my pussy, would that be a problem?”
Jim contemplated this and finally agreed that it would be fine though he would probably get another stiffy at the thought and may have to pull his cock out for a rub. Even if Fiona just had her tits out, then dependant on his mood, he might be aroused by this.
That was the way of the world. Sexuality was an integral part of it and he agreed that one should not deny sexual feelings even if it is deemed inappropriate by others.
“What I am trying to say” continued Fiona “is that although I have seen your erect cock, and although you have seen my moist cunt, it doesn’t mean we have some sort of sexual obligation to one another. I can be excited by your sexuality without having to or wanting to have sex with you. I can be thoroughly excited by looking at your cock without wanting it inside me. I really like the idea of having a platonic sexual friend!”
“And what if it continued into penetrative sex?” he asked.
“Que sera sera!” she laughed. “The real value of wonderful sex is the intimacy and the attraction with another person but that does not preclude sex in other situations. You and I are not attracted to one another, not in the conventional way, whatever that is, but we could still logistically enjoy sex with one another without any complication of emotional attachment. That is just an acknowledgement of one another as sexual beings”.
David wandered into the room at the end of the conversation and politely requested a summary of their talk.
“Well just because you have seen her cunt doesn’t give you an open invitation!” he said.
Jim recognised that this was a jocular warning and assured him that everything was fine, though a good dose of voyeurism tomorrow morning would be perfectly acceptable if they so felt like offering it.
“And what of Jenny?” asked David.
“Are you going to tell her what has happened?”
“No, I’m not” replied Jim. “Not because she couldn’t cope with it. Not that at all. I just think that is best left between the three of us if you don’t mind. However, I am not ruling out the possibility of something happening in the future whereby…… well, let’s put it like this. I am not expecting her to drop her panties in sexual comradeship as soon as she walks through the door, but she is a sexy woman and who knows what she may do or feel or want in the future.”
As if on cue, Jenny called into the room, announcing her arrival.
Laden with bags, she hauled herself into the kitchen and kissed all gathered with an informal greeting.
She poured herself a drink from the awaiting bottle of wine and started preparing the meal with consummate ease and effectiveness.
“I’m really looking forward to this evening” she said. “I’ve been unusually excited about it all day”, she laughed joyfully.
The others did not break their silence and did not look at one another in a knowing and slightly uncomfortable way. Like the morning before, the evening would bring its own joys and not knowing what they were was perfectly normal…………………..
To be continued…..
“Coffee’s cold” I said. “I’ll go and make another batch”
And with that I left them to it, full in the knowledge that he was going to climb back on top of her and have yet more sex. Or maybe not! Surely, even David had an end point when exhaustion finally won the war over insatiable desire.
I love looking at porn. I adore seeing women being fucked by a big cock. I get really turned on by seeing other people fucking enthusiastically and energetically. I love fucking enthusiastically and energetically.
I’ve had the most incredibly exciting sex with one, two, three women at a time, all playfully fighting for their turn with my dick. I’ve been kissed by one, caressed by another and jumped on by the third with each taking their turn to delight me with the intricacies of each of their pussies.
I’ve been in a bedroom when other people have hidden themselves under the covers and fucked one another senseless with me feigning sleep whilst rubbing my cock to cum.
But, bizarrely, I have never been in a situation like this. I have never watched another couple enjoy one another as intimately as I did just then. I’ve never been encouraged to stand and stare at a pussy that I am not going to get inside and wank myself off in the way that I did just then.
It was fucking unbelievable. My cock is gathering rigidity at this all too near memory.
I think that I’ll just nip into the bathroom and have a shower. It seems a shame to waste such a big one.
“Coffee’s cold” Jim said. “I’ll go and make another batch”.
And with that he left us to it. I lay down besides Fiona, pulling the duvet over us to warm us up, as if we needed it after that excitement.
“You adorable thing”, I whispered to her as I gathered her in my arms.
And she is adorable. How many women would want that, to even imagine it let alone allow it to happen?
I had looked forward to this time together ever since we had arranged our trip up here. Too frequently she disappears into the night when the most natural thing would be to walk up the stairs and climb into bed, to sleep, together and just be.
Of course, I had thought that there were other things that were feasible but I never anticipated it. She’d told me of her desire to be watched but when it came to it, I thought she would lose her nerve and just dismiss it as an unachievable fantasy. I never actually imagined that she would do it.
Many would be appalled by this but if anything, I feel the intimacy between us has grown because of it.
Will I, in a few days, mind the fact that Jim has seen her cunt? I don’t think so. I’m just delighted that I could show him precisely why I like fucking this woman so much. What a weird feeling! What a weird thing to be able to say!
Am I worried that I have seen Jim wanking? Not really. I know he is a sexual being. Seeing him holding his cock in hand is no different to what I see on the internet. He’s just a man doing his thing. I’d be less happy if he got it out when we were looking at a porn site together. No that would be a little strange, but no – seeing him being sexual was not a problem at all, and hopefully won’t be in the future.
The future? Is this going to happen again?
“Coffee’s cold” Jim said. “I’ll go and make another batch”.
And with that he left us to it. Not that we were going to do anything else. I think both of us were finally exhausted by the intensity of the excitement of this unusual situation.
“You special, special person” he said to me.
Am I special? Am I really? Does he secretly think I am just a dirty, nymphomaniac with my whorish behaviour just then? Has he allowed this to happen just because I have banged on and on about the desire to be watched? Maybe he is acutely embarrassed by the entire event, and just wants me to get out of the house at the earliest opportunity?
Alternatively, maybe he really does think I am a special person to have wanted this and to have gone through with it.
How did I feel? How do I feel?
I hardly looked at Jim throughout the entire sexual act. My mind was where it always is when David and I are fucking. It’s with him. It’s in him. Our togetherness, even in situations where sex is arguably recreational, is the thing that is significant for me.
Even when we had sex with Angie, it was a weird mix of the three of us and just him and me.
When he was fucking me, on that occasion, I was almost oblivious to Angie, even though she was caressing my tits in an entirely delightful way. When I was fucking her, I was conscious of pleasuring both her and him, looking up to see his utter ecstasy and delight at these two pussies rubbing together.
Similarly today, I knew Jim was having a wank, and I enjoyed watching him hold his cock as he looked in disbelief at my shower of cum erupting out of me, but it is David’s enjoyment and enthusiasm that I wanted.
What happens next though? That is my immediate worry.
Jim shouted down the landing to tell them that the bathroom was free. Perhaps they would care to take a shower together, and he imagined him rubbing the shower gel into her tits, just as he had done with his great squirt of spunk. She’d probably hold her fingers close or within her cunt whilst he did it, enjoying the closeness as the water sprayed from above.
Mmmm, pleasant thoughts, erotic thoughts; just what one should have first thing in the morning.
He ground the coffee and placed the percolator onto the hob and sat down at the table, chin in hands in positive contemplation. He didn’t need to touch himself. He simply felt that warmth find its way around his body. It felt good.
Fiona came down first, and he stood up from the table, walked towards her and gave her a congenial hug. He thought he noticed a relief spread across her face as her shoulders relaxed and she sat down in the seat where he had been.
“David’s on his way down” she said. “Any ideas for what you would like to do today?”
Jim sat alongside her and discussed the options available. He was rightly proud of his surroundings and wanted to show them around the incredible countryside that his northern hideout had to offer. A walk into the village, followed by a trek up the mountain seemed to be in order, and Fiona agreed that this was a viable option.
David slid into the room and gathered the steaming coffee from the stove. Silently he poured three cups and sat down opposite his friend and lover, smiling and taking in the warmth and flavour of the caffeine before him.
The television silently spread the news of the day as the tickertape screeched across the screen. David commented on the hopelessness of the disaster relief efforts in Italy and went on to discuss the extent of the coverage which had been significant over the last few days. Musing over the media was something he excelled in and he was completely comfortable in getting on with life after the morning events.
“Jenny is coming over this afternoon after work” announced Jim. “She’s looking forward to seeing you both again and has even offered to cook dinner for us!”
“Well we’d better get up that mountain now” retorted David. “Boots on madam” he said as he stretched out his hand for Fiona to scoop up, and once more, they were climbing the stairs to dress more appropriately for the day’s activity.
To call the walk exhilarating and the views breathtaking was far too much of a cliché but that is what they were. Just like good sex the ramble was both energy sapping and energy giving. The peak of the mountain was a hard scramble over quite an unsteady scree slope but it was worth it. At the top, there were more mountains in the distance and pools of pure blue tarns to be seen for miles and miles. The air was crisp and clean. So clean. The memory of Manchester was a million miles away and for a moment, nothing other than these three people silently and independently looking over their surroundings was significant.
Fiona could not contain her glee at managing the walk. She had fully anticipated having to stop half way and allow the men to wander off alone but her new boots had stood her in good fair. Although her legs ached, they were not exhausted and she looked forward to the walk back to the house.
There was chatter and laughter throughout the walk but there were also those essential moments of quietness, where each of the walkers contemplated who knows what, though one suspects that thoughts of that morning certainly cropped up in their minds.
On returning to the house, David wandered into the study to send his article to the newspaper, which left Jim and Fiona alone once more.
“Been quite a day hasn’t it?” he said.
“Indeed it has” she smiled back at him.
“And how do you now feel about what happened this morning? Has the walk cleared your mind? Are you embarrassed or worried about me seeing you like that?” he asked.
Fiona took a while to answer, not because there was any concern or angst in her mind but she wanted to try and get the words out effectively and properly.
“I’m not embarrassed at all” she said “And I would only be embarrassed if either you or David now felt uncomfortable”.
“Not in the slightest” he responded. “I can’t speak for David but I am confident that he feels the same. All I can think about regarding this morning is positive. It was extremely horny to watch you fucking. I was hugely turned on and I cannot think of any reason at all why I would be remotely embarrassed or ashamed at what happened”.
“Good” she said, “I’m glad. After all, a cunt is a cunt on one level. Just because you have seen mine doesn’t mean that you have to treat me any differently than when you hadn’t seen it. You knew it was there. David, I assume, has told you plenty about my sexuality. Covering it up under a pair of jeans does not take away its sexual importance”.
“It’s strange though how something so vital can be seen on such different levels. To me, my pussy is so important, as it should be. And on one level, my sexuality is so important that it should be reserved purely for those with whom I am intimate. Yet, on another level, we shouldn’t continue hiding our sexuality all of the time. I am not suggesting that we go around revealing all to everyone but it really shouldn’t be a problem should it, that you have seen my pussy and seen my sexuality?”
“No, it shouldn’t be a problem at all, and just because I have seen your cunt, doesn’t mean that I want to dive into it; not that it is not attractive to me!”
“I know what you mean. Just because I have seen your cock does not make me want to demand to see more. If we sat here now in the altogether, it wouldn’t be a problem; well not for me anyway. In fact, if you wanted to sit and wank right now with a porn magazine in hand, it wouldn’t be an issue. I think it rather special that two people who are totally platonic could actually do that?”
The conversation continued.
“So if I just pulled my knickers down now just to reveal my pussy, would that be a problem?”
Jim contemplated this and finally agreed that it would be fine though he would probably get another stiffy at the thought and may have to pull his cock out for a rub. Even if Fiona just had her tits out, then dependant on his mood, he might be aroused by this.
That was the way of the world. Sexuality was an integral part of it and he agreed that one should not deny sexual feelings even if it is deemed inappropriate by others.
“What I am trying to say” continued Fiona “is that although I have seen your erect cock, and although you have seen my moist cunt, it doesn’t mean we have some sort of sexual obligation to one another. I can be excited by your sexuality without having to or wanting to have sex with you. I can be thoroughly excited by looking at your cock without wanting it inside me. I really like the idea of having a platonic sexual friend!”
“And what if it continued into penetrative sex?” he asked.
“Que sera sera!” she laughed. “The real value of wonderful sex is the intimacy and the attraction with another person but that does not preclude sex in other situations. You and I are not attracted to one another, not in the conventional way, whatever that is, but we could still logistically enjoy sex with one another without any complication of emotional attachment. That is just an acknowledgement of one another as sexual beings”.
David wandered into the room at the end of the conversation and politely requested a summary of their talk.
“Well just because you have seen her cunt doesn’t give you an open invitation!” he said.
Jim recognised that this was a jocular warning and assured him that everything was fine, though a good dose of voyeurism tomorrow morning would be perfectly acceptable if they so felt like offering it.
“And what of Jenny?” asked David.
“Are you going to tell her what has happened?”
“No, I’m not” replied Jim. “Not because she couldn’t cope with it. Not that at all. I just think that is best left between the three of us if you don’t mind. However, I am not ruling out the possibility of something happening in the future whereby…… well, let’s put it like this. I am not expecting her to drop her panties in sexual comradeship as soon as she walks through the door, but she is a sexy woman and who knows what she may do or feel or want in the future.”
As if on cue, Jenny called into the room, announcing her arrival.
Laden with bags, she hauled herself into the kitchen and kissed all gathered with an informal greeting.
She poured herself a drink from the awaiting bottle of wine and started preparing the meal with consummate ease and effectiveness.
“I’m really looking forward to this evening” she said. “I’ve been unusually excited about it all day”, she laughed joyfully.
The others did not break their silence and did not look at one another in a knowing and slightly uncomfortable way. Like the morning before, the evening would bring its own joys and not knowing what they were was perfectly normal…………………..
