Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Lady Gaga's Lover

According to the news, Lady Gaga wants an older lover.

I suspect that there are a few Baby Boomers who have woken up today, having heard this news and are filling their mind with thoughts of fucking this rather delicious, quirky young woman.
I suspect many of them will be fantasising about getting through her delightfully ridiculous costumes to see if she really does go commando. I mean let’s face facts, she must, mustn’t she? I’ve never noticed a VPL and believe me, I have looked!

What a wonderful fantasy for these men, but of course for most of them, it will always be a fantasy. Reality will be far removed from the exaggerated imaginations of many a 60 plus mind. There are not going to be that many 60 year olds whose credentials would comply with Madam’s desires.

And of course it is not just the 60 year old men who are fantasising this morning. I like to think that some of their women are thinking that this is a wonderful opportunity for their gorgeous men to have the time of their lives exploring the mind, body and soul of this amazing young woman.
I, for one, rather get off on the idea of my lover fucking Gaga, even though she is probably a little on the young side.
I mean, what is there not to like?
Of course, it would help if my lover was that age but maybe Gaga might compromise by a few years or so. Perhaps she might like to settle for a mid-fifties man instead.

Perhaps I ought to send her a little note to suggest that they meet up. I reckon they would be a decent match and there is always the possibility that she might like a little extra servicing from a horny forty something too.

So here is my letter.


Dear Gaga (do I call her Lady at this point?),

I understand that you are interested in spending some time with older men; a wise choice from a wise woman! From someone who is fortunate enough to be intimate with such a man (she doesn’t have to know the limited age just yet), I would concur that men of a certain age can give something to a younger woman that no amount of thirty somethings could provide.

I would therefore like to introduce you to my man.
Now I am mindful that you have not mentioned anything about exclusivity but you strike me as being an intelligent woman and I am sure that you do not want to see relationships as the tedious conventionalism that has been imposed upon us for generation after generation. Surely someone of your imagination and thoughtfulness has considered a polyamorous relationship, and I am more than happy for you to join us in a unique and stimulating multiplicitous partnership. As is my lover.

He is tall, dark and handsome, which is horribly conventional but would certainly catch your eye. He is intellectually capable, thoughtful and serene; hugely interested in all creative arts that I am sure would be a fine start for the two of you. He loves to think and frequently hypothesises on a range of subjects that once more would capture your intellectual capacity.

He loves music and would be happy to impart his vast knowledge to support your career progression. He is a competent pianist, and loves nothing more than tickling the ivories as part of a daily meditation.
He is a non-conventionalist in all aspects of life; a free spirit with a freedom of thought and action that is refreshing and empowering. Your astrology charts, according to my research, match rather well and he is passionate when a spark of fire enters his life.

As far as your quoted criteria, he loves whisky and beer so you could happily indulge in a glass or two whilst contentedly discussing all the things that you have in common.

But let us return to the additional joys of spending time with an older man. Not only does he tickle the ivories rather well, he has other uses for his fingers that would send rivers of delight to any woman that he chose to share some happiness with. His competence in the sexual domain is incomparable. Not only do his fingers regularly delight to the point of stimulating successive multiple orgasms but his rather large cock does exactly the same. Take it from one who has experienced many incompetent lovers, this one will provide you with long-lasting excitement.

As you say in your lyrics “I Want It Rough”, you will manage to have both good old passionate sex with a dose of utterly naughty raunchiness if you like. In fact I am beginning to think that perhaps you have already imagined such a sexual experience with the lines “Won’t go without my fix tonight, It’s a little too rough. Prom girl wipes her tears with silver lines. And she can’t get enough”.
My man can provide all of this for you as well as adhering to that beautiful line at the beginning of the song – “Can’t sleep with the man who dims my shine”. I guarantee that this one will send your shine into another realm, radiating its glow and enhancing your natural creativity to a new level.

So, perhaps you would consider sharing this man with me, and if you are enlightened enough, which I am sure you are, then perhaps in the future you might consider us sharing him in a more direct, collective and intimate way. It is not only older men who might have some interesting sexual delights for you. Older women can excite just as much.

I return once more to a quote from one of your compositions.

“I’m on a mission
And it involves some heavy touching, yeah
You’ve indicated your interest, I’m educated in sex, yes
And now I want it bad, want it bad
A love game, a love game”

He’s ready to play Gaga, and it looks as though you are ready to impart on your own mission. I can guarantee that your education in sex is only just beginning and the fact that you have had the foresight to consider the advantages of sex with older people suggests to me that you “want it bad” and he can provide.

We look forward to hearing from you and are really loving the idea of the mutual respect and intimacy that I know could happen from hereon in.

With much love and hopefulness for a delightfully enlightened companionship,

Lady Zenpuss


That should do the trick, with a few tweaks here and there which for anonymity reasons I am not prepared to share on an open website.

Wow, how amazingly wonderful the body and mind is when it works together. My cunt is bulging out of my panties at the prospect of such a union.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The SlutWalk revisited

More on the SlutWalk

People really have got their knickers in a pickle over this one haven’t they? It is interesting though that the Guardian/Observer group are finding it a challenge and a difficult one to leave alone.
To this end, it seems they have got a range of women to talk about it and the Talking Heads times five is in the newspaper today.

