I'm sitting in the clinic at the moment, awaiting my appointment to get my contraceptive pills. There's the usual collection of women here, about sixteen of us, all waiting to be equipped with tablets that provide worry free sex. Well that is one of my reasons for being here.
Yet looking round this particular client group, I'm not entirely convinced that they are all sexually active. If they are, then I might suggest that either they are not massively sexually fulfilled or they have excellent poker faces. Damn sure there's nobody here that I would want to have sex with, and yes, that does include the three men faithfully sitting here with their partners.
Number six has just been called. Quite a long way before fifteen. Could be a long wait. Could be a long piece of drivel writing!
Waiting rooms are quite interesting places though. It's a place where you collect together with fellow humans, often with similar needs or pursuits, and yet there appears to be little if any commonality.
This particular waiting room has the common thread of sex though. We're all here because of sex, whether it be to collect pills or have the dreaded smear test, or to discuss with the doc some malfunctions in sexual organs that is preventing conception. Yet everyone looks as though they haven't had a fuck in years, apart from the young, frisky couple behind me, who look as though they might need to rush out to the car park for a quickie, such is their sexual liveliness.
But in reality, how do you know just by looking at someone, how sexual they are? It's not easy. Nobody wears a badge with a smiley face that says, "I'm getting it!"
If people were looking at me now, they'd see a middle age, professional woman (I have just realized I am still wearing my work badge!), possibly married with a few children, assumption after assumption. I am as guilty as the next in making such assumptions. Despite looking sour faced and deeply unenlivened, this collective group of people could be going at it like bunnies. I have no way of knowing, but they don't look very hot to me!
Here's another issue about these types of clinics. Now I would be the first one to wish that that the world was more honest and open about their sexuality but places such as these are almost devoid of discretion. I have just heard the receptionist talking on the telephone about one client who is clearly in the building. We've just had her sexual history relayed in the silence of this nervous room. Twenty seven year old, hasn't had sex since March, fitted with a coil in Woolwich last month and has been bleeding ever since. Poor girl! When she comes back out to this area to resume her wait to see the doctor, everyone is going to be giving her sympathetic, embarrassed smiles and pitiful looks whilst she will be oblivious to the fact that we all know she hasn't had a seeing to since the spring! I think I will keep my trap shut, not that I am unwilling to share my sexual experiences, but I'd prefer to have some choice in the matter, at least.
Now, I am thinking about reading matters. Wouldn't you expect there to be something pertaining to sex to read in a place such as this, even if it were some technical brochure on the workings of the female form? Nothing. Diddly squat! Maybe I have just found an audience for my blogs. They'd certainly make for a more entertaining way to wile away the tedium of waiting, well, at least I think they would. Maybe I should just stand up and announce a suggestion to all the sexually active people here, that they should write about one fantastic sexual experience they have between now and their next visit, and bring it along to share with others, anonymously of course. It's one way of getting people to be more sexually enlightened, though I am pretty sure that this lot would think my piece of writing was a fictional fantasy rather than an honest description of wonderful sex.
Poor sods. Lucky me.
Being very naughty now, I have another suggestion linked to my previous one. If we finally admit to women getting juicy pre penetrative sex or whilst they are thinking about sex, then surely it would be a good idea to have thought provoking, sexy tomes to read before seeing the doctor. Just as a bloke is given some soft porn to wank off to in a fertility clinic, then so should women be given a stimulus to get their juices flowing here. That way, the old smear test would be far less painful and they'd save a fortune on KY jelly!
I have now lost my number and will shortly become a name. My number fifteen has been transferred into locating my name and a purpose for the visit. The next time they call me, the world will know who I am. But still I wait. This is tedious.
So how do I keep myself simulated and uplifted? I think of the reason why I am here. Yep, it's back to sex. I wanted the pill so that I could enjoy unprotected sex without the nagging concern of pregnancy. To be honest, it is unlikely that I am fertile enough to conceive but it was never worth the risk. Can you imagine? No, don't even try.
And I so adore the total lack of concern that the pill provides. Whilst one can still have glorious unprotected sex without popping pills, there is always that nervous thought, what if? What if he accidentally leaves a speck of squiggling sperm inside me? What if he doesn't realize how near he is to cumming because he can't feel anything but my spunk? What if he can't get out in time?
No, the only thing you want to be thinking about when you are having earth shattering sex is the sex itself and the wonderment of the intimacy of this essential and fulfilling part of life. You want to absorb every joyous moment and revel in the glory of yourself and him as sexual beings. You want to savour every moment, every orgasm, every kiss. You want no niggling thoughts, just the total and utter fulfillment of sex itself.
So despite being here now for an hour and a half, I am convincing myself that the joy of sexual freedom is such a great need and desire in my life, that if necessary, I would happily wait for twice as long.
And that is a hefty statement from a fiery horse such as me. Mind you, after all of this effort, I hope there's a hungry cock waiting to fill my juicy cunt pretty damn soon.
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