Yesterday, I wrote a short account of my fascination with being watched whilst having glorious sex. I explained that this had not actually happened but I had certainly been more forward in my sexuality in front of another than I had ever done so before.
Speaking to my lover, he too explained how he had never been so blatant in front of someone else. He had never held his partner’s boobs whilst continuing a conversation with a third person in the room. He had never sat comfortably enjoying a gentle caress of his cock whilst being in the company of another, and I rather like the idea that he was as aroused as me by being in that situation.
He certainly hadn’t been led out of a room with such indiscretion, clearly moving for the sole purpose of having sex.
I know he liked that.
I cannot comment on whether my friend was aroused or appalled but she certainly didn’t indicate the latter. She was quietly composed and smiled encouragingly as I turned to her, expressing facially how much I needed his cock inside me.
She understood.
Sometimes, words simply are superfluous to requirements.
Of course, my lover and I had both thought about this situation, or a similar situation. We had both contemplated the idea that either this friend or another would actually enjoy seeing us sexually excited and it is this that I want to consider today.
I return to a favourite subject of mine, that is, the holistic approach to sex.
I am sure there are plenty of people out there in the big, wide and wonderfully eclectic world that enjoy sex in an entirely different way to me. Thank goodness for that! We cannot all have completely complementary ideas on everything and it would be a slightly tedious and, for some, an extremely disappointing world, if there was total consistency as to what constitutes good sex.
Some people can have huge arousals and plenty of orgasms by having sex with a stranger. They can get off completely and be utterly liberated and empowered by their sexuality. They don’t need to know the other person let alone have a relationship with them. They simply like the act of sex in whatever form it takes.
Take some of these porn stars for instance. They seem to be enjoying themselves and they are no Dustin Hoffman’s in the acting stake are they? They genuinely like being fucked but there is no relationship with the other person.
Now I am not pretending that their mind does not come into it. I am sure that many of these ‘actors’ use their imagination to the greatest of effects but essentially, you cannot get away from the fact that they simply enjoy being fucked.
I can’t do that.
My sexual appetite is rather particular and the reason I am enjoying such huge sexual delight and enlightenment is because, be it actual penetration or phone sex, my mind is being liberally treated to a huge dose of sensuality in conjunction with whatever is happening with my body. My mind is being fucked as carefully and as sensitively as my body.
I open my legs to an awaiting finger or cock. I fling my thighs aside in anticipation of what is to come. I push my fingers inside me whenever I am aroused and able to touch myself, but my mind is overflowing too.
It greedily devours the experience that is physically happening to me, transforming it through the generous and able larger organs of my body, so that when I have penetrative sex, I know the cock going inside me, but I live it in my heart and feel it in my soul too. It may be physically reaching inside my cunt but it is absolutely in my thoughts and in my feelings. The metaphysical completeness is happening holistically.
I mention this for a reason, and it returns to this idea of exhibitionism, voyeurism and fantasy.
To be honest, I will have been ultimately fulfilled sexually in life if I got run over by a bus tomorrow. I couldn’t have said that a few years ago, and one might argue that I may have plenty more sexual experiences to come. I hope I do, for even after a few years of mind-lowing sex, it bizarrely seems to get better when you think that is utterly impossible.
Going back to the bus, I may not have lived out my sexual fantasies to the full if the number 366 plops itself down on me but the very fact that I have thought them and discussed them with my lover is almost a completion in itself.
The sharing of the thought, the development of the idea, the planning for the potential – it is this that is the real turn on, and in saying that I am not assuming that I would be disappointed with the reality. I still think it would be fucking good fun but it isn’t the most important thing in the world.
Let us return to my fantasy, unless you are tired of it by now, for it isn’t really one that is entirely out of the ordinary.
I want someone to watch me having sex with my lover. I don’t care whether it is planned or not, though I prefer it to be someone who has made a decision to watch us, and that we are aware that we are part of a voyeuristic reality.
I have variations on this theme.
In one situation, I want one woman – a woman that both my lover and I might know – to watch us. I want her, whoever she may be, and there really is no-one precise in mind, to encourage us. I want her to watch us having an amorous cuddle or kiss and I want her to suggest that we might go further. I’d like it if she suggested to my lover that he undo my blouse. I’d be delighted if she asked whether she would be able to see me touching his cock or watch me giving him a damn fine blow job. I’d love to ask her if she minded me removing my panties, ready to straddle my lover and ride his cock. I’d be overwhelmed if she asked me to remove my skirt and his trousers so that she could see the actual act of penetration, when he slides in and out of my over moist cunt.
I’d like that very much indeed.
The arousal of such miniscule exhibitionism that I explained at the beginning of this blog was sensational. The idea that the above could actually happen sends me into a rhapsody of pleasure and I know that whoever this woman may be, she will have to be accepting of another woman’s fuck juices because I can assure anyone that this would happen somewhat instantaneously. I know I would cum quite vociferously, and I delight in the prospect of this other woman’s amazement at the quantity and extent of what my body can produce.