The five women discuss the purpose of the SlutWalk, the reasons behind it, feminism, misogyny, the word “slut” and the reclamation of it, prostitution, rape, sexualisation, sexual clothing etcetera, etcetera.
What none of them mention in the entire article is the phrase “sexual empowerment” or “sexual liberation” or “sexual enlightenment”.
I find that rather sad.

And what I also find sad is this terrible emphasis on the need for conformity of thought. It is as though there is an expectation that all people who are on this march should comply to some homogenised purpose. What is wrong with some women marching because they want the word “slut” to be rid of its negative undertones and other women marching because they want to make it clear that they can dress how they like, and other women marching because they want to get this message of “don’t rape” rather than “don’t get raped” firmly established in peoples’ minds?
What is wrong with people marching because they are wanting to celebrate their sexuality? What is wrong with men marching alongside these women to say that every woman has the right to wear what they want free of the prospect of uninvited sexual advances?

What is wrong with some women marching because of all of these reasons but ultimately marching because they want to part of a movement that finally embraces and rejoices in women’s sexuality?

I think I would have liked to have been on this panel of women so that I could put this point across to them; that it doesn’t matter if there are a multiplicity of reasons for marching. The overarching issue is about how women should be reclaiming their right to be sexual beings first and foremost, and with that clearly comes the notion that they are empowered and in charge of their sexuality, which clearly means that neither man nor woman should abuse their right to be sexual and choose who they are sexual with.

The march can be about many things. It can be about all of the issues mentioned above but ultimately it should be about a woman’s right to be sexual and not to be abused in being sexual.

There were some interesting comments in the article. Here are a few comments that caught my eye.

The idea that, if you look like what society thinks is a slut, you're somehow responsible, is repugnant. 
Of course it is repugnant but so too is this notion of what society thinks is a slut! Surely we should be looking at why people think it is appropriate to call somebody a slut, to think that someone is being sluttish rather than considering that women have the right to freely acknowledge themselves as sexual beings. I find it far more repugnant that women cannot be sexual beings, and that if they somehow manage to break free of the mould they are, by default, a slut.

But I truly believe that women should wear whatever they like, and celebrate femininity, sexuality, power dressing, any which way it comes – go for it.
Finally, someone mentions the “S” word. Of course women should wear whatever they like. They should wear, for instance, practical shoes for walking but if they want to highlight their sexuality they might to choose to walk around in Fuck Me shoes instead. That is their prerogative. And just because they are wearing Fuck Me shoes, it shouldn’t mean that they are openly inviting sexual advances. And the reverse of that is true too. Just because someone is wearing Don’t Fuck Me Shoes, doesn’t mean that they dont’ want a fuck. They just want to be able to walk safely and comfortably to the place where they might just want a fuck more than anything!

This morning I was reading a study saying 1,000 women a day were raped during 12 months in 2007 in the Congo. That had nothing to do with what they wore.
I assume that people did not think these poor women were sluts. So there really are two issues here. There is one issue about rape in general and there is another about sexual advances because of what one wears. They are two different things and yet they share the key issue of inappropriate sex. Let us remember that inappropriate sexual behaviour is abhorrent in any form. The trigger to such behaviour is not the issue. The real issue is why people feel that they can/need/want to behave inappropriately in the first place. Methinks it is back to quality education, development of self-worth and decent relationship education.

When I dressed as a teenage slut I felt sexy, I felt grown-up, cool, I had hot pants, platforms – I loved it. I was innocent, though, I wasn't prepared for the trigger that would happen in the men.
The woman has said it herself. “She loved it”. She loved feeling sexual. It made her feel grown-up. She liked the feeling of being sexual. Isn’t this what we want for women? Isn’t it every woman’s right to feel, to be sexual? But we also want women to feel sexual without it triggering anything unless it is wanted. I have just been talking to my lover who mentioned that he had been to the pub last night and seen some gorgeous, attractive women. Was he wrong to have looked? Were the women that he was “glancing appreciately” at wrong for dressing in a way that caught his eye? No, in both cases. Their dress and their looks “triggered” something in my lover. It aroused him but it did not mean that he ogled them or pounced on them. He is responsible for his behaviour in relation to such “triggers” and as a sensible and sexual man, he responded perfectly appropriately, and I think that the women who were being appreciatively looked at would be pleased that they looked good for themselves and possibly for my lover too.

It's very sad that a man gets up, goes out the door the way he rolled out of bed, and a girl spends ages trowelling on the makeup and putting on the heels.
Back to Fuck Me shoes!
There is another issue here. Why do people assume that people are more fuckable if they slap a load of make-up on their face, often disguising and hiding their natural beauty, and indeed their natural sexuality? However, if women want to plaster their faces and wear high heels that is up to them. If they want to show a bit of cleavage or the shapeliness of their divine bodies, then why should they not do so? And if I am honest, I wouldn’t necessarily be attracted to a man who rolled out of bed and thought so little of themselves that they just wandered out with a thought of what he looks like. Though I do find men who roll out of bed and sit in their dressing gown with their cock patently obvious very attractive indeed!

