Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Monday, 17 May 2010

Tits are Getting Bigger

Good news for all men and women who are fond of the voluptuous. Boobs are getting bigger. Yes, a 34B is no longer the mainstay of the British boob. In fact the cup size has increased dramatically over the last few years and it cannot simply be explained away by the obesity epidemic.

This is indeed good news and for me is an interesting piece of synchronicity. Yesterday, I was writing about cocks as a response to the Zeitgeist section on the Guardian website. I mentioned that there was a piece about boobs on there.
More from Carole later but lo and behold, as I was trawling through the paper yesterday there was a complementary article from Alice Fisher explaining why women’s breasts were getting bigger.

So what was going to be a scientific discussion about the purpose of the human breast is now going to be broadened into a celebration of the healthy, “more than a handful” great British tit.

Carole Jahme, incidentally, is the woman who has responded so informatively to the questions posed in the science section of the newspaper. She has a master’s degree in evolutionary psychology and has appeared on the comedy circuit with a show called “Carole Jahme is Sexually Selected” where she answers some seriously interesting questions about sexuality, attraction, alpha people and our link with our primate cousins. Isn’t it annoying when you see a show on the internet like this that you missed and have no immediate prospect of seeing?

Along with the cock question, this week Carole was asked why the human female breasts were so big in comparison with other primates. The questioner was an animal science student who was clearly interested in why apes developed a full breast during lactation but disappeared completely once the milking days were over. Clearly this is not so with human females as breasts develop before child birth and remain long after the functionary purpose of feeding the young.

Carole explained that indeed human breasts are anomalies. They grow and remain irrespective of the purpose of breast feeding. Carole also goes on to state that the size of the boob is not necessarily proportionate to the amount of milk produced. Essentially she offers no evolutionary purpose for such an anomaly. However, Zenpuss would argue that boobs clearly have another purpose i.e. that of attraction and it is this that has maintained their position in a similar way to the size of a cock as explained and commented on in the previous blog.

Carole mentions in her responses that not only are continual female boobs unique to humans but the traditional hour-glass figure of voluptuousness is also something that is known only to humans. She explains that the female rump is not found on other primates. Neither is the smaller waist. In fact, like human males, primates store fat on the abdomen rather than the derriere. Hey, maybe I have more connection with the apes than I thought! But no, I have a healthy amount of boob and bum that fits in with this notion of the female form.
Carole continues to say that if man had not preferred this “mutation” then we would all be flat-chested.

So it looks as though I am correct. Our ancestors liked the big boobed, wide hipped, heartily bummed (!) women and so we evolved to ensure that their descendents got a healthy handful. Likewise, women like decent sized cocks and so it has emerged that the biggest cock with the greatest likelihood of fertilising a woman is the preferred option. It’s a simple case of survival of the fittest.

Therefore we have semi-established why females have boobs; either it is a completely inexplicable anomaly or it is an evolvement to pleasure the male onlookers but how come women’s boobs are getting bigger? Is this a direct evolutionary response to men wanting more of a good thing? Are the poor women of the 22nd century going to be able to stand up with the weight of their mighty ones?

According to the article hyperlinked above, the average British bra size has recently gone from a 34B to a 36D. Shops across the nation have stocked up on the larger bra and only a couple of years ago, Marks and Spencer made the ever so sensible and equitable decision to stop charging more for a larger bra, which was a blessing to those of us who bitterly resented paying more for a fulsome boob.
But this is not the whole story. Apparently, there is a massive increase in the cup size even of those who manage to retain their 34 circumference measurement or back measurement as it is known. This implies that the cup size seems to have increased even if you take away the excuse of larger figures through increased obesity. John Lewis, for instance, suggests that they used to sell more 34B bras but now their best seller is a tiny and large 32D.

So why has this happened? There is, quite frankly, very little evidence and lots of assumptions as to why bra sizes have increased. Some do put it down to the fact that we are healthy, have a higher protein diet and are therefore bigger all over than our ancestors, even a couple of generations away. Others are concerned about the levels of xenoestrogens that slip into our lives unnaturally through food preservatives and make-up. Anecdotal information on this is aplenty but conclusive research is incomplete. Others suggest that our boobs are bigger these days because we menstruate earlier and remain fertile for longer but that argument doesn’t really fit with Carole Jahme’s comment about the link evolutionarily with other primates.

The proper response is that nobody really knows why bigger boobs have occurred but throughout this second article, nobody has suggested that it could be because men and women like bigger boobs, although there is acknowledgement that this is the case.

I think this sentence from the piece says it all: “But breasts are sexy and thrilling – most of us want to have or hold a perfect pair of boobs”.
Some of us want to have AND hold a perfect pair of boobs!

Breasts are sexy and thrilling. Breasts are the greatest sign of womanhood and it is a joy to me that the larger breast is highly fashionable these days. I like to see women feeling comfortable with and proud of their cleavage. I love the confidence that this gives them. Their flaunting of it is far more to do with their comfort than to attract men, though of course, this could always be a subliminal purpose too.
I love to look at really wonderful and beautiful boobs. Personally, I don’t like unnaturally large but perfectly structured, full boobs are extremely attractive. I get an immense pleasure from looking at really good tits.

I love having tits that are slightly bigger than average. I love the fact that they are malleable, inviting a tactile response. I adore having my boobs felt and jiggled around. I like the fact that my tits can be handled and fondled whenever I am feeling frisky, or indeed when my lover is.

The article continues to give almost a full history of the making of bras. It once more states that women do not know the size of their boobs. If this is the case there is a strong possibility that the average boob size is significantly bigger than the average size of the best-selling bra.

As women become more aware of their own bodies and as individualism increases, then hopefully people will be less intimidated by the fact that they have a significantly larger cup size than they assumed. Each individual should feel confident in shopping in the DD-K section of their local bra shop rather than hiding and slouching in a desperate attempt to hide their size.
Personally, I think the loss of the word brassiere is a big step in the right direction!

All the evidence from a range of studies suggests that men frequently choose photographs of women that are larger than the ones that women suggest are the most attractive. A man chooses a size 14 model whereas women still think there is something in the “Perfect 10”.
Let’s hope that this awakening and acceptance of bigger boobs is the start of a more rational approach to the female form by women themselves.
I’d suggest giving our men something that they want which in the main means a satisfying handful of tit, a curvy figure, voluptuous thighs that appear as though they can anchor a man in position between your legs and a lovely juicy cunt.

And on that note, I am going to the gym to tone my bits and ensure that I do not lose my big boobs when I lose the fatty deposits that need shifting because what I really want seems to be very much in line with what men want. I want to be a sexy, shapely woman who celebrates their sexuality through a voluptuous and exciting body that needs handling on a daily basis. I want to “give” my body in the form that it should be. I want big tits, a reasonably sized waist and a pussy that is attractive to those I want to attract. And in return, I want that big cock! All seems perfectly equitable to me.

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