The Right to Sex
Yesterday, I was listening to the radio whilst waiting to go to a meeting. It just goes to show how frequently in our lives we half listen to things because I cannot remember the entire thread of the discussion.
From what I can gather there is a poll to be launched soon to ask the great British public some questions about their lives. The broadcast was inviting people to submit a question that they would really like to know the answer to about how people live their lives.
One bloke had written in earlier in the week and was on air being interviewed about his query.
His question – how many people have sunbathed in the nude? He was suggesting that there was a greater percentage of the population who enjoyed naturism on a more regular basis than is currently implied (by whom I am not sure). He suggested that there was more than 10% of the population who sunbathed in the altogether on a regular basis, and not just in the usual places of East Brighton and Studland Beach. Personally, the idea of doing naturism on a pebbly beach doesn’t appeal to me. I am sure that other folk might say it is far less dangerous than doing it in the sand! Each to his own – but if naturism did lead to you getting rather horny, then sand would be my preferred option for a quick romp.
I think this man may be wrong. I would suggest that there is probably less than 10% of the population who have done it once let alone on a regular basis. He implied that people probably do it far more regularly in their back garden but how many gardens in this country are not overlooked by neighbours who may not be quite as enlightened as you would hope? I can’t see it myself, with the prudish mentality of the majority – or at least the media representation of the majority.
Obviously, I then thought about what question I would like to know, and having thought around the subject for some time, I think I would have to ask about one of my favourite subjects, that being squirting. How many women squirt during orgasm? How many men have experienced their female partners doing it? How frequently does it happen? Every time you have sex or just an occasional excitement? Admittedly, that is more than one question but I am sure these could be amalgamated into the multi-choice tick box that most of these surveys choose to use.
It was rather joyous to listen to a conversation about naturism that did not manifest itself as some sort of titillation and didn’t incorporate some kind of snide and smutty humour. It was an interesting debate which, alongside another thing that happened yesterday, made me think about how people do express themselves sexually and how comfortable people are with their own bodies (my only preclusion to naturism).
Earlier in the day, I had been talking to a group of women about their housing situation. They happened to be of Middle Eastern descent; Muslim, in full head dress and covered arms and legs but their story is sadly similar to many - indigenous and settlers alike.
One of the women had requested a larger property from the council when she fell pregnant. This was not deemed as an essential and so she stayed within her tiny one bedroom flat in a block of flats near an exceptionally busy road. She now has two children, a lively two year old and a six month old – both boys. Her husband works long hours and she remains in a damp ridden flat, in one bedroom, with two demanding children, unconfident in her spoken English but bright, clever and extremely personable.
She admitted to bouts of severe depression and had been offered anti-depressants by her doctor. Her friend, her husband and her good self had taken photos of the cramped living conditions and the mould ridden walls of the bedroom where four people sleep, and had taken them down to a pre-arranged meeting with the council’s housing department.
At this meeting, the council dismissed the mould and damp, saying it would be a good idea to wash the walls down with bleach. Where she was going to put her children to sleep whilst this was happening, she had no idea.
Requesting yet again, a property with an additional bedroom, she was told that this was not a necessity until her eldest son was ten years old. Ten years old!
She is expected to live in a one bedroom flat until her son is ten years old – eight more years of sharing an intimate place with her two sons, eight more years of covering herself away from any potential accidental glances, eight more years of sleeping with a great wodge of damp in the corner of the bedroom!
Now I am not so naïve as to be overtly shocked by this but it did strike me as being particularly insensitive of the council, especially considering the religious tendencies of this woman, and I know many would argue – so what?
The point is that she never gets an ounce of privacy, irrespective of her religion.
And this got me thinking……. You can put a baby to sleep and have sex but as they get older, and especially if they are sleeping in the same room as you, and doubly so if you have some religious rituals to contend with too, how on earth do you maintain a decent sexual life under those conditions?
Coming back to the point of this woman’s depression, isn’t it actually a well-established fact that sexual activity as well as other forms of exercise are beneficial to mind, body and soul? Of course this poor woman is depressed, and she has no means of proper relaxation with her partner to enjoy the sexuality that she deserves and undoubtedly wants. Isn’t this a right for all – the right to express and practice sexuality? Shouldn’t this be a human right?
I have done my research. I have looked at the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and there is nothing in there whatsoever about the right to sex. I didn’t actually expect it to be there but just because there is a current omission doesn’t mean it should always be the case.
I think I have found a new cause celeb for Zenpuss!
Joking aside though, this is a serious issue. Looking through the UN Universal Declaration, there isn’t even a reference to sexuality let alone the right to sex, let alone the right to good sex!
Article 19 states “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.
Phew! That’s Zenpuss covered then but this is as near the right to sex that any of the articles come to.
If you have the urge, then look at the charter for yourself – there are a few other comments that I would like to make on this but that is for another place and another time.
So I am here today to initiate the idea that the “Right to Sex” should be the 31st article.
I would actually go further and suggest that as humans we have the right to good sex as well as a mere quickie.
If the UN is really serious about human rights then surely this should be an integral part of their charter. Imagine, a world at peace with oneself and one another – all because every human being is entitled to good sex, if they choose to do so.
In Article 25, there is the following statement. “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself (him?)and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services……”
Again, there is no mention of sex, which is extremely interesting if you relate this to the core instinctual behaviour of fight, flight and fuck.
There is a universal lack of appreciation and acceptance that sex has an integral and important part to play in our mental wellbeing, and everyone should have the right to express their sexuality in a way that they deem to be appropriate.
The naturists should be allowed to sling their clothes anywhere they feel like if it makes them feel good.
Spiritual and emotional liberty should be the means and the end to sexual expressionism, and visa versa.
The woman that I met should have the right to sex, and with her current sleeping arrangements, I am not sure she has this. Certainly the council has not considered her sexual entitlement when telling her she could not have a room for herself and her partner for another eight years.
And I, like many others, should have the right to sex as and when I want it, as long as this also complies with my partner’s desires.
I am not suggesting that we all go around demanding sex. That could get out of hand, and I certainly wouldn’t want people to use Article 31 to justify the manipulation or repression or victimisation of others in a sexual nature – that would contravene other Articles.
All I am saying is that there should be some true acknowledgement of the right to sex, and further acknowledgement of the immense positivity and wellbeing on individuals and society that this could bring.
As for good sex, well I seriously wish that other people could enjoy the intense satisfaction and intimacy of long and frequent fucking that I have the pleasure of experiencing. Everyone should get to know themselves, exploring their own bodies, sharing that exploration with others, allowing others to reach inside or around their most intimate parts before joining together for a deeply, deeply sensational session of love-making.
Now that really is a human right!
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