Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Sunday, 2 May 2010

Sexual Biorhythms

Sexual Biorhythms

For those who do not know anything about biorhythms, here is a quick reference site for you.



Biorhythms essentially plot an oscillating pattern relating to an individual’s intellectual, physical and emotional cycle.
At certain points in a given month, you can be on a high point for intellect but simultaneously you could have a lower physical strength. Sometimes, all three lines appear at the top of the scale whilst other times, they may be at their lowest peak. So you could be intellectually, physically and emotionally high altogether.
Zenpuss suggests that this might be a glorious time to get fucking!

Seriously though, it makes sense to have a look at these biorhythms from time to time.
Just as it is with horoscopes, they don’t have to be interpreted completely literally but more of a guidance.
If, for instance, you were about to partake in a raunchy weekend of a sex and you noticed that your biorhythms suggested that you were low on the physical side, it shouldn’t stop you going ahead for your shag-fest at all. Instead, you should consider that you probably need to conserve all of your physical energy for this rather than having additional physical strength for other activities.
It’s a question of priorities, and there is none greater than sex.

I recently looked at my biorhythms and they were looking fairly healthy. They were all reaching a high peak during the last week. Retrospectively, this seemed to comply with my general sense of being and it certainly matched the rather gorgeous sex that I had last week which ranged from the naughtily daring, with a potential of being caught with my panties around my ankles, to the perfect love making when heart, mind and soul are working simultaneously for the very best sex.

Looking further on, all three lines, intellectual, emotional and physical, are descending, culminating in their lowest point next weekend. So does this mean that I shouldn’t have sex this week?
Does it bollocks?
Clearly, this is a classic example of where biorhythms shouldn’t dictate your behaviour but you should be mindful of potential pitfalls along the way. Clearly, the science of biorhythms has not catered for my ever increasing libido, which remains high but also remains needy on a daily basis (and that is not because of a lack of good sex; it is because of a lack of good sex twice daily!)

Looking after oneself sexually is extremely important. Whilst I acknowledge that I may have a higher libido than some or more feasibly that I am more aware of my libido than some, it is still important for everyone to be mindful of their sexuality and take notice when it is crying out for attention.

This week my lover almost reprimanded me for not being honest about my needs and desires. He suggested that I wasn’t always as up front about my need for a fuck. Instead I tended to veil my needs according to his desires. The truth of this is that I am not veiling anything of the kind but I don’t just want sex. I want whoever I am having sex with to want it as much as me, which thankfully is the case. I really wouldn’t want to have sex with this man if he wasn’t getting anything from it. That just wouldn’t do either of us any good.
However, I will take note and be more assertive in the future. He’d better check under my skirt immediately next time I arrive at his house because there will be direct access to a juicy pussy; no flicking knickers out of the way. Dive right in there boy!

But he also had a point.
Looking at my biorhythms it was clear that I was at a peak and therefore, being the libidinous person that I am, I probably had a heightened need and desire for sex (as if I need to rely on biorhythms for this).
At the start of the week, my intellectual line was particularly high.
To have such a discussion about sex is intellectually stimulating. It is so intellectually stimulating that it creates an emotional bond and with that comes the inevitable physical state of sexuality in dual erections and lubrication of pussy and cock.
There was no time to whip into another room to do something about both of our sexual desire during that conversation. Kneeling down in front of a very erect cock was stimulating enough. I responded according to what my then blindly unacknowledged biorhythms were telling me.

Later on in the week, my biorhythms indicated that I was at an emotional high. I needed interaction and a sexual interaction at that. I needed sex but more importantly or as importantly, I needed to be held, to be embraced, to feel that the sex was an emotional as well as physical attachment. Luckily this was feasible and without too much protestation (well, none actually) we whisked off to the bedroom and enjoyed a very sloppy session of much gushing, much fellatio and plenty of hugs through glorious penetration.

And the week went on, and my physical peak was at the forefront. Physical equates to sex as far as I am concerned and you cannot let a physical peak go without having some serious energy used up during a sex-fest.
Perhaps if women are at their highest level on the biorhythm chart for the physical, they should take this as a sign to ride some cock rather than proceeding with a missionary position.
Like a horse rearing at the bit, I duly complied and rode my beauty with as much physical energy as the passion I felt from doing so. Squirts galore ensued. How I love to soak his balls with his cock firmly directed right up my cunt.

But it was also at this time in the week where the three lines were in close proximity. The intellectual, the emotional and the physical were all high. This cock riding was merely one element. There was talk; sexual talk, thinking, minds coming together. There was a deep intimacy in thought. There was gentle consideration and there was delightfully urgent fucking.
It all fitted perfectly with my biorhythm for the day.

Of course, sex is about two people and if you are going to be guided by your biorhythms then it might be worth looking at your sexual partner’s biorhythms too (if you now their birthdate).
Looking at my lover’s for last week, it seems that his emotional line was at its peak just at the time I was riding his cock to orgasm, which is nice!
Looking to next week, it looks as though his physical high is hitting its peak about Tuesday, so I think I ought to nip over for a quickie whilst the cock is riding high!

And, as I said, the biorhythms should be a guide and should never be used as an excuse to resist sex. “Sorry darling, I’ve got a low biorhythm!” won’t wash too well with me. “Tough titties, mine’s going through the roof. Oblige, s’il tu plait” might be my new assertive response!

Like so many things in life, sex should be about intellect, emotion and the physical. If there is something out there that can guide us in maximising these things then we should seriously consider them for all aspects of life. As for sex, well this should definitely be the case.

Have a look at your biorhythms now, and happy fucking!

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