Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Sunday, 14 June 2009

A Day of Sex

I have heard it reported on various television programmes and read on the internet that men think about sex approximately every twenty minutes. On looking at this further today, it appears that it is shorter than that with some men thinking about sex every minute! And what about the women? Well again, according to one internet site, women's brains are not made to think about sex in the same way as mens and are therefore more likely to think about sex only once a day, or even once every two days.

I think that I need to do some more research before I go onto comment about this more, as I seem to have hit upon a range of websites that probably need looking at before I comment further.


However, the reason that I mention this is that I recently had a discussion about sex and the prevalence of it in peoples' lives. It was suggested that if we considered erotica and sexuality more frequently in any given day, particularly if we actually got engaged in sexual activity each and every day, then we might actually be better and more relaxed human beings, able to interact and enjoy life as well as function on all levels in a more complete way.

And I do agree with this. Admittedly, I am not exactly very 'functional' immediately after sex, and why the hell should I be? If I have been transported off to a world where I can savour and revel in my sexuality and that of another, if my mind is blissed out and my body is embracing wave after wave of sexual arousal, then quite frankly, I don't really want to be functioning on any level at all. I just want to take that moment and let it last a lifetime!

So, very quickly now, I would like to consider how sexual we are, how sexual I am and when I have thought about sex during the day today.

Firstly, we have discussed the fact that every day you should do something for the head, something for the hands and something for the heart. I am suggesting that you should do very individual things for all of these and in addition you should also do something intensely sexual each day, where the head, hands and heart are treated to a glorious sexual intertwining. Sex can and should, if it is done properly, combine the head, hand and heart so that you are left utterly fulfilled and delighted in your ability to feel!

So again, slightly tongue in cheek, how much sex did I get yesterday?

Firstly, I got straight out of bed and wrote a fairly sexual email to my lover. Simply writing it made me feel incredibly horny and I hope it did the same for him when he read it. I adore writing and receiving explicit sexual emails and texts. It is as though they give me an instant hit of a natural high that can keep me going for a significant amount of time. I love to be able to return to such correspondents and be enveloped by the sentiment and desire that is portrayed there, so when I got a response to my email yesterday, I felt precisely that. Here was a man who appreciated my need to be sexual, knew what would excite and enliven me and had the wit and consideration to send me a simple and effective acknowledgement that he saw me as a very sexual person.

There were more instances throughout the day when I thought of sex, and I am obviously already passing by the average daily sexual dose for the average woman but maybe I am not an average sort of woman. Maybe it has something to do with testosterone levels. Maybe I have higher levels than the average woman!

I read Russell Brand. Admittedly, he was talking about football but Russell being Russell just happened to throw a quote about pornography into his article. With reference to a particular porn artist, I found myself thinking about how we should look this person up and see what they had to offer. I then found myself thinking about a recent time when I was watching porn, and how wonderful it was to watch something together and see one another getting hornier by the experience, and then I am back to thinking and feeling my lover's cock growing in my hands as we gradually decide that the porn has done the trick and we both need and want to get extremely intimate with one another.

All of this talk now has made me feel horny again, so I am going to stop now so that I can talk to my horny man on the phone.


Okay, back to the main point of this blog. What else occurred on my average day when the possiblity of mind blowing sex was not on the agenda?

Having read Russell, it was time to embark on the joys of being in a place that I adore and getting on with the family chores and responsibilites, not exactly conducive to thinking about sex but that is absolutely fine. If you thought about sex continuously then I doubt whether you would get as much pleasure from it as when you think about it more sporadically and spread across the day. In actual fact, I am probably, like many others, thinking of sex more frequently than I recognise and it is only in retrospect that you remember fleeting thoughts that are of a sexual nature.

I went shopping in the afternoon and bought this globe shaped artifact for my mother. It is a glass device that you put in plants to feed it water gently and timely over he day rather than swamp the thing with a drenching. It has a cylindrincal head and a long stem, which is placed in the soil to gradually release the fluid. Nothing out of the ordinary and nothing sexual here but it amused me to think that it could collect other types of fluid for slow release! Maybe I could collect some of my spraying juices when I orgasm that could be contained in this thing and released when, say the aroma of my sexuality needed topping up on a pair of knickers! I jest of course, but it amused me, and once again reminded me of how sexual I had become to even think such a thing.

Later in the evening, we were playing a game where you had to either draw something yourself or be directed to draw from a member of your team. WIth the latter, the director is allowed to ask you to draw shapes but you are not allowed to mention anything to do with the thing you are drawing, so for example, if you are asked to draw the sun, you can direct the 'artist' to draw a circle in the middle of the page, with vertical lines coming out of the circle every five or ten degrees. Another form of the game is that you draw on someone's back whilst they have to draw what you are demonstrating and the others have to guess from the picture - hope that makes sense!

Anyway a friend was drawing on a friend's back and that friend was translating the back draw onto a piece of paper. The actual drawing was a whistle lying horizantally. A clue was given that bizarrely mentioned the letter 'P' so I said I thought it looked like a penis. NO! shouted the amused and hysterical friend!

Immediately after this round, another friend had to direct my sister to draw something. Now my sister was never what you could call an artist. Even before her hands packed up on her, she was incapable of drawing. So I thought there was little hope of my friend being able to tell her what to do and my sister actually drawing it correctly. An upside down triangle was asked for, with a line just below the half way point, squirly scribbles were then needed to be drawn in the bottom part of the triangel with lines coming from the tip of the triangle out at an angle of 45 degrees.

Well, after some additional instructions, it was quite clear to me that the picture looked like female genetalia, the triangle of a woman's body with a dark bust opening out into the starting points of thighs. Luckily, having just suggested that a whistle was a penis, I decided my relatively assexual family would not take kindly to me shouting out "Cunt" so I kept quiet. The answer on the card was a dam, and my friend had been asking sister to draw a valley with water 'dammed' at the bottom of the triangle, flowing out into a river! Whoops!

It was afterwards that I pointed out the similarity between the drawing and the female form, to which I got the response that I am was working too hard!

I am sure that there were plenty of other times throughout the day that I thought about sex. I know that as I spread my legs in a steaming round bath, covered in bubble bath, I thought how wonderful it would be to share this. I considered how it is so delightful to feel rushes of water in and around your labs and how good it would be for someone to be holding them apart to get a greater gush of flowing water to and from my pussy. Must do that sometime.

I know that as I clambered into bed and received a joke email about a woman who naively misinterprets her friend's concerns about getting flowers from her partner, I was laughing out loud and wishing that I could have the opportunity to spend three days with my legs apart, hanging upside down in anticipation of ongoing sexual fulfilment - I'd act as a vase for that amount of time any day I was asked!!

No, I am probably not an average woman. I think about sex far more than once a day, not in a debilitating way that disables me from functioning though. I like to think that my sexuality is the very thing that enables me to function, and allows me to trawl through the tedium and the norm. I think my sexuality actually keeps me sane. It levels me and calms me. It placates me in times of angst or frustration (though there is some frustration in the sexuality itself) but most importantly, it delights me and makes me the person that I am.

Maybe everyone should really consider their sexuality more carefully, and get on with enjoying life to the full, and I personally think that means acknowledging your sexuality and doing something about it.

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