Quote of the Week

"It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters"


Sunday, 23 May 2010

Power is THE Aphrodisiac

“The Labour Peer and I – Power is the definitely the ultimate aphrodisiac” (sic).
As Victoria Cohen said in her column in the Observer this morning, “Fellow pedants will understand why I couldn’t bear to read on after that”, and that was without the additional “the”.
However, I decided I could read on to listen to Melissa Jacob’s account of why power is the ultimate aphrodisiac, ever doubting that this could be so.

For those who are not in the know, well done! However, to enlighten you Melissa Jacobs is the one-time mistress of Lord Triesman who was quoted in the Mail on Sunday last week prompting all sorts of angst about the 2018 World Cup bid for England. Until last week he was chair of the FA but as is delightfully traditional, football and sex appear to be inseparable and ‘scandal’ after ‘scandal’ come to the forefront.

So I read on to find out what is so attractive about power.
Clearly there is something that is attractive about power. Look at some of the more attractive or pretty women on the arms of some diabolically ugly men in politics. With the greatest of respect, they are not with their men for their looks, and neither should they be but how did they get together in the first place?
Sven, for all his cool Swedishness, is not an attractive man. Now either he is extremely well-endowed or there is something about him that us mere plebs cannot see. Let’s face it, he was a sexual smash when he had the power of football management.
As the ever so clever Mrs. Merton pointed out to a surprised and naive Ms. Debbie McGhee, “ So what attracted you to the multi-millionaire Paul Daniels?” Power and money; apparently similar in the aphrodisiac status.
Blimey, even the ever pot bellied John Prescott had his moments and although it is clear that he had a twinkle in his eye that has always been present, I suspect it was the power of office that drew most admired glances from the women who have been involved with him.

So Melissa tells it all. She explains that it was the power of the man rather than anything else that attracted him to her. She even says that physically she was not attracted to him at all.
“I must be honest and admit that he was an extremely good kisser”, she states. Is that enough?
“I didn’t even find him physically attractive, yet there was something drawing me to him so strongly” .... and I could be wrong but I suspect it wasn’t a magnetic cock.

Here is the link but I will save you from the boredom of reading it and let you know that she did not explain the power aphrodisiac at all.

Now I do not know this Melissa character and I would certainly not want to grossly generalise people who have affairs with married men, or anyone who has sexual relationships outside their primary one but I was genuinely fascinated by her seeming lack of sexual enlightenment.
“He also insisted on pleasuring me orally. I have never understood the attraction of this particular activity, but guys seem to be obsessed with it. Giving it, I mean......... I did allow him to partake. And I didn’t regret it. He was very adept down there. I didn’t repay the favour however. Not with my mouth anyway. Enough said I think”.
She doesn’t exactly come across as a goer, does she? I mean, poor woman being apparently too English or too shy to want cunnilingus. Oh do shut up! I’m shy and English and I love a tongue fuck.
And what about Poor Lord T; risking all for a bit on the side who isn’t prepared to go down on him!

Anyway, I digress. There is nothing in here that explains this incredible attraction of power, for some.
It is clearly something that is quite egotistical. I am sure that some of these women feel a certain pride in catching the main man. There has to be something in it. Otherwise, how would Bernie Ecclestone ever get where he has sexually?

Before I get sued, by the way, I think all these powerful people are marvellous young men and quite frankly, I am in complete favour of anyone using anything of purpose to ensure they get the sexual pleasure that they deserve as long as it is not in any way exploitive.
If a small, fat, balding man has an urgent desire for a fuck and he just so happens to hold a CEO placement in a large company, then he is likely to get the fuck that he wants just from the position that he maintains. It’s just one of those mad facts in life. It explains the very odd pairings you sometimes see.
Power brings fucks.

And there is also the possibility that some people are completely honest about this. There are some people who are quite clear that they are interested only in the powerful.
Take someone like Jerry Hall. She wanted fame. She got there with her glamorous and striking figure. A man without power was not going to satisfy her. She enjoyed the power, the dominance, the profile and when Bryan Ferry wasn’t big enough, she went for the main man from Dartford instead.

Take Carla Bruni, and talking of the Jagger man, she had her share of prominent lovers including the Rolling Stones lead singer and Eric Clapton to name but a couple. Clearly this woman likes power and money, hence her choice in husband.
I call upon Mrs. Merton to ask the question once more, “So Madmoiselle Carla Bruni, what attracted you to the ever so small ever so powerful Monsieur Sarkozy who is about to become President of La France?”
I’m not there. I’m not party to their relationship and there is every possibility that these two got together to satisfy two pairs of egos or that they are genuine soul mates who love one another profusely. I don’t know and therefore it is unfair of me to comment but it does make you think that the power aphrodisiac came into play, as it has done throughout history and across continents for many a year.

I do wonder whether, for example, Monica Lewinsky would have been as attracted to Bill had he not been President of the USA. Now I will grant that Clinton has his own appeal anyway but would it been as prevalent to a woman thirty years his junior if the glamour of the office had not been there, or would he just have seemed like a dirty old man?

The thing is sexual attraction can come from a variety of places and this is fine. I do wonder, though, whether the attraction of power is something that is not sustainable. Once the power has gone the attraction might go to. Once the acceptance of power has happened, then eventually one might wonder what on earth there is in common.
Hopefully, those who want meaningful relationships might think a little more carefully about what they actually want in life before being taken in by the power aphrodisiac from the likes of David Mellor, for heaven’s sake!

Returning to Carla and Nickolas, I was intrigued to read reports earlier this year of the state of their relationship and the fact that it appears that they both have lovers. To be honest, I am surprised that this even made the press. I’d almost, and perhaps with an unhealthy dose of racial generalisation, assumed that they were fucking elsewhere too. They both struck me as people that were definitely fulfilled by horny and even illicit sex. However, I was struck by the comment in the paper that they were both cheating on one another.
Says who?
Just because they are having sex with other people, why should that automatically mean that they are cheating on one another?
Maybe this couple are exceedingly enlightened and acknowledged in the very first instance that they were not going to have an exclusive relationship. Maybe when Carla met her younger man, it was her husband that she first approached with the exciting news that she had found a really attractive man to fuck.

We do not know other people’s relationships and we cannot really comment from the outside but it does disappoint me that we still have the narrow mindedness to not even consider the possibility that the President of France and his wife had an agreement that this is how they want to live their lives, and if they did, then good luck to them, especially if they can be free from the burden of envy and enjoy sex, companionship and desire with one another too.

So to the power of sex! For me the important aphrodisiac is firmly linked with attraction and affection. It is strongly linked with someone knowing my needs and responding to them. It is strongly linked with someone enjoying what I can give to them. It is linked with a shared enjoyment and an honesty about one another’s sexuality, which seems to me is exactly what Mr and Mrs Sarkozy might be doing.

Good luck to those who find power the main aphrodisiac but I feel they have a lot to learn and quite frankly, there is a lot more to decent sex than that!

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