This is going to have to be a short piece because I have less than an hour to write. It’s been rather difficult over the last couple of weeks to find the time and the space to be able to write, which is somewhat annoying considering how important writing has become in my life.
So without further procrastination, here we go!
1. I have always masturbated. Well, from the age of consent at least. There’s an interesting comment – fancy having an age of consent for masturbation! There’s much debate about the age of consent at the moment. Maybe it shouldn’t be a set chronological age but be set individually against the first time you feel a need to masturbate regularly.
2. I have never considered myself a very sexual person. I went for decades of believing that a life of self-imposed chastity was not a major issue for me. There were so many things that I would rather do than have sex, and so many other ways that I felt I could be fulfilled.
I am genuinely not been flippant in my title. Masturbation is important and sexy people are important. Combine the two and add a dose of thoughtfulness and you begin to see some connections.
Imagine the scene. It’s been a long day. There’s work in the office, there’s family to feed, there’s activities to take people to, there’s shopping to be done, there’s emails to write. The list goes on and is not exhaustive. Many people lead incredibly busy lives where sometimes the most significant things and people get less of a look in than they deserve.
I have been painfully aware for some time of the perils of ignoring significant things and people in my life, and ensuring that I do something about my own balance for my own welfare has, some might say selfishly, taken a greater precedence in recent times.
Back to the scenario!
It is the end of the day and you are more or less exhausted by the mundane tasks that you have had to do. You’re not complaining about them. They are part of life and that is fine, but they have sapped your energy and you are fit for very little other than to fall into bed and into slumber.
And that is precisely what I used to do.
I’d finish my tasks, flop asleep on the settee and then wake myself up to go upstairs and flop into bed. A night of unbroken sleep should then be forthcoming but that was not always the case because I had not had time to unwind properly.
Sex was out of the question because it wasn’t important, and I didn’t feel as though I had enough energy for it even if it was important.
Now life is slightly different.
At the end of the day, this is my preferred style of relaxation when fucking is not possible.
I go to bed and I masturbate.
I lie on my back and gently smooth my hands across my boobs, just feeling their fullness and reminding myself that they are an essential part of my sexuality. I then trace the line from the midpoint of my tits, down my stomach and towards my pubes. I leave my hand there, placing the middle finger on top of my awaiting clitoris. I then rub my clit ever so gently to just prepare it for what is to come. I then work my way down to my labia, opening up and simply feeling the moistness that is there. Sometimes, I may go inside and feel the ripples of inner skin folding around my finger. Sometimes, I take more fingers inside and explore in greater detail the fascinating parts of me that were left for decades, unnoticed and untouched by yours truly.
I then get my vibrator out and start it on its lowest setting, just resting it on my clit.
As I begin to feel that glorious sensation, I start to move it around, pushing it deeper onto my clit and running it down to my labia, sometimes whipping it inside me so that it is smothered in my juices and is tickling my insides.
When I know that I am about to cum, I turn over onto my stomach and ride the vibrator to the wondrously inevitable orgasm, and right at the last minute, I switch the vibrator onto full power and let that climax completely consume me.
At this point, I am utterly relaxed. I am full of the pleasures of being a sexual being. I feel at one with myself and I can then begin to think rationally and calmly about a range of issues.
Don’t get me wrong, I wank because I love the feeling but I also wank because it gets me into a state of serenity whereby I can begin to meditate too.
Whilst I am masturbating, I am obviously thinking as well. One might argue that I am meditating sexually at this point, bringing to mind the very positive aspects of my life; the very things and people that excite me sexually.
Is there such a thing as sexual meditation? Is there such a thing as masturbating meditation? Is this not a conflict of thought as for real meditation, the mind should be totally pure and free of all thought at the initial stages?
I suppose that largely depends upon your interpretation of meditation but for me, I think there is such a thing.
The power of meditation is to free your mind and allow your thoughts to drift into the places that they want to go, and sometimes, your thoughts may want to go in a sexual direction, and I think that is both fine and perfectly natural.
Anyway, I masturbate and then I turn over, close my eyes and free myself of all thought, enabling my mind to take whatever direction it chooses. I am then in a meditative state, induced by the pleasure of orgasm, and I think myself to sleep.
Is there a better way to end the day apart from penetrative sex that I would argue has the same potential to be a pre-meditative activity?
Whatever, it works for me, and even though I may be disturbed in the night with unwanted sounds and scenes, I do think that this meditative process enables me to be calmer and cope with the stresses of day-to-day existence.
Getting to point number two, I think one could argue that whilst I have not considered myself to be a sexual person in the past, I am pretty confident, based on what I have written about my daily meditation process (amongst other things) that I am sexual being now.
And I really like being sexual, even though it is immensely frustrating at times when I cannot express it in the way I would most wish to.
There was an article in the paper on the weekend when a celebrity was asked whether sex was important to them. This is a regular feature of the Sunday magazine in question, and I always like to see whether I can predict what the person might say from the information that I have from their public persona. On most occasions, I get it right. On many occasions the so-called celebrity flippantly refuses to divulge this information (how very British). Sometimes, you get a character who admits that sex is a vital part of their lives, but not as often as you would think.
And sometimes you get someone who is brutally honest about their lack of interest in sex.
This was the case this weekend. The character, who I admit that I believed, would be an earthy sex-driven person, stated that he found the whole thing rather messy, cumbersome and that he would rather be eating egg on toast – or words to that effect.
I am proud to say that my first thought on reading this was shock. How could anyone prefer anything to sex? My second thought was pity. My third thought was – I know!
I know people who do take this stance that sex is not that vital. I know because I was one of those people. What this man said completely resonated with the woman I was a decade ago. What this man said completely resonates with other people that I know – where sex is simply not important.
I wonder if asexual people such as these have other commonalities, including an inability to relax properly?
Pause for thought.
So, in conclusion to this short piece of writing, I think I would like to introduce to the uninitiated the idea of meditative masturbation.
It has such positive effects on mind, body and soul and it is a very clear sign that you are a sexual being.
In all the time that I thought I was not sexual, I still had fairly regular wanks, admittedly not as frequently as now. Maybe the issue for these people is trying to understand what sexuality is. I may have been quite happy to go through life without penetrative sex, but I still had the masturbation, and without realising it, this was keeping me going. This was my sexuality.
Now I am happy to say that I use this time extremely positively and thoughtfully to de-stress, to think, to revel in the delights of fantasy and sexual memory and I am sure this enables me more readily for the mundane yet essential parts of my day.
PS. A footnote that contradicts all of the above
Yesterday, on the radio I heard a conversation whereby I learned the sorry story of David Hockney painting an intriguing picture called “Doll Boy”.
He had painted this picture as a tribute to…….. get this……… Cliff Richard! OMG!
He had a crush on Cliff Richard and was so moved to paint a picture.
Now that is not really worth meditating about and if the reader was aroused by any of my previous writing, they sure as hell might have dropped their erection by now!
SO to finish on a more positive note, I am going to go and shower now and I am probably going to run that showerhead all over my fanny so that I can start my day as sexually effective as I finished the day last night.
And I will think about finger fucks, and juicy cocks and spraying cum and screaming orgasms and…………
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