The humorous side of SlutWalk makes the whole thing feel good, a celebration. They're not thinking about the men, they're thinking about the camaraderie of the women and the empowerment of their femininity.
Yes, yes, yes to this but let us replace that word “femininity” with “sexuality” and I would be even happier. Femininity implies something on the lines of the fragrant Mrs. Mary Archer when her prat of a husband was in court. Sexuality is another issue altogether. We want women to feel good about themselves. We want women to think about themselves in reference to their sexuality. We want women to think about sexual empowerment and we want women to feel good about their sexuality for themselves. As Zenpuss has said on many occasions, a woman being sexually empowered has a knock on effect on men anyway. I am pretty confident that a women who is sexually empowered, who knows what she wants sexually, is not afraid to show her sexually makes for a highly desirable lover.

If there's one thing great about calling it SlutWalk it's that it's given us the chance to sit around and talk about this as an issue. 
And there is never enough time given to talking about female sexuality. And I am not sure that this particular article has even scratched the surface. Guardian and Observer Editors, Zenpuss is available!

It's about challenging rape culture, the idea that you in some way could be responsible for your own rape, and I think that is a feminist belief for sure.
For some people the SlutWalk is about challenging rape culture and about the responsibility involved. Nobody should be responsible for rape other than the rapist. Of course, there are times when women deliberately provoke but the ultimate responsibility for the act of rape is with the perpetrator. But what is this about a “feminist belief”? Is there such a thing as one mode of feminist belief? Yes, it is a belief that one should not be responsible for the actions of others in relation to rape, but I am not sure that is a “feminist” belief. Surely this is a belief held by many, including the law of the land (although in some court cases this does not come across and the ‘blame’ is apportioned to women). In some ways rape should not be a feminist issue. It is about control, aggression, inappropriate behaviour but challenging sexuality and empowering women in their sexuality definitely should be a feminist “belief” or cause.

I'm not sure I'm qualified to say whether or not it helps the feminist cause, because I'm not sure what the feminist cause is. I don't automatically associate the feminist cause with the best way forward for women. 
This comes from a Conservative woman. And I hate to agree with her but I do. What precisely is the feminist cause? Because if it is about condemning all men, then I want no part of it. I like men! If the feminist cause is about being constantly reactive to sorry situations then I don’t really want to be part of such a narrow focus. I want feminism to be embracing all women as women, and a huge part of being a woman is about being a sexual being. Feminism should also be about rights, about equality, about confirmation of being a woman in all ways and not just sexuality but it should be a positive movement not an aggressive response to misogyny as its only purpose.
And as far as sexuality goes, feminism should be totally about empowerment, sexual empowerment, putting the proactive back into the hands of women. Ignoring this issue will ensure women’s subservience for time immemorial. If women win back the right to be sexual, if women embrace sexuality, if women realise the enjoyment of their sexuality, then many other feminist issues might fall into place by default. Ask people like Michelle Thorn how much of a knock on effect has her sexual empowerment achieved as far as equality, respect, etcetera.

Clothes are self-expression, but you have to be aware it can trigger things in other people. That is not something you can control. You can only control yourself. So it's really important to be aware.
For goodness sake! This is an important issue. Of course you can only control yourself. You are responsible for yourself but maybe taking a walk such as the SlutWalk might make other people realise that they are responsible for themselves, and if this walk enables such enlightenment then I am definitely booking my place on it.
Controlling oneself be it in regard to sexuality or temper or just general day to day living should be something to which we all aspire. No, infact, making the control implicit, instinctive, is what we should aspire to.

And ZPs response to the questions asked.
In light of evidence that many men and women, including police officers in the UK, believe that women share the blame if they are raped, should we be encouraging young women to dress less provocatively?
There is no ‘encouragement’ required here. We are not encouraging women to dress “provocatively” in relation to the SlutWalk. IF people attend the walk dressed as others deem to call provocative, that is their prerogative, as it is in society in general. People should be free to dress how they like without labels being attached to them because of what they wear and how they wear it. However, having said that, we should not be encouraging minors to be sexualising their dress that is inappropriate for their age and maturity. That is a different issue altogether.
What we should be doing, from a very early age with our young people, is empowering them to be themselves, to recognise and value the uniqueness of themselves and others and to ensure that they know that they should not enforce their views, their values or themselves on other people where it is patently obvious they are not desired.

What about the word itself? Is the word slut offensive? Outmoded? Or should women reclaim it, celebrate it?
The word “slut” is not offensive. Well, of course, that is not true. If someone calls me a slut because of the clothes that I am wearing, I would find that offensive. However, it does depend on the circumstances. If  someone called me a slut whilst I was lying in bed with my legs apart and masturbating to orgasm, then I would quite happily be called a slut because I would know it meant the person saying it would be reminding me of how delightfully embracing I was of my own sexuality.
“Slut” means dirty. Dirty, as far as sexuality goes, has implied unnecessarily naughty, whereas now I look at parts of my sexuality that others would think is naughty whereas I think it is empowering.