Taking the fantasy a step further, I would like it if the woman decided that she wanted to participate in this horny act. I’d happily share my lover’s cock with her if she wanted to hold it, wank it, even shove it in her mouth. I’d enjoy turning the tables and taking the role of the voyeur as my lover and this other woman continue with their form of exhibitionism, fucking each other urgently and with a passion for good sex. I’d want him back though. I’d want him to cum inside me or over me. That’s just the small element of greed in me; some might even interpret this as possessiveness. If he came beforehand though, it wouldn’t be a major problem. When a man has to cum, he has to cum, just like a woman!
One step on and I would enjoy the prospect of watching my man fuck another woman even more if I was involved in the act as well. Another fantasy is of us all getting on together, with the woman caressing my boobs or sliding her fingers inside me just at the point where my lover thrusts his cock in there. That would be wonderful, and of course I would reciprocate and kiss her tits whilst my lover fucked her, maybe with his hand firmly balancing himself with a handful of arse.
However, that is just one of my exhibitionist fantasies. The other is far more heterosexual; whereby we have sex in front of another ‘couple’ for want of a better expression.
In many ways, this is probably my preferred fantasy.
I would love to be in a comfortable conversation with someone, either relaxing at someone’s home, or even in a restaurant, where the conversation turns to sex, where we all discuss our fantasies and I can illustrate my own.
Alternatively, I would like to be simply relaxing in a house, listening to good music and just letting that wonderful sexual arousal fill me to the extent that I need some sexual contact with my lover. I can imagine us kissing, and maybe the other two people would see this as an invitation to enjoy themselves as well. I would like to imagine my lover getting aroused and blatantly showing me, and making the others aware too, of his growing desire to fuck me. Maybe one of the other two might mention the fact that they too are aroused and would seriously like to see another couple having sex. I’d happily oblige and allow them to watch me as I take my lover’s trousers off, put my hands down his knickers and reach in to extract his stiff one, ready and hoping for my wet cunt.
I’d then whip my skirt or trousers off so that they can have a proper view of what is happening, and I would sincerely hope that the others would start to either mutually masturbate or take our lead so that whilst we are fucking, we can look over and see the others fucking too.
I think a person being honest about their sexuality is not only the right thing to do but is incredibly powerful, and demonstrating the force and passion of their sexuality seems to be a natural thing to do.
Of course, others would disagree but I do find it difficult to understand how people who love to watch porn would not be equally, if not more so, by being in the same room as another pair of people who are enjoying wonderful, penetrative sex.
This fantasy too could take another direction. Maybe the couples would like to swap. It could happen but it isn’t a particular ambition of mine. For me, the horniness is not in the availability of additional cock, it is in seeing another two people aroused by watching me, my lover and our sexuality exposed.
Another fantasy would be having another man watch us. Again, this is not an absolute and not the preferred fantasy. I am not sure that my lover would like it. However, I think he would appreciate my enjoyment of seeing another man’s erection that had occurred because he had seen us having sex.
At the moment, I don’t have any desire to have two cocks simultaneously. It doesn’t feature in my fantasies but it has done in the past and I am sure it might re-emerge in the future.
Now all of these fantasies are exciting in themselves. They turn me on and they are part of the expression of my sexuality. But what really makes them special is talking about them. It is no good having them locked in a box in a subconscious part of my mind. What I want, and what I enjoy most is sharing these thoughts with my lover.
That is what I mean. These things may never happen but there is utter, total, overwhelming bliss in being able to share them and then even plan for an opportunity to make them happen.
My friend is a sexy woman. I know that. My lover knows that. She had already discussed with me some of her sexual desires and there was always the outside chance that she would have liked to join us in a spot of recreational sex.
To be honest, it may be better to have sex with someone who doesn’t know either my partner or me that well but taking that aside, there was a total delight and an extremely excited and invigorated couple of people who thought and planned and decided how such a situation may arise.
Whether this is with this friend or another woman, we really enjoyed considering a scenario, and in discussing this potential situation, both my lover and I had an orgasm.
My partner suggested that I could talk to the woman; maybe we could invite her to watch some porn with us, clearly explaining that we had quite rightly never watched porn together without having a need to fuck one another, and well, this woman needed to be aware that if porn was watched then my lover and I would need to fuck.
We imagined how she would feel about that. Maybe she would finger herself discreetly, or maybe she would be more explicit and lift her skirt, pull her panties aside to reveal her moistening cunt to us both.
We continued the plan and discussed how we would both feel if she wanted to have penetrative sex with my lover or with me. And in that planning, our minds fucked one another continuously and passionately, never ceasing from the desire to envelop and develop one another’s sexual appetite.
You see, the fantasies are wonderful. They are invigorating, naughty, saucy, sensual, arousing, exciting but they are brought alive not by the actuality but by the coming together of minds.
Now that really is something very special indeed.
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