Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Sunday, 16 May 2010

Evolving Cocks

Me likes cock. Me especially likes big cock that reaches inside and hits my G-Spot. Me likes the feel of big cock in my hands. Me likes trying to choke on a massive juicy one as my sucking makes it even bigger.


Does size matter? Some might say that it doesn’t really matter at all. If you have a deep affinity and affection for your lover, the size of his appendage shouldn’t really matter at all, and quite frankly, if it is isn’t hitting the spot then you should take a walk down to the local sex shop and buy a rabbit that you can play with. After all, no woman should be without her orgasms however lovely her little man might be.

In praise of the Guardian newspaper, not only is it an excellent newspaper but the website is as good. It is well constructed and you can look at articles within the “newspaper” in any way that you desire. Recently, I have been looking at the “Zeitgeist” section more frequently, which, I assume, is the place where they put a collective of hot topics and photographs. There’s some interesting stuff here and the lazy can use this to see the eclectic nature of articles without having to search through a paper copy of the newspaper.

Yesterday, I noticed that the Zeitgeist had two sections relating to sexuality (I am always on the lookout for something to report here). The first one was about the size of women’s boobs which I will do a small blog on in a short while. The other was about the size of a man’s cock.

Do you know, I get excited and needy just at the mention of the word “cock”. I instantly recollect a particular cock standing rigid in front of me, waiting to dive into my ever moist cunt. It’s a glorious image to have constantly in your mind, backed up by some very precious photographs.

The article came in the form of a question to “Carole” – the science guru who will apparently attempt to answer anything relating to science from the Guardian readers.
The question posed was as follows.
Dear Carole,
Why are women so obsessed with the size of a man’s cock – wanting ones 6 inches and over and kicking others aside when they really should be concentrating on the emotional connection and love being shared, putting the size of the man’s cock right out of her mind?

Anonymous, age and sex unspecified

Oh dear! Has someone been told that they have a little willy? Has someone looked down the line at urinals and suddenly realised he is not as well endowed as he once thought? Or is this from a woman who is perfectly happy with her little prick but is fed up of people (ex girlfriends who have remained friends) commenting on the size of her man’s bits?
I think it is more likely to be the former and whoever wrote this is right to an extent in that the emotional connection should be as important as the size of the cock, if not more so. But let’s face facts a bigger cock reaches into better places and all the technique of the Karma Sutra cannot get away from the scientific fact that longer cocks with wider girths do the trick!

I do contest the assumption that women are “obsessed” with the size of a man’s cock. To be perfectly truthful an enormous hefty cock seems a little unnatural to me; you know the ones – the equivalent of a Jordan’s boobs before they were diminished. Just as big tits can look a little weird on a small framed woman, so can a big cock on a thin or small man. Not that I have ever seen such a thing in real life but you see plenty of enormous dongers on porn sites and the ridiculously large ones just don’t look right. I think I’d actually be put off.

No, I don’t think women are obsessed with cock sizes. It certainly isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when I am attracted to a bloke. Apart from anything else, you can’t see it when the flirtation or the instant attraction happens. When you finally get to unzip the trousers to feel what is inside, it’s just a wonderful and pleasant surprise to find a big one there, unfurling and awaiting your grasp.
If it isn’t as big as one would have hoped, then you still carry on if the emotional attachment is now tightly secured, and as I said, if the emotional attachment and empathy is in place, then surely a less-endowed man would be happy to accompany his woman to buy a sex toy to add to the pleasure, assuming that the woman wasn’t so unsubtle as to say something like “Your cock isn’t big enough. You need to buy me a rogering tool or else it’s curtains!”

And returning to the question posed for Carole – six inches and over? Oh dear, this bloke does have a “little” problem after all. I’m not entirely sure that I could cope with a mere six inches any longer, not when a healthy twelve does the very best for me. Ooh, how I would welcome my beautiful twelve inches right now, and to be able to feel the generous proportions of healthy balls as well.

So what does Carole have to say in return?
Carole replies, and those who struggled with Biology at school, bear with us because this is interesting and important.