I do think we should reclaim this word but it should not stop with the word “slut”. I am actually far more interested in re-appropriating words like “cunt”. I want to celebrate my cunt by actually mentioning the word without people falling about in a horror struck abhorrence.
Cunt, cunt, cunt. My beautiful wet cunt. My delightfully sexual cunt that is the most beautiful part of my body, that is an entrance to my being. My wonderful, stimulated, powerful cunt; creative, generous, excitable, loving. I love my cunt. Why can’t I say so?

So personally I would quite like to see a “CuntWalk”. I wonder how that one would ‘pan’ out!

From the burka to the miniskirt, what women wear is constantly under scrutiny. I wonder if you feel you are making a statement with what you wear?
I make no statement with what I wear other than to say I am a woman and I celebrate it, and I am allowed to celebrate it however I feel fit. If I want to be practical I shall do so. If I want to wander into town without wearing any panties, I should do so if it suits me. If I want to wear a bra I can. If I want to leave it off, I can do so also. If I want to put suspenders on with the purpose of arousing others, then that it my choice. If I want to wear a burka and cover it all up, I am still the sexual me underneath it all.
I wear clothes for me. If wearing clothes also means I wear certain things for others then that is my choice.

So are the SlutWalk marches pro-feminist?
Labels – Velcro. Do we actually need a word such as “pro-feminist”? Do we need to define and confine these marches to unnecessary terminology?

The Slutwalk marches are about many things. As I said right at the start, I would prefer to see these marches as a means of ensuring women can embrace their sexuality and celebrate the delightfulness of the female form. I want people to feel sexually empowered.
If this is pro-feminism then yes, all well and good.
If these marches empower women then they are pro-feminism.
But there is also another issue. Feminism has to move onto fourth, fifth and sixth wave with every generation, with every turn of event. Feminism should not be stagnant just as our minds and our own views should not rigidly lock in place. Movement, change is desired. The feminists of the sixties did not have the technology of the 21st century, so how can their views be appropriate now?
We have to move and adapt with times that does not mean we are compromising.

Reclaiming sexuality, reclaiming sexual words, reclaiming the rights of women – it is all pro-feminism but I firmly believe that one of the most advancing thing we can do for the feminist cause is to reclaim sexuality and our right to be sexual beings. If the SlutWalks celebrate this and manage to do this, then I will happily sign up to that sort of feminist movement.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

A Raving Nymphomaniac on a Justified Rant

Oh dear! It seems as though there is a whole mass of confusion in the world of sex again today that could be remedied so simply by finally acknowledging that we are the animals that we are and sex is as instinctual and necessary as eating, drinking and sleeping.
Do we really have to continually battle with the notion that sex is some sort of power game, with men perpetually using sex to get the better of women?

Of course, we do have to because this actually does happen; far too frequently.

However, it doesn’t have to be if people would only get to grips with the world of female sexuality. If only people could see the equity in sex, and the right or that equity there would be so many resolutions to a vast array of social, emotional and indeed international problems.

And I am afraid to say there are some sisters in this world that do not help the cause one iota. By perpetuating the idea that women can be sexually manipulated by men instead of being more sexually positive about female sexuality is almost, and I say this with much trepidation for fear of miscomprehension, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Men manipulate women ergo women are subliminal in all things sexual.

NO! No and more no’s.

If I want sex I am damn well going to make it known that I want it. If I do not want sex I am going to be equally assertive. It is my body and the sexual pleasures that I indulge in are for me as well as my partner, I hasten to add. Guess what? There is equity because both of us appreciate the desire and need of both men and women in the adorable game of sex, which is no game at all.

I’m beginning to get rather angry about all of this.
I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not condoning or denying the existence of manipulation. Neither am I saying that there is one easy answer to the problem of sexual predation.
But I am suggesting that a sexual empowerment for women, a love of their sexuality, a right to delight in their sexuality is a significant step in the right direction.

Yesterday, there was an article in the newspaper about some poor sod in Canada who said the most inappropriate thing as part of a talk to students on keeping safe.
He suggested that if women stopped dressing in a slutty way, then they would be safe from the unwanted advances from sexually desperate men.
Fucking idiot!

His actual words were, “I’ve been told I’m not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised”. The fact that this comment was predated with the glorious phase “I think we’re beating around the bush here” says it all. Ooh er missus!

Well honestly! The man, whose name incidentally is Michael Sanguinetti (not quite so sanguine after the speech), is completely naive if he thought his comments were going to be ignored or responded to with some flippant riposte. The women were outraged as well they might.
And thus was borne the Slutwalking movement of North America that is allegedly going global.

Basically, the women who were present at Mr. Sanguinetti’s talk, all ten of them, were a little displeased – unsanguinetti!. The Tipping Point was reached and soon there were “SlutWalks” planned for many of the main cities in Canada and the USA. This has now spread to other countries including the UK.
The tagline for the marches is “Yes means yes and no means no” but one of the key factors in the naming of this movement is to try and re-appropriate the terminology used, i.e. to prevent the word “slut” from having the negative undertones that it does.

