Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Wednesday 23 April 2008

Thinking of women: The female orgasm

I am just doing a search of data and statistics regarding the female orgasm.
  • 35% of the female population orgasm during intercourse.
  • 33-50% reach orgasm infrequently and are dissatisfied with how often they reach orgasm.
  • 50-75% of women who do have orgasms need clitoral stimualtion to climax.

This is in the USA. Guardian - 2005.

  • 32% says that they never or infrequently orgasm during sex.

Onto ejaculation. According to Wikipedia, 54-60% have experienced emission of fluid at orgasm. only 6% report that they regularly ejaculate in 'a forceful' manner.

6%. 6%! That is a travesty.

The old feminist movement didn't tell us about that one did they, and yet, isn't this very much about equality and rights? Is there possibly some mysoginist undercurrent that has been working for years, deliberately hiding the fact that female orgasms let alone sensuous, hot and bubbly gushes actually happen and are part of a woman's entitlement? For too long, we have been fed the tribal nonsense about the fundamental raison d'etre for sex is procreation. Then some enlightened fellow reminded us that whilst we were procreating, then we might actually enjoy the experience. Even dolphins discovered that for themselves, apparently being the only other mammal to have recreational sex (where did I hear that one?). Moving forward, recreational and enjoyable sex of the sixties. But enjoyable for whom? I am sure that women got their kicks but how many of them discovered gushing during this time? Have there been millions of women throughout the land(s) who have been holding back, containing their instinctual flows because nobody ever told them that this was normal? In essence, the key issue here is that, like so many things in life, sex has been predominantly about a man, about their needs, their desires and their satisfaction. Now I know that this sounds as though I am on an anti-male, feminist revolutionary rage but I am not. How would I know about any of this if it wasn't for the encouragement, stimulation and horniness of man?

The point is that there are far too many men out there who fundamentally think that sex is about their own satisfaction. There is the old joke about 60 second sex, but really, there are some men who are quite contented with that - quick fingering to ensure there is a moist opening, wham it in, jiggle up and down for a minute and then - aaahhh! Job done, quick peck on the cheeks (and not the ones on the lower part of the body) and onto mow the lawns. I exaggerate of course. No normal woman would tolerate that type of sex, unless they didn't know about the other - the one where a partner decides that it is equally important for the woman to be sensitively and sexually aroused as it is for themselves. The one where time is taken to stimulate both the clitoris and the g-spot in careful fluctuating actions. The one where there is variance in motion, that there is full deep penetration and a teasing of the body and indeed the mind, through little kisses of the cock in the opening to the vagina. Ultimately, if only men, and women, knew that this type of sex is far more exciting. Even if you go on the premise that sex is a man's thing (heaven forbid), surely the world needs to know that you will get a greater deal of satifsaction by stimualting and arousing your partner. It will empower both of you . It will release you and allow you to just revel in the newfound experience of joint climatic, fucking gorgeous sex.

Well back to the 6%. Aren't I a lucky girl. 6%? I still find that so incredibly difficult to believe. Not only is it a minimal amount of women in itself, but I suspect that this is only 6% of those who say they orgasm, which considerably reduces the actual amount of women that this happens to. I love gushing. Yes, I was one of the ones who had held back in the past, one of the ones who was a little concerned that it was just an excited pee. But it isn't. The feeling that is emitted as well as the actual juices simply does not happen when you have a pee. I have deliberately been to the loo before having sex just to ensure that I know my bladder is empty. The warmth of having an orgasm is tremendous. The fantastic, overwhelming feeling of having an orgasm with an additional gush of sexy juices is amazing; definitely an enlightening experience. The wonder of being able to be totally liberated in sexual behaviour, of having that knowledge that it is okay, it is right and preferable to squirt - well, it is priceless.

And I love to squirt. I love the excitement on my sexual partner's face when he can feel that I am about to gush all over him. I love to gush over his body. I like to kneel over him with his hand stuffed up my pussy, watching as he works me into a gush, and then feeling that it is about to pour over him. I love him sitting in front of me, watching my reservoir of cum gaining momentum, waiting for me to blob all over the carpet; little driblets or great gushes. I want to cum on his face. I want him to stick his tongue inside me and let me splash all over him, squirting into his mouth, allowing him to taste the mixture of cum and pre-ejaculation, savouring the flavour. I love him capturing my cum in his mouth, and dribbling the warm and juicy stuff all over my pubic hairs. I particularly like cumming over his cock whilst he is inside me. Don't believe that crap about only cumming via a clitty cuddle. I've seen and experienced something completely different. Yes, you can both cum and gush by having a man's cock very firmly established inside you, pushing on that spot, reaching in and stimuating the very depths of your body.

So let's see if we can increase that 6%. Not a personal crusade. I'm not phsyically going to go in and get it going. But let us spread the word. Those of us who have experienced this have a duty to liberate our fellow women. Let's not keep this a secret any longer. Let's allow people to be as bloody sexy as they want to be.