To be continued…..
Coupledom: “the state of living as a couple, especially when regarded as being interested in each other to the exclusion of the outside world”
Coupledom: “the state of being in a romantic or sexual relationship, the condition of being part of a couple”
Coupledom: “the world and realm of relationships and the experiences related to them, excluding those of polygamists”
Coupled: “Two people joined in a relationship”
Coupled: “To join in sexual union or to marry”
Coupled: “Joined together, especially in a pair of pairs”
When or if (?) the Tories win the next election, they are going to consider offering some more tax incentives for married couples to remain married. Admittedly, they have had to place it within the latter part of their proposed term of office due to the need to sort out the economy, but it is there and will remain an integral part of the Conservative legislation package.
Marriage is back!
“Hoorah!” shout the nervous would-be Cecil Parkinson’s and David Mellor’s who are now worried that placing their names in agreement to such idealism is an open invitation for the skeletons to come tumbling out of the closet (and I still cannot get Major and Edwina sitting in the bath together out of my mind!).
“I believe in commitment and many of us, including me, will always remember that moment when you say up there, in front of others, “it’s not just me any more, it’s us, together” and that helps to take you through the tough times” says David Cameron on marriage.
When the Tories were last in power with their “Back to Basics” campaign, many people were affronted not by their stance on promoting marriage but of the hypocrisy involved in doing so when many were jumping in and out of bed with a range of girls and boys, or should I say men and women for I don’t want to be sued. People were pissed off with them for being such hypocrites. One couldn’t possibly stand there espousing the ‘natural way’ of relationships in the world and then go and have sex with whoever they felt like. It simply wasn’t on.
The real issue is that they came unstuck by attempting to instil a way of life and an approach to family that, quite frankly, is not as clear cut as people make it out to be.
This sort of dictatorial mantra does not conceivably consider the range, depths, situations, personalities within each and every marriage let alone the individual needs of the people involved.
To gather together all marriages in one conformed block is unimaginably stupid, just as it is to say that being in a relationship as a couple is the same for Joe Blogs down the road as it is for me.
The other day, a friend of mine was telling me about another couple who are trying to find some sort of resolution to their relationship. It is clear that they both love each other and have enjoyed an incredibly strong and passionate affiliation over a number of years. One wants the commitment of a shared household; the other just wants her independence as well as an opportunity to spend quality time with her man.
“He wants to do the coupledom thing”, said my friend.
But what does this actually mean?
The Tories would have us think that being part of a couple is akin to marriage. They are the same. A heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman join together for a lifetime of matrimony and it is a done deal. They make a decision and that is that.
But is this really what being part of a couple is all about?
When the marriage vows are taken, do all couples conform to a particular way of life that resembles a specific stereotype? Or is it more the case that different couples can be as diverse as each and every individual in life?
In reality, people do have a notion of what ‘being a couple’ is about.
They have this vision of loveliness and lovie-ness, where roses grow around the white-wood boarded home, where a cup of tea is served to the man as he wanders back in from a hard day at the office. It is the “happy ever after” as depicted in fairy tales, brought to life in the 1950s by Doris Day and Rock Hudson. Oh the irony!
I admit that this is slightly far fetched and people are clearly more grounded than this. People do understand that coupledom is more complicated than this but essentially, if you mention the fact that you are part of a couple, then there is an assumption that you have adopted a certain way of life where the comfort of being together is the essence of life itself.
Even the word “couple” or “coupledom” has an onomatopoeic ring to it, depicting a couch potato style of existence.
But does coupledom have to be this rigid, this predictable and this bland?
Does the mere mention of “coupledom” have to be followed by those who do not subscribe to it with a sneer and contempt?
Could there be a future where being part of a couple does not in any form, take away from the individualism and the individual needs of those participating?
Being a couple is not that bad. Or it doesn’t have to be. Even setting up home together doesn’t have to constrain the freedom of those involved, if only people could get away from the notion of what being a couple is about.
To illustrate my point, I refer back to the quotations at the top of this blog.
The first quote about being together as a couple with total exclusion is an interesting one. On reflection, it all sounds pretty abhorrent “being interested in each other to the exclusion of the outside world”. Yet, if you think about it, isn’t that the expectation of being a couple? One could interpret this not as being devoid of interest in the world but ensuring that the interesting people in the outside world do not come and interrupt or disturb the sanctimony of the couple.
This quote is talking about exclusivity; that one person commits to another for eternity, or as long as the relationship continues, and there is no sexual interaction with the outside world.
As I said, when you look at the quote in plain black and white, it is incredibly frightening. If that is what being part of a couple is all about, then how on earth has there been such a sign-up for it? Maybe it is because most people who choose coupledom do so in their twenties when they have not had a life of experiences that would even question the sanctimoniousness of such an existence.
The second quote is slightly more bearable though; “The state of being in a romantic or sexual relationship”. There, nothing controversial there, is there? It is a simple statement that if you are in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone then, to all intents and purposes, you are a couple.
You are coupled together by your fondness for one another and the fact that you enjoy fucking one another. Getting into bed together, regularly, makes you a couple. Having dinner together, making the packed lunch, going on holiday, sharing conversations, laughing and joking, being intimate. These things make you a couple.
Only it doesn’t say all of that in the quote does it? It can’t because the levels of being a couple and being intimate and sharing cannot be determined in one or even many defining characteristics. It is far more complicated than that.
However, I am trying to make the point that being in this sort of coupledom seems far scarier and less intimidating than the first statement. It is simply an acknowledgement of when two people are together in a relationship then, to others if not themselves, they could be seen as a couple.
The third quote on coupledom is slightly tongue in cheek and comes from the wonderful Urban Dictionary. Coupledom excludes polygamy.
Okay, you cannot marry two people at the same time according to the law of the land.
But this quote says that coupledom excludes polygamy. It doesn’t say anything about coupledom excluding polyamory!
Just because you are completely committed to one person does not mean that you turn off the switch which allows and enables you to appreciate another human being. And this is precisely where the whole idea of coupledom falls crashing to its feet.
Is the expectation of “you can look but cannot touch” a valid and acceptable one? In our target driven world, we are expected to have achievable targets, ensuring that we do not set a target that is unrealistic.
When the world created marriage and fidelity, it had not really considered the intelligences and the working of the mind. It had not thought about societal changes and an ever evolving world.
Can you really ignore and suppress an instinctive reaction to a thing of beauty? Can you honestly pretend that a person standing in front of you is not attractive and attracted to you simply because of the mantra of marriage or commitment?
The instinct of the mind is so frequently suppressed and devalued. It is almost taken as a rule of law that instinct should be ignored in so many situations. That overwhelming feeling of being at one with yourself is another element of life that often takes a secondary position to the practicalities and the so-called norms of existence. Yet, attraction to another human being can be instinctual and it can be right to act on that instinct. Having sex with that person and experiencing the incredible joy and wonderment of that togetherness can elevate you into a place of perfect spiritual wellbeing.
How can this be wrong simply because you have signed up to coupledom with another?
The fact, albeit originally flippant, is that coupledom can be achievable but perhaps there is an opportunity to rethink its very meaning. A polyamorous existence (which incidentally is a word that is not recognised by the God-like spell check on this software) is feasible and does not have to take away from the very positive aspects of being part of a committed couple, as long as everyone knows where they stand and everyone agrees to this way of life.
Coupledom does not have to be boring. It does not have to suppress the instinct of the individual. It does not have to rob the individual of their liberty. It does not have to conform to some fatuous and archaic representation of the word. Being wholly committed to one person for a possible life-time does not mean that life has to be over as far as liaisons and even love with others.
Coupledom could mean exclusivity but it doesn’t have to. Couples could be exclusive with the knowledge that the exclusivity could be breached once in a while but the essential essence of monogamy remains, i.e. a commitment to one other, and I know that sounds completely contradictory but it isn’t.
I rather like the idea of being in a monogamous relationship where the exclusiveness is in the knowledge that I will always be significant to the other person even if he or she decides to spend time and have sex with others.
And of course, one cannot ignore the fact that coupledom, or rather exclusivity, works for some.
That is fine. If they have both chosen that and they are comfortable in all aspects of their relationship, then that is great. It does work for some people. I can think of many ‘couples’ who seem to have an incredibly strong togetherness where it genuinely has and will work for a lifetime.
Let’s get back to the Tories though.
I don’t think they will legislate for my third option of coupledom. I think it may take a little longer to over-ride the bigamy laws in this country. Yet, shouldn’t there be a little honesty in the matter? Shouldn’t people consider their instincts versus their logic?
The Back to Basics Tory ‘philanderers’ were a minority but significant in their numbers. As I said, even the Prime Minister who introduced the phrase had had his own extra-marital relationship. I would hazard a guess that even those who have remained in ‘coupledom’ have at the very least considered the alternative or looked at another human being in a sexual way.
And why? Because it is this that is the natural order of things.
People, in spite of being in coupledom, will have feelings, even fantasies about another existence with other people. They will, in the course of their lives, find themselves attracted to other people. They will enjoy the company of others and will consider the possibility of breaking free from Coupledom, even if it is just a fleeting thought.
The real minority, if we are being totally honest, is with the ones who won’t do this; the people who commit in marriage or in partnership to one person for the rest of their lives, oblivious to others, “to the exclusion of the outside world”.
Of course, to quote another famous philanderer (what a terribly derogatory phrase), “It’s the economy stupid”.
The Tories are far more concerned with finances than the institution of marriage, just as Blair was committed more to ensuring that young women who had babies in their teenage years were not a future burden to the treasury than actually being concerned for their emotional wellbeing.
Unfair? Possibly.
But as with most things, economic factors drive social policy. Marriage and coupledom is encouraged because a stable and secure family is allegedly the best place to bring up children.
The evidence suggests that this is the case but once more, it is not always that clear cut and one can frequently think of cases where the contrary is true.
The real truth is that marriage and the sustaining of marriage is the cheaper alternative for state and the individuals concerned. That is the real reason why marriage and coupledom is encouraged above any other means of living.
There have been two articles in this week’s Guardian on the subject, both worth a quick view.
Finally, I return to my friend and her chat with the man who wanted to do the coupledom thing.
It is quite easy to be dismissive and guffaw at such a notion. Neither party want children. Both are financially independent. Both enjoy flirtations, even full-blown sexual intercourse with others, both enjoy their freedom to sit in their individual houses reading what they want to read, watching what they want to watch, so why the hell should they even consider co-habitation as part of the coupledom thing? It seems ludicrous.
Yet, if they are committed to one another and potentially could be for the rest of their lives, then why not?
Well, the ‘why not’ comes in the acceptance of one another’s definition of coupledom. If either one of them considers that first quote and exclusivity as the definition, then they cannot possibly do the coupledom thing. It wouldn’t work.
However, if they consider a more liberal approach to coupledom, then why shouldn’t they have an excellent and rewarding partnership where the beauty of intimacy can be enjoyed more regularly than it currently is?
What is wrong with wanting to have a strong and committed relationship with another person but also accepting and positively encouraging their individuality and liberty by accepting that they are instinctual and sexual beings, who may like to look, touch and copulate with others?
It’s clearly an ideology that is beyond the contemplation of most but it should not be completely dismissed. It is viable.
They’d have to talk about it. They would have to be honest and explain to one another how they feel. She would have to tell him that she just likes having sex with others. She’d have to tell him that this enjoyment of another human being does not detract from her love for him. He would have to consider if he could cope with this. Yet, isn’t it far more honest than just wondering all the time whether there was someone else in her life?
Possibly, they could share information about other people in their lives. In a truly polyamorous way, they could even share each other’s other people.
I return finally to the quotes at the top of the blog, now looking at the ‘coupled’ quotes.
Coupled means “joined together in a relationship”. Fine – all sounds good. There’s no mention of exclusivity here; no mention of tedium and perpetual boredom. Coupled means “join in sexual union or marry”. Okay, let’s ignore the marriage bit, but the sexual union sounds fine.
Coupled means “joined together, especially in a pair of pairs”.
Now, you are talking my language!
Coupledom: “the state of being in a romantic or sexual relationship, the condition of being part of a couple”
Coupledom: “the world and realm of relationships and the experiences related to them, excluding those of polygamists”
Coupled: “Two people joined in a relationship”
Coupled: “To join in sexual union or to marry”
Coupled: “Joined together, especially in a pair of pairs”
When or if (?) the Tories win the next election, they are going to consider offering some more tax incentives for married couples to remain married. Admittedly, they have had to place it within the latter part of their proposed term of office due to the need to sort out the economy, but it is there and will remain an integral part of the Conservative legislation package.
Marriage is back!
“Hoorah!” shout the nervous would-be Cecil Parkinson’s and David Mellor’s who are now worried that placing their names in agreement to such idealism is an open invitation for the skeletons to come tumbling out of the closet (and I still cannot get Major and Edwina sitting in the bath together out of my mind!).
“I believe in commitment and many of us, including me, will always remember that moment when you say up there, in front of others, “it’s not just me any more, it’s us, together” and that helps to take you through the tough times” says David Cameron on marriage.