The origins of the primate sex drive go back more than 60 million years to the late Mesozoic era when the first primate evolved. A lot of sex has taken place since then, and a significant proportion has been motivated by female choice between male rivals. Female primates can experience multiple orgasms, and it has been theorised that ancestral hominid females sought out males who would sexually satisfy them. Through the mechanism of sexual selection, this will have increased penis six and altered structure.
(A thought has suddenly entered my mind. Maybe one of the reasons that a serious study of female sexuality and the development of female sexual empowerment have never taken place is because there is one obvious fear that stands in the way. If one empowers women to have choice in their sexuality and their sexual partners, there could or would be a complete shift in society from a patriarchal society to a matriarchal society. From what Carole says, this clearly happened in the days of our predecessors. The female of the species directed the sexual behaviour of the male in a seemingly dominant way. Still, it’s not all bad boys. Apparently, if we returned to this matriarchy your cocks might get bigger!
Another comment here that needs to be made is about the female orgasm. See it, read it again and weep. “Female primates can experience multiple orgasms”. So why the hell are the majority of women in this world stating the fact that they rarely achieve orgasms and we are still allowing the ignorant to tell us that vaginal orgasms are a figment of our fertile imaginations? If our predecessors could experience sexual fulfilment, then what they hell happened? Sisters, it’s time to act!)

Carol continues:
Today, the average erect gorilla penis is 3 cm (1.25 inches) long, the average chimp or bonobo penis comes in at around 8cm and the average human penis stands at around 13 cm. Most primates, including chimpanzees have a penis bone and achieve erections through muscle contraction. The human penis has evolved the unusual system of vasocongestion to achieve erection, making the erect organ far more flexible than that of other primate species.
(Now go to the zoo once more and feel even sorrier for the poor female gorilla who is banging on the glass to escape. I’m not surprised, poor girl! In responding to the poor bloke with the less than six inch penis, there is hope though. The bonobos love sex and love one another. The harmony within these troops is renowned and clearly their cocks aren’t huge but then again, neither are the bonobos huge so 8 cm might not be a bad number and proportionally better than an average 13 cm for humans. Sorry, dear letter writer; let’s face it boy. You’ve just got to come to terms with the fact that your cock is a little on the small side. Vasocongestion is blood flow for fellow failed Biology students.)

This unique adaptation is thought to have been selected through female mate choice, and by the time Homo erectus arrived on the scene, the hominid penis was significantly longer, fatter and more bendy than our ape cousins. It has even been theorised that bipedalism evolved in humans to allow the fashionably new, larger, flexible penis to be displayed to discerning females.
(That’s an interesting theory about how the cock developed in line with us standing on two legs. For the life of me, I cannot think why other than the fact that standing up naked would peacock display the size of your cock rather than hiding it under an all fours stance. Therefore, with evolvement and natural selection, the cock grew. I’m glad we decided to stand up then!)

Interestingly, while the human penis is the biggest of all the ape species in length and girth, both in absolute terms and as a proportion of body size, the human testes are not. As a proportion of overall body size, chimp and bonobo testes are twice as large as human testes, whereas gorilla testes are half the size. Why?

(I’m intrigued once more! Why are testes so big and so what? Why are gorillas so small? Will Carole tell me? A handful of testicles are always pleasurable and looking at a full sac that is eager to spill its contents is a huge turn on but as far as hitting the G-Spot, they are merely an added bonus as far as sexual penetration is concerned but clearly the size of testes is an important attraction in the ape world; again, similar to the enticement of the mammary glands in humans. Isn’t this all slightly fascinating – the correlation between the evolvement of the human form and the changes to sexual dominance?)

Correlations can be found between primate mating systems and male genital anatomy. In multi-male/multi-female groups, males must compete to reproduce and frequently the competition takes place inside the female reproductive tract. The more sperm a male produces and ejaculates inside a female the greater probability that one of his will fertilise the ovum. Female chimps and bonobos in oestrus often mate with several different individuals, so males must reproductively compete in this way and larger testes will therefore confer greater reproductive fitness.

(Confer, you notice, not quite factual then. So although a big sac of balls would suggest that there is more sperm waiting to fertilise eggs, it may not actually be the case. I am afraid the size of the bollocks has not been fully explained.
If ever there was a reason for polyandry, polygamy, polyamory etc then this could be it. One could argue that it is the natural way, and it could keep your cock and balls delightfully large too. The fittest bloke procreates with many and in doing so increases the size of his bits in the longer term. The polyamorous way of life is so infrequently discussed and it certainly appears that this is the way that the bonobos live harmoniously as opposed to polyandry or polygamy. There is a mutual sharing and we really should look at this as a societal option irrespective of the biological issues).

By contrast, female gorillas live in harems and don’t often get a chance to exercise a choice between mates, though occasionally a female and a male from outside the group may risk it. The impressive 200kg (400lb) silverback gorilla does have the smallest penis and testes of all male apes, but his massive canines and biceps and his controlling, jealous temper allow him to intimidate and fight off potential competitors.
(Ah, there we have it. An uber patriarchal society not only suppresses female sexuality but also decreases the size of your cock! To get the best of both worlds, hand over to the women. You’ll get more sex by empowering women and your cock will be bigger -well, future generations will have bigger cocks. Look what you will be doing for your great, great, great grandchildren.
Choice for women brings choice for all. It’s a no brainer. If we educate women now to understand the overwhelming brilliance of their sexual potential we could have a completely different world, and the Neolithic silver-back type man could be extinct. The “New Man” of the 1990s probably never really existed except in small pockets of society. Putting on washing up gloves does not equate to true equality when their women are still so unsure of their sexuality).