There is also another underlying issue that these women want to point out; that inappropriate sexual behaviour from men is unacceptable full stop whether a woman looked as though she was asking for it in the choice of clothes that she made or not.
Rape is abhorrent. There is nothing that can ever excuse a man forcing themselves upon a woman or another man. It is disgusting and denigrates sex to the most shallow and hollow of things, something that sex should never be.

But these women are tackling it all in a different way. They are being sex positive. They are saying that they have a right to dress how they like even if that provokes some low-life idiot into thinking that this is an open invitation to fuck them. And that if that provocation leads to action, saying no should be respected and complied with. End of.
However, these women are saying that they have the right over their bodies, and how to dress their bodies. That is exactly how it should be.
A woman should wear a flimsy shirt if she feels like it. A woman should proudly dress her derriere so that she feels good about herself, and if this is sexual to others, then she should be allowed to celebrate the fact that she is a sexual being. It does not mean that the voyeur has a right to throw himself or herself upon her but perhaps they may both enjoy the sexuality of the moment.
We are sexual beings.

I empathise with this. Decades ago, a fellow worker of mine told me that I was “asking for it” by wearing tight mini-skirts and high heels.
I wasn’t. I just felt confident in my twenty year old body to dress it in that way. In fact, I was so sexually unconfident that the thought that someone had responded in this way to my sartorial arrangement angered me profusely and nearly sent me to the nearest burka.
I wish I had been strong enough then to do something radical like get my tits out on display for him and say something like, “Guess what honey, I am still saying no. You can look but this does not give you an open invitation to get your cock anywhere near me. This is my choice, my sexuality and an imbecile like you is not getting a look in, so fuck off with your misogynistic claptrap!”

Sadly that was over twenty years ago and we are still living in an unenlightened world where women are afraid of their sexuality and seemingly not empowered to proudly accept the reality of their natural state of sexuality.

It is time to re-appropriate the language of sex because without doing so a woman’s right to eb a sexual being is never going to happen. If you are constantly called a slut or a slapper or a bicycle because you wear your sexuality explicitly, if you are constantly and derogatively called a nymphomaniac for acknowledging that you are a sexual being who like a fuck, then you are never going to get the sexual equality that some of us dream about, and men will continue to dominate in the world of sex.
In some ways, and I say this with care, women have allowed this to be perpetuated by not re-appropriating such terminology sooner.

I am a nymphomaniac, and I am bloody proud of it. But by definition currently, this would imply that I would have sex with anything that walks; man or beast, which is patently not the case. I am actually very choosy about who I have sex with and how I want to express my sexuality but I rather like being a rampant horny one that likes having sex at any given opportunity when the right cock and the right person is standing in front of me.
Surely this makes me a bit of a nymphomaniac, i.e. a woman who loves sex. But does this make me a slapper? Or am I a slapper because I indulge in occasional bouts of porn viewing? And am I a slut? Or am I not a slut because I currently restrict my love-making to one person? Or am a I slut because I choose to fuck men that I am not married to?
But I’m not a bicycle because I won’t ride everything. And what is the differentiation between a bike and a slapper?

All of these words need re-appropriating, not just the ‘slut’ word. Any word that is deliberately used to disrespect the value of being a sexually affirmative female, in my opinion, needs re-appropriating because I am fed up of women who are sexually assertive being seen as something tasteless in society, something that is almost freakish and given an array of revolting words that currently have the most definite of negative afflictions.
I want to be a goer and a slut and a slapper and a nymphomaniac and I want all of these terms to be a positive reflection of me as a sexually proud and delighted woman.

So well done young Canadians. Sisters like you are worthy of the label.
Unlike others.

For we then have the delightful Nadine Dorries, MP, who this week tabled a debate about abstinence lessons for girls. Oh yes, dear reader, for girls!
Whilst this whole episode warrants a blog of its own, I felt it was important to contextualise within this blog on empowering women to win back their sexuality, because quite frankly, Ms. Dorries, nobody is going to gain from “just saying no” and if anything could further the power of men’s sexuality over women’s – well guess what, this is it!

Take your pick of these wonderful articles from the Guardian this week.

The whole idea of abstinence and the fact that Ms. Dorries is excluding men from the sex education and abstinence programme, which incidentally is an oxymoron, will merely further the notion that sex is the domain of men and women can merely say no to their beautiful bodies being subjected to the whims of men in this most horrible of manners. How the hell does this empower women to accept their sexuality and make informed choices about what they want to do and what they don’t want to do?
How can abstinence equate with any sort of equity when the assumption there is that men ask or do and women agree or don’t.
It is topsy turvy and plain wrong.

Every single piece of research that Ms. Dorries and the other 66 twats who voted for this ten-minute bill (as if you can discuss the entire requirements of sex education in that time) suggests that abstinence not only doesn’t work, it encourages unsafe sex and culminates in high levels of sexually transmitted diseases and increased levels of teenage conception rates. In the USA when the silver ring brigade were at their peak, all these teenagers signed up to the pledge of “Just Say No” only to find that they wanted to fuck after all, and when the rings came off, they spread themselves around like wildfire, oblivious to the problems of multiple sexual liaisons because they had never been taught about them. Thus rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea went through the roof.
A fabulous solution Ms. Dorries!