When the Tories were last in power with their “Back to Basics” campaign, many people were affronted not by their stance on promoting marriage but of the hypocrisy involved in doing so when many were jumping in and out of bed with a range of girls and boys, or should I say men and women for I don’t want to be sued. People were pissed off with them for being such hypocrites. One couldn’t possibly stand there espousing the ‘natural way’ of relationships in the world and then go and have sex with whoever they felt like. It simply wasn’t on.
The real issue is that they came unstuck by attempting to instil a way of life and an approach to family that, quite frankly, is not as clear cut as people make it out to be.
This sort of dictatorial mantra does not conceivably consider the range, depths, situations, personalities within each and every marriage let alone the individual needs of the people involved.
To gather together all marriages in one conformed block is unimaginably stupid, just as it is to say that being in a relationship as a couple is the same for Joe Blogs down the road as it is for me.
The other day, a friend of mine was telling me about another couple who are trying to find some sort of resolution to their relationship. It is clear that they both love each other and have enjoyed an incredibly strong and passionate affiliation over a number of years. One wants the commitment of a shared household; the other just wants her independence as well as an opportunity to spend quality time with her man.
“He wants to do the coupledom thing”, said my friend.
But what does this actually mean?
The Tories would have us think that being part of a couple is akin to marriage. They are the same. A heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman join together for a lifetime of matrimony and it is a done deal. They make a decision and that is that.
But is this really what being part of a couple is all about?
When the marriage vows are taken, do all couples conform to a particular way of life that resembles a specific stereotype? Or is it more the case that different couples can be as diverse as each and every individual in life?
In reality, people do have a notion of what ‘being a couple’ is about.
They have this vision of loveliness and lovie-ness, where roses grow around the white-wood boarded home, where a cup of tea is served to the man as he wanders back in from a hard day at the office. It is the “happy ever after” as depicted in fairy tales, brought to life in the 1950s by Doris Day and Rock Hudson. Oh the irony!
I admit that this is slightly far fetched and people are clearly more grounded than this. People do understand that coupledom is more complicated than this but essentially, if you mention the fact that you are part of a couple, then there is an assumption that you have adopted a certain way of life where the comfort of being together is the essence of life itself.
Even the word “couple” or “coupledom” has an onomatopoeic ring to it, depicting a couch potato style of existence.
But does coupledom have to be this rigid, this predictable and this bland?
Does the mere mention of “coupledom” have to be followed by those who do not subscribe to it with a sneer and contempt?
Could there be a future where being part of a couple does not in any form, take away from the individualism and the individual needs of those participating?
Being a couple is not that bad. Or it doesn’t have to be. Even setting up home together doesn’t have to constrain the freedom of those involved, if only people could get away from the notion of what being a couple is about.
To illustrate my point, I refer back to the quotations at the top of this blog.
The first quote about being together as a couple with total exclusion is an interesting one. On reflection, it all sounds pretty abhorrent “being interested in each other to the exclusion of the outside world”. Yet, if you think about it, isn’t that the expectation of being a couple? One could interpret this not as being devoid of interest in the world but ensuring that the interesting people in the outside world do not come and interrupt or disturb the sanctimony of the couple.
This quote is talking about exclusivity; that one person commits to another for eternity, or as long as the relationship continues, and there is no sexual interaction with the outside world.
As I said, when you look at the quote in plain black and white, it is incredibly frightening. If that is what being part of a couple is all about, then how on earth has there been such a sign-up for it? Maybe it is because most people who choose coupledom do so in their twenties when they have not had a life of experiences that would even question the sanctimoniousness of such an existence.
The second quote is slightly more bearable though; “The state of being in a romantic or sexual relationship”. There, nothing controversial there, is there? It is a simple statement that if you are in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone then, to all intents and purposes, you are a couple.
You are coupled together by your fondness for one another and the fact that you enjoy fucking one another. Getting into bed together, regularly, makes you a couple. Having dinner together, making the packed lunch, going on holiday, sharing conversations, laughing and joking, being intimate. These things make you a couple.
Only it doesn’t say all of that in the quote does it? It can’t because the levels of being a couple and being intimate and sharing cannot be determined in one or even many defining characteristics. It is far more complicated than that.
However, I am trying to make the point that being in this sort of coupledom seems far scarier and less intimidating than the first statement. It is simply an acknowledgement of when two people are together in a relationship then, to others if not themselves, they could be seen as a couple.
The third quote on coupledom is slightly tongue in cheek and comes from the wonderful Urban Dictionary. Coupledom excludes polygamy.
Okay, you cannot marry two people at the same time according to the law of the land.
But this quote says that coupledom excludes polygamy. It doesn’t say anything about coupledom excluding polyamory!
Just because you are completely committed to one person does not mean that you turn off the switch which allows and enables you to appreciate another human being. And this is precisely where the whole idea of coupledom falls crashing to its feet.
Is the expectation of “you can look but cannot touch” a valid and acceptable one? In our target driven world, we are expected to have achievable targets, ensuring that we do not set a target that is unrealistic.
When the world created marriage and fidelity, it had not really considered the intelligences and the working of the mind. It had not thought about societal changes and an ever evolving world.
Can you really ignore and suppress an instinctive reaction to a thing of beauty? Can you honestly pretend that a person standing in front of you is not attractive and attracted to you simply because of the mantra of marriage or commitment?
The instinct of the mind is so frequently suppressed and devalued. It is almost taken as a rule of law that instinct should be ignored in so many situations. That overwhelming feeling of being at one with yourself is another element of life that often takes a secondary position to the practicalities and the so-called norms of existence. Yet, attraction to another human being can be instinctual and it can be right to act on that instinct. Having sex with that person and experiencing the incredible joy and wonderment of that togetherness can elevate you into a place of perfect spiritual wellbeing.
How can this be wrong simply because you have signed up to coupledom with another?
The fact, albeit originally flippant, is that coupledom can be achievable but perhaps there is an opportunity to rethink its very meaning. A polyamorous existence (which incidentally is a word that is not recognised by the God-like spell check on this software) is feasible and does not have to take away from the very positive aspects of being part of a committed couple, as long as everyone knows where they stand and everyone agrees to this way of life.
Coupledom does not have to be boring. It does not have to suppress the instinct of the individual. It does not have to rob the individual of their liberty. It does not have to conform to some fatuous and archaic representation of the word. Being wholly committed to one person for a possible life-time does not mean that life has to be over as far as liaisons and even love with others.
Coupledom could mean exclusivity but it doesn’t have to. Couples could be exclusive with the knowledge that the exclusivity could be breached once in a while but the essential essence of monogamy remains, i.e. a commitment to one other, and I know that sounds completely contradictory but it isn’t.
I rather like the idea of being in a monogamous relationship where the exclusiveness is in the knowledge that I will always be significant to the other person even if he or she decides to spend time and have sex with others.
And of course, one cannot ignore the fact that coupledom, or rather exclusivity, works for some.
That is fine. If they have both chosen that and they are comfortable in all aspects of their relationship, then that is great. It does work for some people. I can think of many ‘couples’ who seem to have an incredibly strong togetherness where it genuinely has and will work for a lifetime.
Let’s get back to the Tories though.
I don’t think they will legislate for my third option of coupledom. I think it may take a little longer to over-ride the bigamy laws in this country. Yet, shouldn’t there be a little honesty in the matter? Shouldn’t people consider their instincts versus their logic?
The Back to Basics Tory ‘philanderers’ were a minority but significant in their numbers. As I said, even the Prime Minister who introduced the phrase had had his own extra-marital relationship. I would hazard a guess that even those who have remained in ‘coupledom’ have at the very least considered the alternative or looked at another human being in a sexual way.
And why? Because it is this that is the natural order of things.
People, in spite of being in coupledom, will have feelings, even fantasies about another existence with other people. They will, in the course of their lives, find themselves attracted to other people. They will enjoy the company of others and will consider the possibility of breaking free from Coupledom, even if it is just a fleeting thought.
The real minority, if we are being totally honest, is with the ones who won’t do this; the people who commit in marriage or in partnership to one person for the rest of their lives, oblivious to others, “to the exclusion of the outside world”.
Of course, to quote another famous philanderer (what a terribly derogatory phrase), “It’s the economy stupid”.
The Tories are far more concerned with finances than the institution of marriage, just as Blair was committed more to ensuring that young women who had babies in their teenage years were not a future burden to the treasury than actually being concerned for their emotional wellbeing.
Unfair? Possibly.
But as with most things, economic factors drive social policy. Marriage and coupledom is encouraged because a stable and secure family is allegedly the best place to bring up children.
The evidence suggests that this is the case but once more, it is not always that clear cut and one can frequently think of cases where the contrary is true.
The real truth is that marriage and the sustaining of marriage is the cheaper alternative for state and the individuals concerned. That is the real reason why marriage and coupledom is encouraged above any other means of living.
There have been two articles in this week’s Guardian on the subject, both worth a quick view.
Finally, I return to my friend and her chat with the man who wanted to do the coupledom thing.
It is quite easy to be dismissive and guffaw at such a notion. Neither party want children. Both are financially independent. Both enjoy flirtations, even full-blown sexual intercourse with others, both enjoy their freedom to sit in their individual houses reading what they want to read, watching what they want to watch, so why the hell should they even consider co-habitation as part of the coupledom thing? It seems ludicrous.
Yet, if they are committed to one another and potentially could be for the rest of their lives, then why not?
Well, the ‘why not’ comes in the acceptance of one another’s definition of coupledom. If either one of them considers that first quote and exclusivity as the definition, then they cannot possibly do the coupledom thing. It wouldn’t work.
However, if they consider a more liberal approach to coupledom, then why shouldn’t they have an excellent and rewarding partnership where the beauty of intimacy can be enjoyed more regularly than it currently is?
What is wrong with wanting to have a strong and committed relationship with another person but also accepting and positively encouraging their individuality and liberty by accepting that they are instinctual and sexual beings, who may like to look, touch and copulate with others?
It’s clearly an ideology that is beyond the contemplation of most but it should not be completely dismissed. It is viable.
They’d have to talk about it. They would have to be honest and explain to one another how they feel. She would have to tell him that she just likes having sex with others. She’d have to tell him that this enjoyment of another human being does not detract from her love for him. He would have to consider if he could cope with this. Yet, isn’t it far more honest than just wondering all the time whether there was someone else in her life?
Possibly, they could share information about other people in their lives. In a truly polyamorous way, they could even share each other’s other people.
I return finally to the quotes at the top of the blog, now looking at the ‘coupled’ quotes.
Coupled means “joined together in a relationship”. Fine – all sounds good. There’s no mention of exclusivity here; no mention of tedium and perpetual boredom. Coupled means “join in sexual union or marry”. Okay, let’s ignore the marriage bit, but the sexual union sounds fine.
Coupled means “joined together, especially in a pair of pairs”.
Now, you are talking my language!
Friday, 4 December 2009
Partners in Crime: Part One
It was a brilliant autumn day. Everything shone and sparkled and there was a glorious anticipation in the air.
Yet nobody really expected anything out of the ordinary.
All she was looking forward to was getting into bed with her lover, and feeling his nakedness next to her for the entire night.
It was this that she was anticipating, and her body responded accordingly at the thought of an extremely passionate night, waking up in the darkness and feeling a ready cock about to enter her.
They arrived early in the afternoon, and despite a desperate desire to feign fatigue as some hopeless excuse to celebrate her freedom, she dutifully made polite conversation with David’s friend, sipping a decent Sauvignon Blanc and munching on the feast of local purchases before them.
However, she couldn’t eradicate the thoughts of her night ahead, and often whilst David and Jim were sharing their ideas on their latest business venture, she felt her mind drifting upstairs to the huge wooden bed that she knew was clambering for her attention.
Eventually, she could contain the urge no longer and walked upstairs just so that she could familiarise herself with the room and the furniture where she was going to be both smothered with love and vigorously fucked.
The long walk down the river only escalated her anticipation. The freshness invigorated her and she enjoyed the briskness of her pace as she galloped to and fro, still thinking about the night ahead, still trying to concentrate on the natural beauty around her.
The evening too was immensely pleasurable and she laughed with the two men as they discussed their various escapades from a distant time in Mid Europe, when they were both studying for their degrees. There was something incredibly wonderful about being able to sit and discuss sexual encounters without any inhibitions or embarrassment. She wished that people were more honest, not only about their past but also about their sexual hopes.
Was there anything wrong with being a little explicit about her own fantasies, for instance? Would that be an appropriate topic of conversation?
David remembered the time that the travelling Shakespeare Company arrived in Berlin and how he had fucked Ophelia who, despite the glare of stage lights, had noticed the young man gently rubbing his dick every time she entered the stage in her negligee. As soon as the production was over, it was she that sought out her audience, rushing into the foyer as soon as the curtains closed. She’d found him easily, and had taken him back stage for a very frantic fuck before going back to his apartment for more of the same.
Jim explained how he had first experienced a threesome. His tutor had made no attempt to disguise her lust for him and in the middle of a one to one discussion about Stephen Dedalus’s psyche from a James Joyce novel he had just read, she pounced on him, offering her secretary into the bargain.
That evening they had all met at Fraulein Gerber’s maisonette and he had rogered them both senseless, yet still managed a morning wank all over them just to finish the party with a bang.
Fiona had no such experiences to share. All her sexual thoughts were carefully locked in a world that was unreal and imagined. She was a novice as far as recreational sex was concerned, and all she could offer was a memory of being somewhat drunk and watching her two friends having sex on the floor outside the University library late one night.
