Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Sunday 17 June 2012

Older Women's Nipples

Silence is golden, except when it isn’t and I am hoping that my self-imposed hibernation from writing, with all its contributory factors, is over. That’s not to say all the causal factors for not writing are over but I need to start writing again. Not that this is an issue for anyone else other than me but in the vain hope that there are readers out there who have been disappointed by Zenpuss’s absence, then I announce a return!
Please do make comments on this and any other blogs that you have found interesting or stimulating.



So Madonna is at it again; shocking the world with the explicit sexual act of showing her tit to an audience of exceptionally excitable people in Istanbul.
Go to You tube and search for Madonna and her nipples.

Can we just contemplate this seriously for a minute? She flashed her tit for a few seconds, and raised her eyebrows in a mocking style at the so-called titillation of this act.

I like Madonna, most of the time. She knows what she is doing. She knew precisely what she was doing when she removed first one bra, and then pulled down another to reveal her pink and protruding nipple. She knew that there would probably be public outcry at the fact that at 53 year old woman with children was showing her tits to the world in a way that was meant to shock and astound her audience. She knew that there would be outcry at this tiny act of rebellion and she carried on regardless.
Why? Because she is a woman who is prepared to challenge the conformities of sexual thinking and for this we ought to be exceptionally grateful.
We need people like Madonna whether we like her or not.

Aren’t breasts and our reaction to them weird? Why can we not accept that there are certain parts of our body that have multiple functions, and that one of those functions might be sexual - or might not, or might be an unsexual act that is actually very sexual to the viewer?

A young person seeing a woman breastfeeding for the first time might actually be sexually stimulated by this act, especially if they have never seen a real nipple before, though in the days of accessible porn at the hit of a button, it is hardly believable that there are many young folk like this. However, as many who watch porn know, it may be incredibly arousing to look at a series of photos of bloody wonderful tits but pales into insignificance compared with the ‘in the flesh’ stimulation of seeing a real person in front of you getting their breasts or cock out.

Nipples are functionary. They are there to feed young babies who suckle from their mother’s breast to taste their first experience of nourishment. So what?
But they are also functionary as part of a sexual intimacy. Sucking the nipple of a beautiful woman, caressing their boob as their excitement of your touch literally grows before your eyes is incredibly arousing.
It is the same tit that fed a baby but for the moment you are touching it, feeling it, smoothing your fingers over it, grabbing it – it is something different. It is an exceptionally beautiful part of the female body that is there for a reason, and there would be no babies to feed if its other function of attraction was redundant.

There are other parts of the body, of course, that also have these complex functions. A cock slips into a cunt and makes it feel that there is only one purpose for both parts of the body. Yet, these organs are also there for other purposes; child-birth, insemination, pissing.

I’ve mentioned pissing before. It is an instinctive act that we all need to do but sometimes, just sometimes when the time is right, this act of going to the toilet can be one of the most arousing things ever. Yet, we are so caught in our own little boxes of thought that we cannot contemplate that this act could be incredibly sexual.
Try it, I implore you. Watching a sexual partner pissing when your cunt is already full of explosive arousal can really get all manner of juices flowing!

Our bodies are incredible things and we perpetually ridicule or dismiss the sexual functions of our mind, body and soul. What Madonna did the other day was remind us that our bodies have these multiple functions and that it is perfectly appropriate to reveal a tit to an audience already excited by the mere presence of this iconic woman. Why not use her body parts to excite them further whilst simultaneously mocking the entire debacle of humanity’s pathetic response to these small acts that may or may not be sexual in their act – largely dependent upon the response of the viewer.

I suppose the saddest thing about this whole issue is that it is still deemed to be shocking for the woman to have done this. The absolute hypocrisy is hysterical. Why on earth are we shocked? Yet in a way, without that shock it wouldn’t be as sexually arousing.
Funny world, isn’t it?

What Madonna does do when she does things like this is get the world talking and contemplating, and for that, as I said, we ought to be grateful. Without Madonna getting her tits out, we would glibly carry on in life never thinking about our reactions to such things, and it needs someone with the stature of Madonna to make us think about our perceptions and reactions to certain issues, and in this case, the whole issue of the sexuality of an older woman.