But more importantly, it is not a sex positive solution for either sex. It is not telling young women that sex is such a patently wonderful thing that they ought to consider waiting until they are physically, emotionally and spiritually ready. It is not saying that sex is as much a female pleasureland as it is for men. In fact, quite the reverse, by implication, it is suggesting that it is a man or a boy that takes a lead on sexual behaviour and all a woman has to do is be a part of that without a real vote in what takes place.

I’m sorry. At first, I laughed out loud at her idiocy and now I am nearly at the point of violence, which for a pacifist is quite something.
Sex education in this country has not worked because a) it has not been taught properly, b) it has not been sex positive c) it has had to compete for time with the standards agenda that I am sure Ms. Dorries is massively in support of d) it concentrates on the biological, e) it does nothing about looking at the intricacies of relationships e) it has only come into existence under the constraints of a male-dominated notion of what sex is about f), g), h), zz) ................. I could go on but I will save that for another day.

The point is that Ms. Dorries, just like Mr. Sanguinetti, doesn’t get the fact that women have as much responsibility in the world of sex as men do. Furthermore, if women want to flaunt and provoke excitement in men, that is their prerogative and that does not give an open invitation to fuck. Furthermore, if women want to dress in a certain way because they feel happy with themselves in doing so, irrespective of whether that is deemed to be sexually provocative, then they should damn well be allowed and enabled to do so without repercussions of name-calling, unwanted advances and so forth.

And it is not just the likes of Ms. Dorries that should wake up and smell the joys of sex. I am afraid many feminists should do the same and rejoice in their sexuality rather than try to speak for the rest of us who revel in the opportunity of getting a favoured cock up our cunt.

Here is another masterpiece of feminist over-reaction that has come about because they still see sex as a man’s world.

This man, reporting on a piece of research that was carried out in 2002, suggested that sperm was good for women and made them feel rather good after having it loaded into their pussy.
Well, yes, I think one can safely say that is the case.

It went on to say that those women whose partners wore condoms and thus did not release semen were less enamoured by the whole proceedings and did not get the natural delight of this dose of oestrogen and prostaglandins, both of which apparently naturally lower levels of depression.
So Prozac or penis? Mmmmmm, having had both, let me think about that......... for less time than it takes to tap out the dots of implied consideration!

But the poor man who wrote about this for a Valentine’s Day report made the fatal mistake of suggesting that a shedload of semen might be a better February 14th gift than chocolate.
 "So there's a deeper bond between men and women than St Valentine would have suspected, and now we know there's a better gift for that day than chocolate” said Mr. Lazar Greenfield
Oh dear! Our feminist friends didn’t like that, despite the fact that I would have thought this was good news indeed, especially for those of us who like a decent swallow as well. Intravenous happiness? What more could a girl want?

But no, they objected to the notion of a man being able to give his spunk like that as though he was gifting it, and they objected to the fact that.......... well, to be honest, I am not sure what they are objecting to. In fact I am pretty bored by people’s inability to see sex for what it is, i.e. natural, enjoyable and should be encouraged.

If they were objecting to the notion that the man “giving” and the woman “receiving” is a bad thing, then I can understand that a little because my idea of sexual perfection, as I have stated earlier, is an equity in need and desire with plenty of giving and receiving from all involved.

But really, I think their main objection is that it is about sex and an assumption that women want to be wooed with chocolate........ as I said, who knows what their objection is.

But it is yet another example of people misunderstanding, misconstruing and misrepresenting any comments about sexuality and a sexual world. We have hidden for so long from its existence that we melodramatically overreact to people’s perfectly valid fascination in the subject.

Mr. Sanguinetti and Ms. Dorries should not be able to make their foolish statements if women were equal in sex, and if female sexuality was fully appreciated and acknowledged as the mass force of nature that it is. We should be proud of our sexuality and we should be happy to be called a raving nymphomaniac if that is what we happily are. Mr. Greenfield should be allowed to publicly acknowledge the additional positives of love-making and the juices that flow without being lambasted for trying to spread a little happiness in this doomed world of ignorance.

But most importantly, women have got to take the lead, like the students in Toronto and declare themselves glorious sexual beings with a right to love sex and a right to choose how they want to majestically celebrate their sexuality.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

The Seducer and the Voyeur

She stands there in her full length robe with the feeblest of belts holding it in place. It would only need a slight tug and the whole sartorial arrangement would release her body for view.
She sits down and takes a sip of juice, crossing her legs provocatively, revealing a toned thigh that is asking for a stroke. She uncrosses her legs and sits in a straddled position so that the eyes cannot avert from what the voyeur knows is between her legs.
But he sees nothing.

She stands and walks towards him but at a distance so that he cannot possibly touch the flash of flesh as it glides by. She opens the belt at the time his view of her profile is at its sharpest, and she reveals the full length of her body; upright, naked with no genitalia on show.
He sees everything but he sees nothing.