She’d watched with horror at their daring, hoping that nobody would see them, hoping that nobody would realise how turned on she was by this inaugural voyeurism.
The evening’s sexual nature was intensified by David ensuring that his hand slid down her blouse whilst Jim was recounting his German ménage a trois. He held her breasts firmly as Jim told of the fuck on the stairs, and it was clear that both men were aroused by the story and by the fact that there was this subtle sexuality with them in the room in the shape of Fiona’s tits peaking out of her ill-fitting bra.
Finally, it was time for bed.
It was Jim who suggested that they retire.
“You must be desperate to get his cock inside you now!” he had laughed, and Fiona made no attempt to disguise her agreement.
As they entered the bedroom, Fiona noticed a huge pile of towels that had not been there in the afternoon. Jim popped his head around the door to say goodnight, and directed his eyes to the pile that he had placed there, saying that David had suggested that more than a towel or two would be required for the juices that were going to erupt from Fiona’s fanny that night.
“Make sure they get a good douching” he said as he wandered off to his room.
They would, she thought, and pretty quickly too.
They looked at each other from their positions at the end of the bed and walked towards one another for a long and comforting kiss. His erection was there in an instant and she slipped out of her jeans to reveal her newly acquired black satin panties that were begging to be removed.
Once naked, they continued to hold one another, staring down at where their bodies were about to meet. His cock was dancing with eagerness, jumping upright and rigid as he looked longingly at the pussy and pubes he could see before him.
As they stood in front of one another, she took his cock and rubbed it up and down her clitoris until she could stand it no longer. She turned around with her hands on the edge of the bed, pushing her arse out and moved her labia to reveal a pinkness of eagerness, dripping with need, inviting his stiff one inside.
The cum poured out of her onto the wooden floor below. She was erupting and as he withdrew his cock a cascade of loveliness fell out splashing the edges of Jim’s towels.
The climbed into bed, totally wrapped in one another, oblivious to the noises they were creating. Jim wouldn’t mind. He would have expected nothing else. The realisation that David and Fiona were fucking like bunnies may even excite him and lull him into a sexual fantasy all of his own.
It is strange how everyone says that sex is exhausting, that it burns up calories and saps you of all energy when done well. Yet this night of almost uninterrupted sex was as good as seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.
When Fiona awoke a few hours later, she felt refreshed and full of life. Sex, she thought, may be energetic and lively, but for her, it was energy giving too. Without sex, she was de-motivated in other aspects of her life. Admittedly, she probably couldn’t keep this up for a week, but a couple of nights would be fine.
As soon as she opened her eyes, before she opened her eyes, she checked her cunt to see if it was capable of taking more of David’s loveliness inside her.
Everything seemed to be in working order and there was morning moistness already there to accommodate her wonderful lover.
Spooned together, she waited for signs of life, hoping that it wouldn’t be too long before he rose to greet her.
It was less than five minutes before she felt his cock tapping at the crack in her arse and she felt his grasp on her breasts tighten as he came to life once more.
He moved towards her, sucking around the nape of her neck and placing his tongue in her ear.
She arched away from him, once more pushing her bum towards his cock. Within seconds, he was inside her, at first gently moving his hips to drill his dick inside her, searching out for a G-Spot that would need very little pressure to stimulate it into action.
Just as he was about to bang her hard, there was a knock on the door.
Fiona moved forward to release David’s cock but he pulled her back, insisting without a word being spoken that he remained inside her.
Jim walked in with three cups of coffee and a bowl of fruit. He walked across the base of the bed and sat down on the chair next to the window, placing the tray on the table beside.
“I thought you might need some sustenance considering you have been fucking all night”.
Neither of them chose to deny this fact and Jim went on to complain that every time he had walked passed their doorway during the night, they seemed to be having sex.
“Did you actually get any sleep?” he enquired with a delighted smile on his face.
Still silence from the lovers until Jim suddenly realised that sex was still taking place and his eyes wandered down the bed to decipher the position that was evident for anyone with an active imagination.
“Good God man, have you still got your cock in her cunt?” he asked.
David was about to respond when there was a sudden surge of action from Fiona’s pussy.
It had always been one of her fantasies to be watched having sex, and although there was a cover over their bodies, she realised that Jim knew they were fucking. This realisation had caused a huge erection inside her that pushed hard on David’s cock. Desperate not to lose its comforting shape inside her, she prevented her orgasm from erupting and using only the pelvic muscles that she did not know were so developed, she scooped his cock back inside her, tightly and assuredly.
“You fucking horny woman. I fucking love fucking you!” was all that David was capable of saying.
He now held her tight, pushing himself further in, responding to her silent demand to remain inside her, almost oblivious to his friend who was watching on in amazement.
Jim finally asked what was going on and David explained how his lover had expelled his cock only to gather it back inside her. He explained what a complete turn on that was and how he wished his friend could see what a beautiful cunt he was fucking.
Jim responded to say that he would only be too delighted to see what was taking place beneath the covers of his visitor’s bed.
David withdrew from Fiona and pulled her onto her back. Once she was settled, he climbed on top of her into a missionary position, and slid his cock back inside her. She straddled her legs to allow him in and once she was inside her, she curled her legs around his back.
Looking over towards Jim, she noticed that he had moved his own hands towards his cock and was now fumbling under his dressing gown to reach his erection.
David glanced behind him and also noticed his friend’s satisfaction. He carefully tugged the duvet away from Fiona’s breasts, allowing Jim to see the fullness that he had held in his hands as he had fallen asleep the night before. In response to this uncovering, Fiona’s nipples sprang to life and David dived on top of them, smothering them with his mouth, still fucking her with a determined passion for her and their combined sexuality.
Fiona was delighted. Her wonderful lover was giving her the very best of morning sex and she was being watched too. She loved the idea of this other sexual man being turned on by watching his friend as he fucked his woman, even though Jim had had no sight of a cock going into a cunt.
But she held on to her orgasms, just in case a soaking of the duvet was a step too far.
David was now keen to go down on Fiona and he slid underneath the covers whilst she clasped her breasts in direct response to the motion of her lover’s tongue enticing her to a climax.
In desperation to prevent the bed getting wet, she pulled up and away from David and he returned to a lying position beside her.
They kissed once more and then lay down on the pillows and simultaneously turned their heads towards Jim.
“Why stop?” he asked. “I’m having a fine wank, looking at you too. I want to finish myself off!”
“Fiona was about to cum and I know she is worried about the duvet” responded David.
“Then move the fucking duvet and let me watch!”
David looked at Fiona, and recognising her affirmation, he jumped out of bed with his cock still erect and gathered the duvet away to reveal her straddled legs and an awaiting pussy.
Beckoning to Jim to join him at the end of the bed, he pushed her knees skyward, and moved his finger and thumb over her labia to reveal her lubricated and intensely pink pussy.
They stood there, awestruck at the beauty of the furling and unfurling of the layers of Fiona’s internal skin, all of which were full of motion as she watched their gaze.
Both men leant over as David worked his fingers inside her, pressing on the spot that was bound to cause an eruption. As he felt her orgasm rise, he pushed with force on her clitoris and immediately, she had gushed her stuff directly between where the two men were standing, showering the mirror on the wardrobe behind them.
Dribbles of cum rushed down the glass as the two men looked on in astonishment, each holding their helmets with a clogging grasp, desperately squashing the urge to splurge.
David clambered back onto the bed and pushed his cock back inside Fiona.
Jim knelt on the floor to watch, moving his hand up and down his erect one, ready to splatter its contents on the discarded and already dampened towels beneath.
“In or out?” David asked.
“Spunk all over me” she responded.
And as he withdrew to cum all over her, he heard the familiar groans of orgasm from the end of the bed.
Both men slumped in post orgasmic pleasure; one with back against the bed, one back in the bed smothering his juices all over Fiona’s tits.
Her delight was immeasurable. As soon as David had finished working his sperm into her torso, she reached for his hand to finish her off as a new influx of waters had already gathered inside her.
Exhaustion finally overwhelmed her and even the nagging concern of how they all might feel about this in an hour’s time did not occupy her mind.
In the last seven hours she had been on a journey beyond her already high expectations. Her lover had loved her all night. The sensuality of the intimacy had been almost unbearable and in direct contrast, she had also experienced this exciting and viewable fuck.
She adored all these sexual experiences for different reasons but what was utterly fascinating and incredibly powerful was the fact that sex could be so versatile.
You could have the intimacy with a single person and also share the joys of this sexuality with others, taking absolutely nothing away from the passion you felt for that one being.
If only others could appreciate this.
What more could be achieved?
“Coffee’s cold” said Jim. “I’ll go and make another batch”
And with that it was all over.
Forgotten? Who knows?
David lay down on the bed and pulled Fiona towards him. He rustled the duvet up to cover them, placed his arm around her and stroked her hair away from her face.
“You adorable thing” he whispered. “You special, special person.” ..............
Yet nobody really expected anything out of the ordinary.
All she was looking forward to was getting into bed with her lover, and feeling his nakedness next to her for the entire night.
It was this that she was anticipating, and her body responded accordingly at the thought of an extremely passionate night, waking up in the darkness and feeling a ready cock about to enter her.
They arrived early in the afternoon, and despite a desperate desire to feign fatigue as some hopeless excuse to celebrate her freedom, she dutifully made polite conversation with David’s friend, sipping a decent Sauvignon Blanc and munching on the feast of local purchases before them.
However, she couldn’t eradicate the thoughts of her night ahead, and often whilst David and Jim were sharing their ideas on their latest business venture, she felt her mind drifting upstairs to the huge wooden bed that she knew was clambering for her attention.
Eventually, she could contain the urge no longer and walked upstairs just so that she could familiarise herself with the room and the furniture where she was going to be both smothered with love and vigorously fucked.
The long walk down the river only escalated her anticipation. The freshness invigorated her and she enjoyed the briskness of her pace as she galloped to and fro, still thinking about the night ahead, still trying to concentrate on the natural beauty around her.
The evening too was immensely pleasurable and she laughed with the two men as they discussed their various escapades from a distant time in Mid Europe, when they were both studying for their degrees. There was something incredibly wonderful about being able to sit and discuss sexual encounters without any inhibitions or embarrassment. She wished that people were more honest, not only about their past but also about their sexual hopes.
Was there anything wrong with being a little explicit about her own fantasies, for instance? Would that be an appropriate topic of conversation?
David remembered the time that the travelling Shakespeare Company arrived in Berlin and how he had fucked Ophelia who, despite the glare of stage lights, had noticed the young man gently rubbing his dick every time she entered the stage in her negligee. As soon as the production was over, it was she that sought out her audience, rushing into the foyer as soon as the curtains closed. She’d found him easily, and had taken him back stage for a very frantic fuck before going back to his apartment for more of the same.
Jim explained how he had first experienced a threesome. His tutor had made no attempt to disguise her lust for him and in the middle of a one to one discussion about Stephen Dedalus’s psyche from a James Joyce novel he had just read, she pounced on him, offering her secretary into the bargain.
That evening they had all met at Fraulein Gerber’s maisonette and he had rogered them both senseless, yet still managed a morning wank all over them just to finish the party with a bang.
Fiona had no such experiences to share. All her sexual thoughts were carefully locked in a world that was unreal and imagined. She was a novice as far as recreational sex was concerned, and all she could offer was a memory of being somewhat drunk and watching her two friends having sex on the floor outside the University library late one night.
She’d watched with horror at their daring, hoping that nobody would see them, hoping that nobody would realise how turned on she was by this inaugural voyeurism.
The evening’s sexual nature was intensified by David ensuring that his hand slid down her blouse whilst Jim was recounting his German ménage a trois. He held her breasts firmly as Jim told of the fuck on the stairs, and it was clear that both men were aroused by the story and by the fact that there was this subtle sexuality with them in the room in the shape of Fiona’s tits peaking out of her ill-fitting bra.
Finally, it was time for bed.
It was Jim who suggested that they retire.
“You must be desperate to get his cock inside you now!” he had laughed, and Fiona made no attempt to disguise her agreement.
As they entered the bedroom, Fiona noticed a huge pile of towels that had not been there in the afternoon. Jim popped his head around the door to say goodnight, and directed his eyes to the pile that he had placed there, saying that David had suggested that more than a towel or two would be required for the juices that were going to erupt from Fiona’s fanny that night.
“Make sure they get a good douching” he said as he wandered off to his room.
They would, she thought, and pretty quickly too.
They looked at each other from their positions at the end of the bed and walked towards one another for a long and comforting kiss. His erection was there in an instant and she slipped out of her jeans to reveal her newly acquired black satin panties that were begging to be removed.
Once naked, they continued to hold one another, staring down at where their bodies were about to meet. His cock was dancing with eagerness, jumping upright and rigid as he looked longingly at the pussy and pubes he could see before him.
As they stood in front of one another, she took his cock and rubbed it up and down her clitoris until she could stand it no longer. She turned around with her hands on the edge of the bed, pushing her arse out and moved her labia to reveal a pinkness of eagerness, dripping with need, inviting his stiff one inside.
The cum poured out of her onto the wooden floor below. She was erupting and as he withdrew his cock a cascade of loveliness fell out splashing the edges of Jim’s towels.