Which brings me unsubtly onto that issue.

It is one thing for a sexy, nubile young woman to get her tits out for the lads but a 53 year old woman? Apparently that is obscene in our ageist world that is perfectly prepared to dismiss the brilliance and beauty of the mature body.

Madonna is a good looking woman, with an exceptional body. Personally, I think her tits are a little on the small side, and the muscled tone of her arms are scary rather than sexual but I respect her enormously for the way she has looked after her body and continues to be a deeply sexual woman.

But the main reason people were appalled by her act on stage was the fact that she was an old woman. Isn’t it weird how we judge a person by a number rather than looking at who they are and what they are? It’s preposterous!

Let us get this clear. There is NOTHING wrong with Madonna choosing to reveal her tits to the world, just as there is nothing wrong with other women revealing their cunts to the world on various porn sites. There is something terribly wrong with a woman under a certain age doing this but, for me, there is no age limit to the beauty of woman who still feels sexual.
Maybe not everyone wants to see a 65 year old woman’s body but it is a matter of choice, and I can think of plenty of 65 year old women who have far better bodies than this particular human being. The numbers mean nothing!

What does mean something is the liberation that comes from being able to express oneself sexually.
Even Madonna, a woman who has always been overt in her sexuality, would probably have got a huge surge of arousal by doing this ‘naughty’ act. When she kissed Britney Spears on stage it was a judgement call. It was done to provoke conversation. It was a performance, deliberately enacted to get all those men (and women) whose dream is to watch two women performing sexual acts on one another to rush their minds forward into the possible post-performance pussy-munching that could occur when two women are aroused by one another.
(Slight pause to think about this …….. mmmmmmmm!)

Madonna is in her sexual element. I know how that feels and it is an utterly brilliant place to be; the absolute best place to be. I want to be in my sexual element forever, and I never want to stop feeling aroused and excited and stimulated by sex. I need my sexual element and I am sure that Madonna needs hers too.
Yet so few of us are prepared to admit this, especially in the later stages of life.
Which is why it was so incredibly wonderful to see a follow up of the Madonna Nipplegate in “The Sun” of all newspapers.

It’s not very often that you get the chance to praise the newspaper that is responsible for far too much irritation and indeed trauma for many innocent people, but this time they got it right.
They chose some women to re-enact Madonna’s revelation, and then they explained how they felt.

“I felt nervous when I pulled my bra down but that’s only natural — Madonna probably did too. But then I felt empowered, it was an incredible feeling.” said the first woman who revealed a really lovely nipple.

Empowered. Empowered. What an utterly brilliant feeling!

 “I never feel more liberated than when I’m topless — whether on the beach or at home.” said the next, and continues to say that she is fed up with the prejudice towards older woman and their sexuality.

The next woman made another comment about Madonna but should be equally relevant to all sexual women of a certain age.
“If you’re an older lady people assume you should act like an older lady. I disagree. No matter how old she gets she should never stop being herself.”
No matter how old anyone gets, man or woman, you should never stop being yourself, and that includes sexually (obviously within reason!).

These women are not freaks; they are not trying to prove any point other than the fact that there is huge liberation in being sexual. There is also a ridiculous amount of hypocrisy in sexuality. They point out how it is perfectly acceptable to walk around a beach naked (sadly only in certain places) but nipping your nip out for a second is deemed to be naughty.
We really are quite fucked up about sexuality and the functions of our body, and our mindful reactions.

Madonna, I implore you. Keep going girl. Keep doing things that just push the boundaries of thought on certain sexual issues.

I look forward with anticipation to her pissing on the stage without the world going into free-fall at the utter shock of someone doing something that we all do more than once a day.
And yes, I realise that my love of golden showers is an acquired taste and not exactly mainstream (if you excuse the pun) but my point is that within reason and without hurting or abusing others, we should be able to express our sexuality in many ways and at many ages and that this is the most liberating and empowering thing in life.


For further reading, take a look at these two articles from the Guardian. The comments on the latter are worth a read too.

Oh, and a glorious challenge to Bruce Springsteen too?

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