She walks inside and along the hallway, playfully with him following behind and wondering what else is going to be exposed on this most subtle of spring days. She turns towards him as he stands in the kitchen, as she stands at the foot of the stairs. And stares at him, fully, openly, knowingly as she undoes the cloth belt and opens the robe to expose the full length of her divine body, rippling with loveliness that they voyeur so desperately wants to touch.
He sees everything.

And then she is gone: the prick teaser, whilst he is left with an arousal that needs to be enacted, needs to be released. Only she is gone, and he is standing there in a bewildered desire, desperate to kiss, desperate to hug, desperate to fuck.

She returns, fully clad with a cheeky grin on her face, knowing that she has excited the onlooker to the extent that he needs to make love. But there is work to be done. There are other people returning to the place and a mass of papers to deal with.
He manages to shake off the wonderful moments of seduction and continues to do the job that he is here to do. She smiles, and occasionally leans over to kiss him and look longingly at his cock that seems to be at a permanent sense of semi arousal, often leaping forth into a full pre-climatic state.
They work in silence, with a few practical words spoken as they drift into their own purposeful activities with the glint of hope of what is to come.

After what seems like an eternal amount of hours, they are alone once more and she rises from the table and walks to the bottom of the stairs. She stands and expects him to follow which he dutifully does; duty to her and to his own very obvious needs.

They do not need the seduction now. That happened a few hours ago, and they undress themselves and dive under the covers of the bed. They make love with a frantic urgency and forcefulness that would imply that they had not had sex for weeks. Only it was like this yesterday too, and the day before that, and the weeks and months and years before that too. These people know one another’s bodies all too well and yet the urgency of desire can still spring forth with the most subtle or the most obvious of foreplay.

She pours spunk out of her body with the slightest of touches. She is clearly aroused by her seductive behaviour as much as he is, with his rigid cock that wants to pump her with the excesses of his desire. They orgasm consecutively and lie down in the bliss that only love-making can bring.
The morning flashes of thigh are but a distant and delightful memory. The pinnacle has been reached and the teasing is now a comfortable and adorable part of a sexual day.

She leaves him in bed to ponder as she glides into the shower for a thorough wash over that beautifully sexual body. He dresses quickly and returns to the paperwork that still has to be seen to.
Overhead, he can hear the shower stopping and starting in the methodical approach that she has to her ablutions, and in no time, she is back at the bottom of the stairs with a towel wrapped around her satisfied body, calling him in conversation to act as a voyeur once more.

He stands at the door as she stands at the bottom of the stairs, mirroring their placements from the morning and releases the towel just as she undid the belt earlier, revealing once more a toned, perfect body, fresh and enticing from the splash of water that has left its tidy mark over her clean and comfortable torso.

He looks and stares and delights that what he sees in front of him has been so near to him, has been so intertwined with him a mere few minutes before. He is perfectly satisfied yet seeing her body once more makes him full of a desire that he would readily indulge himself in once more, if she would have him again.

Only none of the above is true. It is pure fiction. There was no lady with a bathrobe smothering her beautiful body. There was no male onlooker who was dripping with pre-lubricant as his eyes wandered lasciviously over the form of her legs and thighs and chest and genitalia. There was no woman standing at the bottom of the stairs, nakedly throwing her sexuality for the man to see, to hope, to desire.

Only all of the above is true; every fine detail of it. Only the man was a woman and the woman was a man and it was utterly delightful and perfectly arousing.
He stood there in his full length robe with the feeblest of belts holding it in place. It only needed a slight tug and the whole sartorial arrangement released his body for view.
He sat down and took a sip of juice, crossing his legs provocatively, revealing a toned thigh that was asking for a stroke. He uncrossed his legs and sat in a straddled position so that the eyes could not avert from what the voyeur knew was between his legs; a great bulging mass of cock and balls that she was dying to rub.

He stood and walked towards her but at a distance so that she could not possibly touch the flash of flesh as it glided by. He opened the belt at the time her view of his profile was at its sharpest, and he revealed the full length of his body; upright, naked with no genitalia on show.

Does it make the reader think differently? Is there a problem with this reversal of roles? Does it feel less real when one realises that the voyeur was a horny nymphomaniac rather than a lustful male with a cock full of spunk that needed a release?

I hope not because it shouldn’t. A man can be an object of desire and cheeky teasing as much as a woman can. A woman can be as turned on by voyeurism as any man, if only we eradicated the myths and inequality of sexual expectations.
There is a world of sexuality out there waiting for many to discover, who have been tied for too long in expectation and gender defined roles.
It is time for change and for a sexual revolution to spring forth.

I fully intend to do both the voyeuring and the prick teasing for as long as I can, and I am aroused either way.

Monday, 2 May 2011


A friend of mine recently wrote me a text. She said that she had been watching a programme on television and that she laughed so much that she thinks she felt a little bit of pee escaping.
Perhaps it wasn’t pee, I suggested. But this text was from a self-professed non-squirter. She says that she has never squirted copiously during sex and certainly not to the point of cascades of cum pouring out of her cunt. She doesn’t believe the things that she sees on hard core porn sites. She finds it difficult to believe that someone can shower that much spray out of their pussy.