The climbed into bed, totally wrapped in one another, oblivious to the noises they were creating. Jim wouldn’t mind. He would have expected nothing else. The realisation that David and Fiona were fucking like bunnies may even excite him and lull him into a sexual fantasy all of his own.
It is strange how everyone says that sex is exhausting, that it burns up calories and saps you of all energy when done well. Yet this night of almost uninterrupted sex was as good as seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.
When Fiona awoke a few hours later, she felt refreshed and full of life. Sex, she thought, may be energetic and lively, but for her, it was energy giving too. Without sex, she was de-motivated in other aspects of her life. Admittedly, she probably couldn’t keep this up for a week, but a couple of nights would be fine.
As soon as she opened her eyes, before she opened her eyes, she checked her cunt to see if it was capable of taking more of David’s loveliness inside her.
Everything seemed to be in working order and there was morning moistness already there to accommodate her wonderful lover.
Spooned together, she waited for signs of life, hoping that it wouldn’t be too long before he rose to greet her.
It was less than five minutes before she felt his cock tapping at the crack in her arse and she felt his grasp on her breasts tighten as he came to life once more.
He moved towards her, sucking around the nape of her neck and placing his tongue in her ear.
She arched away from him, once more pushing her bum towards his cock. Within seconds, he was inside her, at first gently moving his hips to drill his dick inside her, searching out for a G-Spot that would need very little pressure to stimulate it into action.
Just as he was about to bang her hard, there was a knock on the door.
Fiona moved forward to release David’s cock but he pulled her back, insisting without a word being spoken that he remained inside her.
Jim walked in with three cups of coffee and a bowl of fruit. He walked across the base of the bed and sat down on the chair next to the window, placing the tray on the table beside.
“I thought you might need some sustenance considering you have been fucking all night”.
Neither of them chose to deny this fact and Jim went on to complain that every time he had walked passed their doorway during the night, they seemed to be having sex.
“Did you actually get any sleep?” he enquired with a delighted smile on his face.
Still silence from the lovers until Jim suddenly realised that sex was still taking place and his eyes wandered down the bed to decipher the position that was evident for anyone with an active imagination.
“Good God man, have you still got your cock in her cunt?” he asked.
David was about to respond when there was a sudden surge of action from Fiona’s pussy.
It had always been one of her fantasies to be watched having sex, and although there was a cover over their bodies, she realised that Jim knew they were fucking. This realisation had caused a huge erection inside her that pushed hard on David’s cock. Desperate not to lose its comforting shape inside her, she prevented her orgasm from erupting and using only the pelvic muscles that she did not know were so developed, she scooped his cock back inside her, tightly and assuredly.
“You fucking horny woman. I fucking love fucking you!” was all that David was capable of saying.
He now held her tight, pushing himself further in, responding to her silent demand to remain inside her, almost oblivious to his friend who was watching on in amazement.
Jim finally asked what was going on and David explained how his lover had expelled his cock only to gather it back inside her. He explained what a complete turn on that was and how he wished his friend could see what a beautiful cunt he was fucking.
Jim responded to say that he would only be too delighted to see what was taking place beneath the covers of his visitor’s bed.
David withdrew from Fiona and pulled her onto her back. Once she was settled, he climbed on top of her into a missionary position, and slid his cock back inside her. She straddled her legs to allow him in and once she was inside her, she curled her legs around his back.
Looking over towards Jim, she noticed that he had moved his own hands towards his cock and was now fumbling under his dressing gown to reach his erection.
David glanced behind him and also noticed his friend’s satisfaction. He carefully tugged the duvet away from Fiona’s breasts, allowing Jim to see the fullness that he had held in his hands as he had fallen asleep the night before. In response to this uncovering, Fiona’s nipples sprang to life and David dived on top of them, smothering them with his mouth, still fucking her with a determined passion for her and their combined sexuality.
Fiona was delighted. Her wonderful lover was giving her the very best of morning sex and she was being watched too. She loved the idea of this other sexual man being turned on by watching his friend as he fucked his woman, even though Jim had had no sight of a cock going into a cunt.
But she held on to her orgasms, just in case a soaking of the duvet was a step too far.
David was now keen to go down on Fiona and he slid underneath the covers whilst she clasped her breasts in direct response to the motion of her lover’s tongue enticing her to a climax.
In desperation to prevent the bed getting wet, she pulled up and away from David and he returned to a lying position beside her.
They kissed once more and then lay down on the pillows and simultaneously turned their heads towards Jim.
“Why stop?” he asked. “I’m having a fine wank, looking at you too. I want to finish myself off!”
“Fiona was about to cum and I know she is worried about the duvet” responded David.
“Then move the fucking duvet and let me watch!”
David looked at Fiona, and recognising her affirmation, he jumped out of bed with his cock still erect and gathered the duvet away to reveal her straddled legs and an awaiting pussy.
Beckoning to Jim to join him at the end of the bed, he pushed her knees skyward, and moved his finger and thumb over her labia to reveal her lubricated and intensely pink pussy.
They stood there, awestruck at the beauty of the furling and unfurling of the layers of Fiona’s internal skin, all of which were full of motion as she watched their gaze.
Both men leant over as David worked his fingers inside her, pressing on the spot that was bound to cause an eruption. As he felt her orgasm rise, he pushed with force on her clitoris and immediately, she had gushed her stuff directly between where the two men were standing, showering the mirror on the wardrobe behind them.
Dribbles of cum rushed down the glass as the two men looked on in astonishment, each holding their helmets with a clogging grasp, desperately squashing the urge to splurge.
David clambered back onto the bed and pushed his cock back inside Fiona.
Jim knelt on the floor to watch, moving his hand up and down his erect one, ready to splatter its contents on the discarded and already dampened towels beneath.
“In or out?” David asked.
“Spunk all over me” she responded.
And as he withdrew to cum all over her, he heard the familiar groans of orgasm from the end of the bed.
Both men slumped in post orgasmic pleasure; one with back against the bed, one back in the bed smothering his juices all over Fiona’s tits.
Her delight was immeasurable. As soon as David had finished working his sperm into her torso, she reached for his hand to finish her off as a new influx of waters had already gathered inside her.
Exhaustion finally overwhelmed her and even the nagging concern of how they all might feel about this in an hour’s time did not occupy her mind.
In the last seven hours she had been on a journey beyond her already high expectations. Her lover had loved her all night. The sensuality of the intimacy had been almost unbearable and in direct contrast, she had also experienced this exciting and viewable fuck.
She adored all these sexual experiences for different reasons but what was utterly fascinating and incredibly powerful was the fact that sex could be so versatile.
You could have the intimacy with a single person and also share the joys of this sexuality with others, taking absolutely nothing away from the passion you felt for that one being.
If only others could appreciate this.
What more could be achieved?
“Coffee’s cold” said Jim. “I’ll go and make another batch”
And with that it was all over.
Forgotten? Who knows?
David lay down on the bed and pulled Fiona towards him. He rustled the duvet up to cover them, placed his arm around her and stroked her hair away from her face.
“You adorable thing” he whispered. “You special, special person.” ..............
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
You make me feel like a natural woman
My mistress touches me, strongly and sensitively, knowing how and when, feeling around and tickling me sensitively, inviting me to explode.
I’ve never been touched like this before. I’ve never felt so many orgasms from the creative and experienced fingers, fiddling away at my fanny, fondling me to distraction.
My mistress does the most amazing things to me, enabling me to feel more liberated and more sexually alive than I have ever felt.
My mistress really is my ‘man’.
Oh, baby, what you've done to me
You make me feel so good inside
And I just want to be close to you
You make me feel so alive
Cause you make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like
A natural woman
What is a natural woman?
Well, according to my friend Aretha, it has something to do with the effect that another human being has on her, which is fine but I would hope she had some inner strength and understanding about being a natural woman from within her own being as well as the effects of others.
She talks of having “piece of mind”, that prior to feeling like a natural woman her “soul was in the lost and found”, that she used to feel “uninspired….. when I knew I had to face another day”.
This resonates with me.
Of course, Aretha Franklin is probably not singing entirely about feeling a ‘sexually’ natural woman but I like to think that there is an element of this within her writing. And there is part of me that feels somewhat abusive in taking her lyrics and giving them a slight Zenpuss twist but I hope that she wouldn’t mind me using her song in this way, for it is for the good of womankind, I hope.
Feeling like a natural woman is an incredibly important thing. Feeling that what happens to your mind, your body and your soul in day to day living should feel natural if you are at one with yourself. Feeling that you are appreciated for being a woman is another very natural thing that I hope all women could explore and appreciate for themselves as well as having this confirmed for them by a loved one or even a friend.
I like being a woman. I like the parts of me that make me a woman, not just the physical attributes either. But I also like feeling like a sexy woman, and I like to think that this too is very natural; it is as it should be. Feeling like a “natural woman” has to be about feeling sexy doesn’t it?
Even if it is not explicit in the song, I am assuming that one of the joys that Aretha is singing about is that her lover makes her feel this way. When she is with her lover, she feels natural, she feels as a woman should feel. She feels like a natural woman.
(Just as an aside, I love the emphasis on the word “Woman” at the end of the chorus – so forceful and determined, so pleased that she is the WO-man who is feeling so natural).
I suppose one of the purposes of writing these blogs is to enable women to feel natural about their sexuality, which is partly why this song sprung to mind on my drive home from work today.
I want women to feel natural about every aspect of their sexuality which means dispelling some of the myths that surround female orgasms and ejaculations. It is also about ensuring that women feel good about the way that they dress and what feels natural for them. In some cases it is about making sure that women feel that it is natural to be creative and innovative and that using their imagination to explore themselves and their world is also natural.
Today, of course, I want to concentrate on the natural aspects of female sexuality.
I’ve already covered many aspects of these, ranging from masturbation to gushing cums, of bisexuality to loving thrusting cocks but for now I want to concentrate on the ‘naturalness’ of it all.
When I talk about masturbation, if I talk about masturbation with friends or colleagues, then I feel slightly unnatural. Obviously, I would not launch into a confession about my own masturbation practices, desires and needs with anyone, and certainly as far as colleagues are concerned, I would take the personal out of it and discuss masturbation as a generic issue.
I am perfectly comfortable when talking about this subject so the unnatural state does not come from within, but I often get the impression that others find it unnatural. Others consider that even talking about it is a little unnatural.
But why should this be the case? How are we going to make it a natural subject if we do not talk about it? How are we going to ensure that women feel natural about their own masturbation if it is constantly ignored?
Talking about your sexuality and normalising this perfectly normal function in life is an absolute must for all those who consider sexual enlightenment as a way forward in life.
Feeling natural about your physical state is another important thing for women.
It has been said on more than one occasion that what women feel about their own bodies is quite different to what others might feel about a woman’s body.
There have been all sorts of experiments done to ascertain what the average man sees as a ‘standard’ size and what women see. Very sadly, the image of a woman that men find attractive is a size or two bigger than one that a woman would choose. Women choose the size 10 model, men look longingly at the size 14.
Okay, that is a slight generalisation, and I would hope that when it came to relationships that people would actually consider the person before the label on their jeans but the point is that it is quite common for women to have an opinion on size, and that opinion is that they see attractiveness in a smaller form than men.
Maybe it is possible that men see the naturalness of a woman’s curvaceous body more readily than we women do.
Some would argue that men are probably less discerning but I do not think that is the case.
“She's a perfect 10, but she wears a 12
Baby keep a little 2 for me
She could be sweet 16, bustin' out at the seams
It's still love in the first degree
'Cause we love our love,
in different sizes
I love her body, especially the lies
Time takes it's toll, but not on the eyes
Promise me this, take me tonight”
This “Beautiful South” song goes on from the woman’s point of view.
“If he's XXL well what the hell
Every penny don't fit the slot”
It’s probably about time that women realise that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Why is it that most women do not even have a glancing worry about the size of their men yet are fixated with their own state of being? Women still love their men irrespective of their size and it is exactly the same for men. They may prefer a little less weight. They may actually prefer more but essentially, it isn’t the main contributory factor to the initial or the maintained attraction.
Sticking to the subject in hand, being natural means being content with what you are. That does not mean the same as being complacent and if you want to or ought to do something about your body for health or aesthetic reasons then that is what you should do. However, this is quite different from trying to achieve something that is not your natural being.
But Aretha mentioned “you”. “You make me feel like a natural woman”.
And the “you” is important.
I, like the many women described above, am not content with my body. I don’t want to be a stick insect. I don’t want to be obese. I want to retain my decent sized boobs and I want to be voluptuous. And I will, eventually, manage to tone it all up so that I can look something like the way I feel I should.
However, my particular “you”, whilst encouraging me to do something about my body for ME, still makes me feel like a “natural woman” whatever I physically look like.
He celebrates my curves. He relishes in the abundance that I have in certain areas of my body. He devours my legs and smoothes his hands up and down, acknowledging their fullness and their feel.
He makes me feel like a natural woman, and that is before I have even got to the important parts of my body that are so natural and so significant to both of us. When we get to my pussy, he certainly makes me feel like a natural woman.
At this point, I need to mention female ejaculation once more.
Is it natural?
Does ejaculating in the middle of an amazing orgasm make me feel natural? You bet it does!
As I am on the theme of songs, I will quote a few little lines from some terrible songs that spring to mind.
“It started with a kiss”. Yes, a kiss is all that it took.
A friend of mine was explaining to me some time ago that another mutual friend had this lover.