Human testis size indicates that males evolved under conditions in which their sperm competed inside females, but perhaps not to the same extent as chimp sperm. But the larger human penis suggests that hominids needed to keep females with choice sexually satisfied. Ancestral females would have experienced a sexual freedom denied from Western cultures today and it has been suggested that our ancestors went through a period of matriarchy and enhanced female choice.

(More to suggest that polyamory is the way to be! The human testis grew, literally, out of the fact that monogamy was not a societal expectation. You fucked more than one person and if your sperm was the strongest, it would make its way to fertilisation and ultimately to creating another human being. Read and weep once more. “Ancestral females would have experienced a sexual freedom denied from Western cultures today”. AND they probably had multiple orgasms too. Female sexual choice gives everybody choice. It is backed up here through science. It is reiterated through a range of anthropological studies. It is evidenced in history. It works. One could argue that if it was so brilliant, why did it disappear? Maybe people, as they were evolving just lost sight of balance. The Age of Aquarius is upon us. Maybe it is a return to either a matriarchal society or one that truly embraces sexual equality).

When compared with patriarchal chimps, the matriarchal bonobo is a far more sex-oriented ape. Enthusiastic females initiate both hetero and homosexual activity, particularly when aggression begins to surface, resulting in satisfied, contented and peaceful bonobos. Patriarchy, on the other hand, correlates with a lack of openly displayed female choice.

(I don’t know who “Carole” is but she is talking a great deal of sense in her response and it is so wonderful to hear the scientific logic to what some of us have instinctively understood and hoped is a valued reason for empowering women sexually. Look at the bonobos now. They offer a genuine way forward to a peaceful, non-aggressive, even non-attached way of living. The female sexuality is at the heart of “societal” contentment. Female choice brings harmony. It is fact and it should be realised in human form too. The reason that people are not willing to accept this potential change in society is because it is too threatening to the current state of play. Blimey, if the Tories can be infiltrated by Liberalism then surely the odd society around the world can lean further towards female choice. And don’t forget that cock-growing part as well. 8 cm on a bonobo probably equates to more than 13 cm on a human!).

Women with choice are not all “obsessed with the size of a man’s cock”. Women are as aware as men that to build a stable relationship you need trust, shared interests and the ability to keep each other amused. But a woman is not going to “put the size of a man’s cock right out of her mind”, because she can’t. Females have an evolved interest in the size of a man’s penis, which has been sexually selected for its size and shape. But humans are also selected for creativity – we are highly innovative, imaginative apes. Accordingly, women’s minds can be aroused by creativity and being sexually imaginative can be physically arousing, adding satisfying metaphorical inches to one’s love life.
(I think Carole must have been listening to my initial response. Creativity could easily include sex toys. It could also involve looking at porn together, exciting one another into a frenzied arousal where the size of the penis is less important. There are ways around having a small dick!
But for all the scientific information, we should not lose sight of the other valuable organs that us humans have. We should not lose sight of the capabilities of the brain and the ability to empathise and spiritualise the entire sexual experience. Creativity, thought and understanding passion are as important as the physical entity of sexuality. The irony is that with all of these additional functions, we are yet to emulate the perfection and harmony that we see in our ape-like friends such as the bonobos. We are a million years behind their evolvement in some ways.)

I’m feeling rather positive. All of my life, I have feared that I am a little bit backward in my thinking but maybe I am streets ahead after all. Over recent years, I have been slightly anxious that my evolving thoughts on female sexuality are too outlandish to ever make their way into a societal norm and that my idealism is just too far-fetched. According to this article, it seems that my thoughts are far more insightful than that and that women who have realised a small amount of choice should be leading others by the hand to embrace it.

So returning to the original letter, it seems that cock size is important and ironically, you can blame your ancestors for not fucking around if yours is a wee bit on the small side. The answer to bigger cocks and more enjoyable sex seems to lie with the empowerment of female choice. Polyamory breeds sexual delight. Humans have the potential to evolve more, and cock size IS important.
Just let women know about their sexual potential before concerning yourselves with the size of your dicks.
And whilst you wait for this realisation to hit you in the gonads, I am afraid that those women who choose to be liberated and exercise their given right to choose will, by instinct, intelligence and desire, choose the healthiest, longest most loveable cock that suits their very extensive sexual needs.
Yum! Yum!

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