I have told her that it is not some photographic trick and that I too can squirt fairly profusely when the timing is right, and that I also think that people who assume they are urinating when they are laughing are not doing so at all. What they are doing is having an ejaculation, caused by a sense of joviality and relaxation, similar to what is experienced at the time of orgasm.
You can have an orgasm without a squirt and you can equally have a squirt without orgasm – like, for instance, watching something hysterical on television, or being excited to the point of “needing to go to the toilet”.
It’s NOT piss, folks.

Which brings me to the point of this short piece of writing.


Lots of them. I cannot survive without them any longer. I need plenty of the things spread out before me whilst I am having sex to soak up the glorious juices that escape from my cunt as soon as I am aroused, which thankfully, is fairly often.

I first realised that I needed towels some years ago when the emissions from my fanny were becoming more apparent at every delightful dose of sexual intercourse. At first, I was reticent to squirt. Maybe there was something wrong with me. I’ve always been a little juicy down there. Perhaps I was abnormal.
As time proceeded, I seemed to be getting wetter and wetter down there, both at the prospect of sex and the actuality. No sooner had cock or fingers entered my cunt and I was happily writhing and letting the juices run out of me. Pre-ejaculation lubrication is a valued and scarce item these days, such is my need to get squirting at the earliest opportunity.

So, I decided that I needed some towels. As my lover had a birthday approaching, I thought it would be a sound idea to buy him a set of towels specifically for me to rub my cunt juices into.
As soon as I handed them over to him, he knew precisely what they were for and they have been put to plenty of use over the subsequent years of fucking.
In fact, it is probably time to replace them. So much of a soaking have they had that they are losing their fluffiness and are all hard as I lie on them, despite being carefully looked after and washed regularly after use (though I do like the idea of leaving a sexy aroma in his room once I have departed. I like the idea of him sniffing away after I have left.)

I was delighted, therefore, to be watching some squirting girls today on a porn site and noticing that many of them had a towel carefully positioned ready to capture the essence of a woman.
One of these gorgeous creatures had the scrappiest of towels, with the sides all frayed. Somehow this really pleased me because it implied that it had been well-used, hopefully as a rehearsal for this filmed fountain of hers. It was so good to watch someone else being so turned on by the dildo that she was pushing in and around her cunt that she gushed so profusely that she needed that towel down there to soak up her juices.

Real women need towels.
Real women soak towels.
Real women are not perturbed by placing towels under their frisky bodies before a fuck.

Now that last statement was a real issue for me to overcome. I mean, the last thing you want is when you are in the throes of arousal is a sudden pause for pragmatism. It could easily cause a disappointing state of floppiness as proceedings are postponed for the placement of a couple of togs of fluffiness beneath you. So it is vital that the towels become part of the process; a tool of the trade, so to speak.

Nowadays, as soon as I am lying there in bed, ready to squirt, I will reach out for the towels that are already there at the side of the bed. The very appearance of these pieces of cloth remind my lover that I am ready to squirt and thus the sight of them is far from a break in procedure. Rather it is a further impetus for a rise in the cock, knowing that I am about to flood the place.

It just makes you think, though. How many women would be more at ease with squirting if their partners had the foresight to have a load of towels at the ready?  How many women would be more at ease with squirting if they realised that it was perfectly natural to squirt and that being practical about the fact is not a turn off; rather it is immensely satisfying to know that you are prepared for a douching.

I am suggesting that everyone should get themselves a decent set of towels and use them to good effect. Even if you are not a squirter, it doesn’t mean that you should stay that way, and maybe the very fact that you have some towels at the ready will provide that additional incentive to let yourself go and squirt away to orgasmic contentment.

Today, I had a wank. Actually, I had quite a few. First of all, I lay in bed, on my back with my play tool vibrating over my clitoris. I wanted this to be a very gradual experience. I sat and looked at some porn whilst my little plastic pal did its business. After a while, I could wait no longer. I needed to cum. I placed the computer to the side of me on the bed so that I could still watch the lovelies frigging themselves and then I lay onto the dildo and wanked until I came.
No squirting at that point but I could feel the pressure of orgasmic juices building up in my cunt.

I relaxed once more, did some more watching and then got my fingers into my very lubricated pussy. It felt beautifully sticky but I still needed to cum. A repeat performance took place: a gorgeous orgasm that hardly needed a second of rubbing to make it happen.

But still there was no squirting. So it was time to dive into the airing cupboard, locate a towel and place it on the bed, full length underneath me.
At this point, I got rid of the plastic dildo and helped myself to an ample amount of cunt, feeling my inners exploding with the force of my touch. Eventually, with my legs dangling at the bottom of the bed, I felt the surge of emissions flooding out of me.

My towel captured it all perfectly.
I will keep the evidence for my lover to have a look at it tomorrow, to smell it, to know that I was turned on enough by touching myself that I had to squirt.

So towels can be a very important part of sex, with or without a cock to accompany it, though of course, a girl like me prefers a serious soaking with a cock inside.
But the towel captures it all.

Perhaps I ought to write a story from the towels perspective!