This friend had stated that her lover was amazing and that he only had to kiss her in a certain way to bring on a huge, pounding orgasm. My friend was somewhat sceptical about this. It had never happened to her, or so she thought.
I had to tackle her on this one because when I kissed the “you” mentioned before for the first time, I distinctly remember that it would only take the slightest of touches after this inaugural kiss to have me screaming “orgasm alert” in an instant.
With a beautiful kiss and a mind wholly set on the togetherness of that intimacy, then I for one would certainly describe the experience as orgasmic.
I asked my friend once more. Had she not felt an urgent need to pee when she kissed someone that she felt a huge passion for? She agreed that she had.
It’s not pee!
That feeling that wells up inside when the mind and the body are working simultaneously is real.
It is natural. Has no-one ever considered how bizarre it would be for a kiss to make you feel the need to urinate? Yet, we assume that it is a need to pee because that it feels a little like it.
However, if you look at it more objectively, it is totally different. Yes, there is a welling up and a pressure of fluids in the nether regions, but I for one, don’t have a sudden hardening of my clitoris every time I go and take a leak.
The build-up of fluids that resembles the feeling of a need to pee is not a build up of urine but a build up of ejaculatory fluids that are desperate to come out, and there are too many women out there who do not recognise it as such.
IF you are ever in that situation again, take this kiss, take the build up of fluids and then rush to the loo as soon as possible. Then take a look at the basin. I bet the “urine” is light and clear and you are still left with a tingling desire and possibly a feeling that you still need to pee because despite releasing the fluids, the insides of your pussy are still engorged and alive. You are having an ejaculatory orgasm, albeit in a slightly controlled and less natural state. It is NOT pee.
Time for another song!
“First I was afraid. I was petrified”
Okay, the rest of the song doesn’t fit in with the theme but this phrase has a purpose here.
I’d had orgasms before but they weren’t exactly gushing ones. They were intense. They mainly happened after a finger fuck. They often happened after a partner had spunked inside me; something that I still find unbelievably arousing but in essence they weren’t very moist.
My orgasms had always been about a stimulation of the clit and a growing consciousness of a swelling inside that had nowhere to go other than fill my body with a glorious climax.
I admit that most of the very best orgasms were still self-inflicted rather than supported by a friendly finger or cock.
So when I was finger fucked for the first time by “you”, I was afraid and I was petrified for I had no idea that my body was capable of emitting a little dribble of excitement. Yet, even then, when it happened for the first time, I was convinced that I hadn’t pissed myself. I knew and felt the difference. I knew that I had been fingered to orgasm and that the climax was so intense, I had cum avec ejaculation.
Time passed by and I continued to have these arousing and immature little splashes.
It felt natural yet I wasn’t quite sure. I wasn’t sure whether this was something that was special to me or that it usually happened with women.
Subconsciously, I think I held back a little. I tried to put a stop on the amount of juices that were coming out of me.
And so it went on.
I continued to cum with the ejaculation and I got accustomed to the spillage.
Only it changed.
The more intimate and closer I became to my lover, the more juices seemed to spill out of me.
At first it was a trickle. Then it got to a cascade. Then we bought towels because it seemed that this was going to happen every time I opened my legs.
Once the towels were bought and spread conveniently on bed or floor, it was as though it was an open invitation to release more.
And I did.
At first, I soaked one towel laid beneath me. Then we had to double them up. Then we had to ensure that there was always more than one towel there because I realised that one cum was not enough for me. Then my cascades began to be projectile, soaking not only my lover’s balls but spraying all over his chest if he was sitting in front of me.
Recently, we watched a video of two women having a competition to see how far their cum could travel. Pretty impressive too! It travelled some distance and I suppose the competitive element in me felt as thought there was a challenge on.
But it wasn’t really a challenge at all and this wasn’t the reason that I came so copiously after watching the video.
He made and makes me feel like a natural woman. The inhibitions are going. I feel liberated by the fact that I really can just release whatever needs releasing, even if, in some instances, the orgasm and the ejaculation is mixed with the odd measure of urine.
It is natural. I am a natural woman.
The other day, I had already soaked the obligatory three towels. I was probably incapable of another gush and yet, I felt that familiar feeling in my cunt. I was lying there in need of another ejaculation. I turned to my lover who was already there before me. With a sixth sense, he often knows when I am ready to cum before me. When his dick is inside me, I know he feels a rising orgasm before it has taken place and his acknowledgement of the impending glory brings it on even faster.
At this time, I knew another release was imminent and I kicked the duvet away just in time to project a huge wash of watery goodness out of my body. The duvet caught too much of it, but had it not been there, I am sure I may have reached the window sill, such was the force that this ejaculation had.
And it was all perfectly natural.
“You make me feel like a natural woman”.
You enable me to be a natural woman and enabling me in this way makes me desperate to enable other women to feel natural about this totally natural state of being.
There is nothing more natural than a female ejaculation. Yes, it can be messy. Yes, it can need a bit of mopping up but it is a glorious wonderment for both parties involved.
I still marvel at how my lover’s cock rises in an instance at watching me ejaculate. It is like a natural order of things; the cycle of sex keeps on going. I cum, he gets erect and so we start all over again.
How natural and brilliant is that!
Of course, being a natural woman is far more complex than the ability to relax and ejaculate but there is nothing unnatural about this part of my sexuality or other women’s, and that is why I wanted to reiterate this today.
Being natural, being comfortable with your physical being, enabling your mind, your spirit, your body to work in harmony – releasing all sorts. That is natural.
Naturists – natural – it all fits together.
What greater gift can you actually give to another human being as well as yourself than to feel alive? I would argue now against the bible quote "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
You don’t need to die to give life to another.
Giving life, not giving up life is part of being a natural woman, or man, for that matter.
The greatest love, the most natural way to be is to make another person feel alive and I guess that is partly what Aretha Franklin was singing about.
“You make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like a natural woman”.
I’ve never been touched like this before. I’ve never felt so many orgasms from the creative and experienced fingers, fiddling away at my fanny, fondling me to distraction.
My mistress does the most amazing things to me, enabling me to feel more liberated and more sexually alive than I have ever felt.
My mistress really is my ‘man’.
Oh, baby, what you've done to me
You make me feel so good inside
And I just want to be close to you
You make me feel so alive
Cause you make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like
A natural woman
What is a natural woman?
Well, according to my friend Aretha, it has something to do with the effect that another human being has on her, which is fine but I would hope she had some inner strength and understanding about being a natural woman from within her own being as well as the effects of others.
She talks of having “piece of mind”, that prior to feeling like a natural woman her “soul was in the lost and found”, that she used to feel “uninspired….. when I knew I had to face another day”.
This resonates with me.
Of course, Aretha Franklin is probably not singing entirely about feeling a ‘sexually’ natural woman but I like to think that there is an element of this within her writing. And there is part of me that feels somewhat abusive in taking her lyrics and giving them a slight Zenpuss twist but I hope that she wouldn’t mind me using her song in this way, for it is for the good of womankind, I hope.
Feeling like a natural woman is an incredibly important thing. Feeling that what happens to your mind, your body and your soul in day to day living should feel natural if you are at one with yourself. Feeling that you are appreciated for being a woman is another very natural thing that I hope all women could explore and appreciate for themselves as well as having this confirmed for them by a loved one or even a friend.
I like being a woman. I like the parts of me that make me a woman, not just the physical attributes either. But I also like feeling like a sexy woman, and I like to think that this too is very natural; it is as it should be. Feeling like a “natural woman” has to be about feeling sexy doesn’t it?
Even if it is not explicit in the song, I am assuming that one of the joys that Aretha is singing about is that her lover makes her feel this way. When she is with her lover, she feels natural, she feels as a woman should feel. She feels like a natural woman.
(Just as an aside, I love the emphasis on the word “Woman” at the end of the chorus – so forceful and determined, so pleased that she is the WO-man who is feeling so natural).
I suppose one of the purposes of writing these blogs is to enable women to feel natural about their sexuality, which is partly why this song sprung to mind on my drive home from work today.
I want women to feel natural about every aspect of their sexuality which means dispelling some of the myths that surround female orgasms and ejaculations. It is also about ensuring that women feel good about the way that they dress and what feels natural for them. In some cases it is about making sure that women feel that it is natural to be creative and innovative and that using their imagination to explore themselves and their world is also natural.
Today, of course, I want to concentrate on the natural aspects of female sexuality.
I’ve already covered many aspects of these, ranging from masturbation to gushing cums, of bisexuality to loving thrusting cocks but for now I want to concentrate on the ‘naturalness’ of it all.
When I talk about masturbation, if I talk about masturbation with friends or colleagues, then I feel slightly unnatural. Obviously, I would not launch into a confession about my own masturbation practices, desires and needs with anyone, and certainly as far as colleagues are concerned, I would take the personal out of it and discuss masturbation as a generic issue.
I am perfectly comfortable when talking about this subject so the unnatural state does not come from within, but I often get the impression that others find it unnatural. Others consider that even talking about it is a little unnatural.
But why should this be the case? How are we going to make it a natural subject if we do not talk about it? How are we going to ensure that women feel natural about their own masturbation if it is constantly ignored?
Talking about your sexuality and normalising this perfectly normal function in life is an absolute must for all those who consider sexual enlightenment as a way forward in life.
Feeling natural about your physical state is another important thing for women.
It has been said on more than one occasion that what women feel about their own bodies is quite different to what others might feel about a woman’s body.
There have been all sorts of experiments done to ascertain what the average man sees as a ‘standard’ size and what women see. Very sadly, the image of a woman that men find attractive is a size or two bigger than one that a woman would choose. Women choose the size 10 model, men look longingly at the size 14.
Okay, that is a slight generalisation, and I would hope that when it came to relationships that people would actually consider the person before the label on their jeans but the point is that it is quite common for women to have an opinion on size, and that opinion is that they see attractiveness in a smaller form than men.
Maybe it is possible that men see the naturalness of a woman’s curvaceous body more readily than we women do.
Some would argue that men are probably less discerning but I do not think that is the case.
“She's a perfect 10, but she wears a 12
Baby keep a little 2 for me
She could be sweet 16, bustin' out at the seams
It's still love in the first degree
'Cause we love our love,
in different sizes
I love her body, especially the lies
Time takes it's toll, but not on the eyes
Promise me this, take me tonight”
This “Beautiful South” song goes on from the woman’s point of view.
“If he's XXL well what the hell
Every penny don't fit the slot”
It’s probably about time that women realise that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Why is it that most women do not even have a glancing worry about the size of their men yet are fixated with their own state of being? Women still love their men irrespective of their size and it is exactly the same for men. They may prefer a little less weight. They may actually prefer more but essentially, it isn’t the main contributory factor to the initial or the maintained attraction.
Sticking to the subject in hand, being natural means being content with what you are. That does not mean the same as being complacent and if you want to or ought to do something about your body for health or aesthetic reasons then that is what you should do. However, this is quite different from trying to achieve something that is not your natural being.
But Aretha mentioned “you”. “You make me feel like a natural woman”.
And the “you” is important.
I, like the many women described above, am not content with my body. I don’t want to be a stick insect. I don’t want to be obese. I want to retain my decent sized boobs and I want to be voluptuous. And I will, eventually, manage to tone it all up so that I can look something like the way I feel I should.
However, my particular “you”, whilst encouraging me to do something about my body for ME, still makes me feel like a “natural woman” whatever I physically look like.
He celebrates my curves. He relishes in the abundance that I have in certain areas of my body. He devours my legs and smoothes his hands up and down, acknowledging their fullness and their feel.
He makes me feel like a natural woman, and that is before I have even got to the important parts of my body that are so natural and so significant to both of us. When we get to my pussy, he certainly makes me feel like a natural woman.
At this point, I need to mention female ejaculation once more.
Is it natural?
Does ejaculating in the middle of an amazing orgasm make me feel natural? You bet it does!
As I am on the theme of songs, I will quote a few little lines from some terrible songs that spring to mind.
“It started with a kiss”. Yes, a kiss is all that it took.
A friend of mine was explaining to me some time ago that another mutual friend had this lover.
This friend had stated that her lover was amazing and that he only had to kiss her in a certain way to bring on a huge, pounding orgasm. My friend was somewhat sceptical about this. It had never happened to her, or so she thought.
I had to tackle her on this one because when I kissed the “you” mentioned before for the first time, I distinctly remember that it would only take the slightest of touches after this inaugural kiss to have me screaming “orgasm alert” in an instant.
With a beautiful kiss and a mind wholly set on the togetherness of that intimacy, then I for one would certainly describe the experience as orgasmic.
I asked my friend once more. Had she not felt an urgent need to pee when she kissed someone that she felt a huge passion for? She agreed that she had.
It’s not pee!
That feeling that wells up inside when the mind and the body are working simultaneously is real.
It is natural. Has no-one ever considered how bizarre it would be for a kiss to make you feel the need to urinate? Yet, we assume that it is a need to pee because that it feels a little like it.
However, if you look at it more objectively, it is totally different. Yes, there is a welling up and a pressure of fluids in the nether regions, but I for one, don’t have a sudden hardening of my clitoris every time I go and take a leak.
The build-up of fluids that resembles the feeling of a need to pee is not a build up of urine but a build up of ejaculatory fluids that are desperate to come out, and there are too many women out there who do not recognise it as such.
IF you are ever in that situation again, take this kiss, take the build up of fluids and then rush to the loo as soon as possible. Then take a look at the basin. I bet the “urine” is light and clear and you are still left with a tingling desire and possibly a feeling that you still need to pee because despite releasing the fluids, the insides of your pussy are still engorged and alive. You are having an ejaculatory orgasm, albeit in a slightly controlled and less natural state. It is NOT pee.
Time for another song!
“First I was afraid. I was petrified”
Okay, the rest of the song doesn’t fit in with the theme but this phrase has a purpose here.
I’d had orgasms before but they weren’t exactly gushing ones. They were intense. They mainly happened after a finger fuck. They often happened after a partner had spunked inside me; something that I still find unbelievably arousing but in essence they weren’t very moist.
My orgasms had always been about a stimulation of the clit and a growing consciousness of a swelling inside that had nowhere to go other than fill my body with a glorious climax.
I admit that most of the very best orgasms were still self-inflicted rather than supported by a friendly finger or cock.
So when I was finger fucked for the first time by “you”, I was afraid and I was petrified for I had no idea that my body was capable of emitting a little dribble of excitement. Yet, even then, when it happened for the first time, I was convinced that I hadn’t pissed myself. I knew and felt the difference. I knew that I had been fingered to orgasm and that the climax was so intense, I had cum avec ejaculation.
Time passed by and I continued to have these arousing and immature little splashes.
It felt natural yet I wasn’t quite sure. I wasn’t sure whether this was something that was special to me or that it usually happened with women.
Subconsciously, I think I held back a little. I tried to put a stop on the amount of juices that were coming out of me.
And so it went on.
I continued to cum with the ejaculation and I got accustomed to the spillage.
Only it changed.
The more intimate and closer I became to my lover, the more juices seemed to spill out of me.
At first it was a trickle. Then it got to a cascade. Then we bought towels because it seemed that this was going to happen every time I opened my legs.
Once the towels were bought and spread conveniently on bed or floor, it was as though it was an open invitation to release more.
And I did.
At first, I soaked one towel laid beneath me. Then we had to double them up. Then we had to ensure that there was always more than one towel there because I realised that one cum was not enough for me. Then my cascades began to be projectile, soaking not only my lover’s balls but spraying all over his chest if he was sitting in front of me.
Recently, we watched a video of two women having a competition to see how far their cum could travel. Pretty impressive too! It travelled some distance and I suppose the competitive element in me felt as thought there was a challenge on.
But it wasn’t really a challenge at all and this wasn’t the reason that I came so copiously after watching the video.
He made and makes me feel like a natural woman. The inhibitions are going. I feel liberated by the fact that I really can just release whatever needs releasing, even if, in some instances, the orgasm and the ejaculation is mixed with the odd measure of urine.
It is natural. I am a natural woman.
The other day, I had already soaked the obligatory three towels. I was probably incapable of another gush and yet, I felt that familiar feeling in my cunt. I was lying there in need of another ejaculation. I turned to my lover who was already there before me. With a sixth sense, he often knows when I am ready to cum before me. When his dick is inside me, I know he feels a rising orgasm before it has taken place and his acknowledgement of the impending glory brings it on even faster.
At this time, I knew another release was imminent and I kicked the duvet away just in time to project a huge wash of watery goodness out of my body. The duvet caught too much of it, but had it not been there, I am sure I may have reached the window sill, such was the force that this ejaculation had.
And it was all perfectly natural.
“You make me feel like a natural woman”.
You enable me to be a natural woman and enabling me in this way makes me desperate to enable other women to feel natural about this totally natural state of being.
There is nothing more natural than a female ejaculation. Yes, it can be messy. Yes, it can need a bit of mopping up but it is a glorious wonderment for both parties involved.
I still marvel at how my lover’s cock rises in an instance at watching me ejaculate. It is like a natural order of things; the cycle of sex keeps on going. I cum, he gets erect and so we start all over again.
How natural and brilliant is that!
Of course, being a natural woman is far more complex than the ability to relax and ejaculate but there is nothing unnatural about this part of my sexuality or other women’s, and that is why I wanted to reiterate this today.
Being natural, being comfortable with your physical being, enabling your mind, your spirit, your body to work in harmony – releasing all sorts. That is natural.
Naturists – natural – it all fits together.
What greater gift can you actually give to another human being as well as yourself than to feel alive? I would argue now against the bible quote "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
You don’t need to die to give life to another.
Giving life, not giving up life is part of being a natural woman, or man, for that matter.
The greatest love, the most natural way to be is to make another person feel alive and I guess that is partly what Aretha Franklin was singing about.
“You make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like a natural woman”.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Anonymous blogging
So Belle de Jour has finally come out.
She revealed herself to one of her greatest critics, Times writer India Knight in an interview with the paper that was published this week.
Here is what she stated on her blog.
“Belle and the person who wrote her had been apart too long. I had to bring them back together.
So a perfect storm of feelings and circumstances drew me out of hiding. And do you know what? It feels so much better on this side. Not to have to tell lies, hide things from the people I care about. To be able to defend what my experience of sex work is like to all the sceptics and doubters.
Anonymity had a purpose then – it will always have a reason to exist, for writers whose work is too damaging or too controversial to put their names on. But for me, it became important to acknowledge that aspect of my life and my personality to the world at large.
I am a woman. I lived in London. I was a call girl.
The people, the places, the actions and feelings are as true now as they were then, and I stand behind every word with pride. Thank you for reading and following my adventures.
Love, Belle”
Apparently, India Knight had written a damning piece on her “Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl” book, claiming that Bella was a man. Heaven forbid!
This journalist, together with other writers and bloggers had thought that her style of writing was, wait for it, too “good” to be a woman. It’s like jumping a few centuries and going back to George Eliot.
“Good” isn’t really the correct word. What the collective group of conspirators were suggesting was that no woman worth her salt would ever admit that there was an enjoyable side to her work as a prostitute. It would only take the nerve of a man to suggest such a thing and by doing so legitimise, albeit not by law, this most ancient of professions.
According to Clive James on his Radio Four “Points of View” programme on Friday night, there were hoards of people determined to out Belle. Some even suggested that she was a famous writer such as Martin Amis. Other people went to such lengths as to trawl through regular bloggers to try and match the style of writing, once more convincing themselves that this woman was no woman but some perverted bloke doing his bit for male sexuality by ‘pretending’ that women enjoyed sex.
I do not know enough of Belle de Jour’s work to make a useful, literary comment. I have looked at mere snippets of her blog and have dipped into her book. Maybe after my comments on writing about female sexuality, which by a quirk of synchronicity was written on the day that Belle dropped her anonymity, I should read more of her writing.
Yet, Belle does not take away from the point that I was trying to make regarding the normalisation of female sexuality.
Just as I do not want the world to think that sex is all about the gratuitous dirtiness as described in Charlotte Roche’s “Wetlands”, neither do I want the world to think that the only way a girl can truly be sexually liberated and fulfilled is to become a prostitute, even a safe and comfortable courtesan who earns £300 an hour and is managed by an agent.
What I think women want is a writer who is a normal human being with a healthy interest in sex, who understands what it is like to not have an adventurous and fully functioning libido and who has seen the light as far as the potential to enjoy her sexuality.
Well, I would say that wouldn’t I, but as I said in my previous blog, I am not professing to be the housewives answer to sexual liberation. I just think it would be really good to have a real person write about real or certainly imaginable situations that are not so fantastical that they defy belief or are not so obvious as to be linked to the sex or pornography industry.
My purpose for writing is not to titillate though I sincerely hope the reader is occasionally turned on by my imaginations or reminiscing (who knows which is the truth). My purpose for writing is to explain that real women with real lives can actually have real desire and real need for sex and that real desire and need for sex is perfectly normal, perfectly acceptable and perfectly life-giving.
My purpose for writing is to show women that there are a multitude of sexual experiences that we could be having if only we were free to express our sexuality without the implication of it all being a bit tawdry. My purpose in writing is to acknowledge that I am not alone in feeling sexy and that together we must blast this myth that sexual excitement is a domain of men and apparently well-paid call girls.
Sex is normal. Sex is exciting. Sex is actually the peak of existence, and ten years ago, I would have laughed at that and suggested that fifteen minutes consuming a bar of chocolate was far more preferable. Nowadays, I do think about sex quite frequently and I am almost, I said, almost proud of the fact. Right now, it is approaching Sunday evening and I haven’t had sex for a few days, not even a wank. I would really love to be having a damn good finger fuck at the moment. I would really love to have some time to sneak away and play with my sex toys. I would really like to talk sexy talk to my lover. I want sex. This is my normality.
So, it’s time to move on. It really is time to think about talking more naturally about sex and trying to encourage women to explore and celebrate their sexuality.
Belle de Jour or should I now say Dr. Brooke Magnanti together with the likes of Abby Lee/Zoe Margolis, author of “The Girl with the One Track Mind” have done huge amounts for women in accepting the fact that there is nothing abnormal in women enjoying sex.
Abby Lee is particularly interesting for me because she reports real experiences. She is not a hooker. She is not a nymphomaniac. She is not a flighty twenty something who goes out in search for a lay each night. She just likes sex.
Ms. Lee is a woman who started to write about her sexual encounters in her mid thirties. She has certainly helped me to relax into an orgasm with my dildo. She has also excited me with her writing about having a finger fuck in the middle of a busy London street, oblivious to the people walking by because she is so caught up in the moment of the sexual delights. She isn’t writing to shock. She is writing to celebrate the joy of being a woman.
What I am not sure that she does is fully explore the holistic nature of sex. She concentrates on the earthy, the raw but not coarse aspects of sexuality. I am still looking for a writer who truly shows the all-embracing nature of female sexuality – where there is acknowledgement of the mind, body and soul working in glorious synchronicity to ensure that sexual experiences are the most pleasurable, the most cerebral, the most emotional, the most divine experiences one could have in life. I’m not sure that it is even possible to explain this fully, but I will continue to try.
And I will read more of “The Girl with the One Track Mind” and will enjoy explaining to the readers, with reference points, precisely what this reading does for the lubrication levels of my pussy.
This blog is about writing once more and is also about a dose of reality.
I know that the menopause is hardly the sexiest subject to write about but this is the reality of being a woman in her forties and therefore it is an important aspect that will have to be spoken of in the coming years.
It is time to make a confession. It is something that I am not entirely proud of but I have my reasons for it.
I am having a ‘coming out’ moment in celebration of Belle’s week, only mine is the exact opposite.
I am a liar. I am the classic case of “do as I say, not do as I do”.
The other day, I was out with some friends and we were sharing the usual conversations of friends catching up. How were the children? What are they all doing now? Is your health and wellbeing all positive? How are your hormones?
A friend of mine who is a stunningly beautiful woman with a great body and wonderfully quiet and contained aura, mentioned that she thought that she was starting the menopause.
Over the years, I have known this woman in a variety of capacities; as colleague, as friend, as co-worker, as employee, as parent/carer etc. We have always got on really well but I am not sure that our conversations have ever included anything to do with sex.
My friend went on to explain that she was having night sweats quite frequently. Furthermore, she was not sleeping very well – a sure sign of the menopause, according to her. She was very tearful far more frequently and felt that she had lost a sense of direction. Her periods were sporadic and she hadn’t had one for several months, even though her mood swings still seemed to be on a monthly cycle.
This all sounded incredibly familiar to me. Like me, she had put the lack of sleep down to other factors such as work stress and snoring but had read up on the subject and the nature of the sleep disturbance seemed to suggest that it could be attributed to “The Change”.
She then went on to say that the worst thing about this menopause malarkey was the decrease in her libido. She said that she had totally gone off sex and was completely disinterested in anything sexual at all. Prior to this, she said that her sex life had been fairly fulfilled and regular.
During this conversation, I had been in utter agreement with her and was nodding away in sisterly affirmation.
Then, all of a sudden, I was placed in that horrible situation whereby there was only one thing to do.
To lie.
Despite my protestations of the need to spread the word about female sexuality and heightened libidos, I sat there and allowed my mouth to reiterate that this lack of desire was exactly the same for me. Not only was I having night sweats and disturbed nights and no periods, but I too had no libido. It has sailed out of the window with the onset of these changes to my physical being and I too no longer wanted sex, to which another friend commented that, for me, this wasn’t very much difference to my thirties.
Once more, I nodded in agreement. I was not in possession of a great urge to be sexual.
As I said, I have my reasons. These people know me. They have known me for years and some of them have known about my lack of sex drive for a long time.
To suddenly admit to these friends, in my current circumstances with all that they know about in relation to this, would be a very stupid thing to do.
However, to ensure that I got the message across in some way, I did try and explain that I thought that I was unusual and I had heard it be said on more than one occasion that a woman in her forties was in fact at the height of her sexuality. Luckily for me, my gorgeous friend confirmed that for her, this was the case. When she was forty, she was at her sexual best, which was why this sudden lack of libido seemed so horrendous.
As she is nearer to approaching fifty than I am, I am hoping that this next stage of the change is not too near for the fear of losing my libido after relatively recently re-finding it, is an almost unbearable horror. I really do not know how I would cope with the loss this time around.
This is difficult.
In any circumstance, I want to express the need for women to ‘come out’ about being sexual beings, and yet, it isn’t always that easy. I was confronted with a situation where I wanted to say something entirely different to what I did, but even though my musings here on this blog are small scale, even though the alleged tales that I tell may or may not be part of my experience, even though I want people to be open and honest, sometimes you just have to accept the fact that anonymity is the right course of action.
In time, things will change.
In time, I would love to share my thoughts about gushing pussies and multiple orgasms. I would love to explain the pleasure that I get from reading and receiving sexual messages. I would love to divulge the news that I love nothing more than the overwhelming delight in feeling so sexy that I can physically feel the insides of my cunt responding to the mere imaginings of glorious sex.
I would love to tell them that three hours of sex is perfectly normal for me and that I can cum within minutes of being aroused. I want to explain that I seem to have a new sexual experience at every turn and sex seems to be getting better and better despite the fact that I feel as though it couldn’t be more brilliant.
I would love to have told them that whilst I was thoroughly enjoying their company, my sexual mind was a million miles away, reminiscing once more, reminding myself of another day spent being gloriously horny with my gloriously sexy man, who has awakened me not only to sexual experiences beyond my imagination but has enabled me to consider the essential need to enlighten the world about the life of a sexually fulfilled forty something.
I let myself and him down in being dishonest about my libido but I find other avenues to share my thoughts with phrases such as “I have read…..” or “A friend told me…..” or “In my past…..”.
All of this makes you wonder. To people who I don’t know, I am more than happy to divulge this information. People who I meet in real life can get a taste of my sexual mission as I encourage them too think about their sexuality and their response to female sexuality as long as they know nothing about my own personal life.
It makes you wonder whether there are more people like me who, for their own reasons, pretend to be less sexually enlightened or indeed sexually needy than they actually are. In which case, then maybe my mission is not as impossible as once thought.
But this still does not explain why on anonymous surveys, there is still the notion that most women do not orgasm regularly and that a much smaller minority have frequent wet and gushing ejaculations.
Mmmm, I think there is still much work to be done.
Sometimes, as Belle has suggested, anonymity gets in the way. It is an obstruction to the vital point of life in understanding and acknowledging important aspects of sexuality.
But everyone has their reasons for doing things in certain ways. In order to continue with my own journey, I need the time and space to have a little secrecy in life. I am far being ashamed of my sexuality but I guess I would just like the space to come to terms with it for myself before I divulge it to others. And I still have far more to learn and hopefully more to experience.
She revealed herself to one of her greatest critics, Times writer India Knight in an interview with the paper that was published this week.
Here is what she stated on her blog.
“Belle and the person who wrote her had been apart too long. I had to bring them back together.
So a perfect storm of feelings and circumstances drew me out of hiding. And do you know what? It feels so much better on this side. Not to have to tell lies, hide things from the people I care about. To be able to defend what my experience of sex work is like to all the sceptics and doubters.
Anonymity had a purpose then – it will always have a reason to exist, for writers whose work is too damaging or too controversial to put their names on. But for me, it became important to acknowledge that aspect of my life and my personality to the world at large.
I am a woman. I lived in London. I was a call girl.
The people, the places, the actions and feelings are as true now as they were then, and I stand behind every word with pride. Thank you for reading and following my adventures.
Love, Belle”
Apparently, India Knight had written a damning piece on her “Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl” book, claiming that Bella was a man. Heaven forbid!
This journalist, together with other writers and bloggers had thought that her style of writing was, wait for it, too “good” to be a woman. It’s like jumping a few centuries and going back to George Eliot.
“Good” isn’t really the correct word. What the collective group of conspirators were suggesting was that no woman worth her salt would ever admit that there was an enjoyable side to her work as a prostitute. It would only take the nerve of a man to suggest such a thing and by doing so legitimise, albeit not by law, this most ancient of professions.
According to Clive James on his Radio Four “Points of View” programme on Friday night, there were hoards of people determined to out Belle. Some even suggested that she was a famous writer such as Martin Amis. Other people went to such lengths as to trawl through regular bloggers to try and match the style of writing, once more convincing themselves that this woman was no woman but some perverted bloke doing his bit for male sexuality by ‘pretending’ that women enjoyed sex.
I do not know enough of Belle de Jour’s work to make a useful, literary comment. I have looked at mere snippets of her blog and have dipped into her book. Maybe after my comments on writing about female sexuality, which by a quirk of synchronicity was written on the day that Belle dropped her anonymity, I should read more of her writing.
Yet, Belle does not take away from the point that I was trying to make regarding the normalisation of female sexuality.
Just as I do not want the world to think that sex is all about the gratuitous dirtiness as described in Charlotte Roche’s “Wetlands”, neither do I want the world to think that the only way a girl can truly be sexually liberated and fulfilled is to become a prostitute, even a safe and comfortable courtesan who earns £300 an hour and is managed by an agent.
What I think women want is a writer who is a normal human being with a healthy interest in sex, who understands what it is like to not have an adventurous and fully functioning libido and who has seen the light as far as the potential to enjoy her sexuality.
Well, I would say that wouldn’t I, but as I said in my previous blog, I am not professing to be the housewives answer to sexual liberation. I just think it would be really good to have a real person write about real or certainly imaginable situations that are not so fantastical that they defy belief or are not so obvious as to be linked to the sex or pornography industry.
My purpose for writing is not to titillate though I sincerely hope the reader is occasionally turned on by my imaginations or reminiscing (who knows which is the truth). My purpose for writing is to explain that real women with real lives can actually have real desire and real need for sex and that real desire and need for sex is perfectly normal, perfectly acceptable and perfectly life-giving.
My purpose for writing is to show women that there are a multitude of sexual experiences that we could be having if only we were free to express our sexuality without the implication of it all being a bit tawdry. My purpose in writing is to acknowledge that I am not alone in feeling sexy and that together we must blast this myth that sexual excitement is a domain of men and apparently well-paid call girls.
Sex is normal. Sex is exciting. Sex is actually the peak of existence, and ten years ago, I would have laughed at that and suggested that fifteen minutes consuming a bar of chocolate was far more preferable. Nowadays, I do think about sex quite frequently and I am almost, I said, almost proud of the fact. Right now, it is approaching Sunday evening and I haven’t had sex for a few days, not even a wank. I would really love to be having a damn good finger fuck at the moment. I would really love to have some time to sneak away and play with my sex toys. I would really like to talk sexy talk to my lover. I want sex. This is my normality.
So, it’s time to move on. It really is time to think about talking more naturally about sex and trying to encourage women to explore and celebrate their sexuality.
Belle de Jour or should I now say Dr. Brooke Magnanti together with the likes of Abby Lee/Zoe Margolis, author of “The Girl with the One Track Mind” have done huge amounts for women in accepting the fact that there is nothing abnormal in women enjoying sex.
Abby Lee is particularly interesting for me because she reports real experiences. She is not a hooker. She is not a nymphomaniac. She is not a flighty twenty something who goes out in search for a lay each night. She just likes sex.
Ms. Lee is a woman who started to write about her sexual encounters in her mid thirties. She has certainly helped me to relax into an orgasm with my dildo. She has also excited me with her writing about having a finger fuck in the middle of a busy London street, oblivious to the people walking by because she is so caught up in the moment of the sexual delights. She isn’t writing to shock. She is writing to celebrate the joy of being a woman.
What I am not sure that she does is fully explore the holistic nature of sex. She concentrates on the earthy, the raw but not coarse aspects of sexuality. I am still looking for a writer who truly shows the all-embracing nature of female sexuality – where there is acknowledgement of the mind, body and soul working in glorious synchronicity to ensure that sexual experiences are the most pleasurable, the most cerebral, the most emotional, the most divine experiences one could have in life. I’m not sure that it is even possible to explain this fully, but I will continue to try.
And I will read more of “The Girl with the One Track Mind” and will enjoy explaining to the readers, with reference points, precisely what this reading does for the lubrication levels of my pussy.
This blog is about writing once more and is also about a dose of reality.
I know that the menopause is hardly the sexiest subject to write about but this is the reality of being a woman in her forties and therefore it is an important aspect that will have to be spoken of in the coming years.
It is time to make a confession. It is something that I am not entirely proud of but I have my reasons for it.
I am having a ‘coming out’ moment in celebration of Belle’s week, only mine is the exact opposite.
I am a liar. I am the classic case of “do as I say, not do as I do”.
The other day, I was out with some friends and we were sharing the usual conversations of friends catching up. How were the children? What are they all doing now? Is your health and wellbeing all positive? How are your hormones?
A friend of mine who is a stunningly beautiful woman with a great body and wonderfully quiet and contained aura, mentioned that she thought that she was starting the menopause.
Over the years, I have known this woman in a variety of capacities; as colleague, as friend, as co-worker, as employee, as parent/carer etc. We have always got on really well but I am not sure that our conversations have ever included anything to do with sex.
My friend went on to explain that she was having night sweats quite frequently. Furthermore, she was not sleeping very well – a sure sign of the menopause, according to her. She was very tearful far more frequently and felt that she had lost a sense of direction. Her periods were sporadic and she hadn’t had one for several months, even though her mood swings still seemed to be on a monthly cycle.
This all sounded incredibly familiar to me. Like me, she had put the lack of sleep down to other factors such as work stress and snoring but had read up on the subject and the nature of the sleep disturbance seemed to suggest that it could be attributed to “The Change”.
She then went on to say that the worst thing about this menopause malarkey was the decrease in her libido. She said that she had totally gone off sex and was completely disinterested in anything sexual at all. Prior to this, she said that her sex life had been fairly fulfilled and regular.
During this conversation, I had been in utter agreement with her and was nodding away in sisterly affirmation.
Then, all of a sudden, I was placed in that horrible situation whereby there was only one thing to do.
To lie.
Despite my protestations of the need to spread the word about female sexuality and heightened libidos, I sat there and allowed my mouth to reiterate that this lack of desire was exactly the same for me. Not only was I having night sweats and disturbed nights and no periods, but I too had no libido. It has sailed out of the window with the onset of these changes to my physical being and I too no longer wanted sex, to which another friend commented that, for me, this wasn’t very much difference to my thirties.
Once more, I nodded in agreement. I was not in possession of a great urge to be sexual.
As I said, I have my reasons. These people know me. They have known me for years and some of them have known about my lack of sex drive for a long time.
To suddenly admit to these friends, in my current circumstances with all that they know about in relation to this, would be a very stupid thing to do.
However, to ensure that I got the message across in some way, I did try and explain that I thought that I was unusual and I had heard it be said on more than one occasion that a woman in her forties was in fact at the height of her sexuality. Luckily for me, my gorgeous friend confirmed that for her, this was the case. When she was forty, she was at her sexual best, which was why this sudden lack of libido seemed so horrendous.
As she is nearer to approaching fifty than I am, I am hoping that this next stage of the change is not too near for the fear of losing my libido after relatively recently re-finding it, is an almost unbearable horror. I really do not know how I would cope with the loss this time around.
This is difficult.
In any circumstance, I want to express the need for women to ‘come out’ about being sexual beings, and yet, it isn’t always that easy. I was confronted with a situation where I wanted to say something entirely different to what I did, but even though my musings here on this blog are small scale, even though the alleged tales that I tell may or may not be part of my experience, even though I want people to be open and honest, sometimes you just have to accept the fact that anonymity is the right course of action.
In time, things will change.
In time, I would love to share my thoughts about gushing pussies and multiple orgasms. I would love to explain the pleasure that I get from reading and receiving sexual messages. I would love to divulge the news that I love nothing more than the overwhelming delight in feeling so sexy that I can physically feel the insides of my cunt responding to the mere imaginings of glorious sex.
I would love to tell them that three hours of sex is perfectly normal for me and that I can cum within minutes of being aroused. I want to explain that I seem to have a new sexual experience at every turn and sex seems to be getting better and better despite the fact that I feel as though it couldn’t be more brilliant.
I would love to have told them that whilst I was thoroughly enjoying their company, my sexual mind was a million miles away, reminiscing once more, reminding myself of another day spent being gloriously horny with my gloriously sexy man, who has awakened me not only to sexual experiences beyond my imagination but has enabled me to consider the essential need to enlighten the world about the life of a sexually fulfilled forty something.
I let myself and him down in being dishonest about my libido but I find other avenues to share my thoughts with phrases such as “I have read…..” or “A friend told me…..” or “In my past…..”.
All of this makes you wonder. To people who I don’t know, I am more than happy to divulge this information. People who I meet in real life can get a taste of my sexual mission as I encourage them too think about their sexuality and their response to female sexuality as long as they know nothing about my own personal life.
It makes you wonder whether there are more people like me who, for their own reasons, pretend to be less sexually enlightened or indeed sexually needy than they actually are. In which case, then maybe my mission is not as impossible as once thought.
But this still does not explain why on anonymous surveys, there is still the notion that most women do not orgasm regularly and that a much smaller minority have frequent wet and gushing ejaculations.
Mmmm, I think there is still much work to be done.
Sometimes, as Belle has suggested, anonymity gets in the way. It is an obstruction to the vital point of life in understanding and acknowledging important aspects of sexuality.
But everyone has their reasons for doing things in certain ways. In order to continue with my own journey, I need the time and space to have a little secrecy in life. I am far being ashamed of my sexuality but I guess I would just like the space to come to terms with it for myself before I divulge it to others. And I still have far more to learn and hopefully more to experience.
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